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• Opening balance and general balance ledgers agreed to last year trade receivables.
• Obtain an aging listing of debtor balance and test balances aging by comparing
amount to sales invoices, and the debtors subsidiary ledgers.
• Select sample of debtors for confirmation differences that arise and check
subsequent payment to creditors after year end.
• Review aging listing for recoverability of long outstanding balances and check
payment history of debtors.
• Consider write off bad and doubtful debts by discussing with client on their
recoverability. Note cases that under legal action.
• Carry out a year and cut-off test to determine whether sales and debtors balances
are recorded correctly and accurately in the proper accounting period.
• Identify and quantify trade debtors’ account with credit balance at year end and
consider reclassifying the credit balances.
• Review credit note issued subsequent to year end and ensure that credits given ae
not in respect.
• Ensure the trade payables are properly disclosed in the financial statement.
Obtain an aging listing of
Opening balance and debtor balance and test Select sample of debtors for
confirmation differences that
general balance ledgers balances aging by
arise and check subsequent
agreed to last year trade comparing amount to sales payment to creditors after year
receivables. invoices, and the debtors end.
subsidiary ledgers.

Review aging listing for

Review credit note issued recoverability of long
Ensure the trade payables
subsequent to year end and outstanding balances and
are properly disclosed in
ensure that credits given ae check payment history of
not in respect.
the financial statement. debtors.

Carry out a year and cut-off test

Identify and quantify trade Consider write off bad and
to determine whether sales and
debtors’account with credit doubtful debts by discussing with
debtors balances are recorded
balance at year end and consider client on their recoverability. Note
correctly and accurately in the
reclassifying the credit balances. cases that under legal action.
proper accounting period.

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