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Marxism and the Media

a practical approach
Respond in pairs to the statement

• “We the public are controlled not by force or fear but

through ideas.”

• 5mins
What truth is there in these

The way we look, what we eat, what we buy, what we value, who
we are all of these things are decided by the people who control
our society.

We may think we have choices but we don’t. Everything has

already been decided for us and we pay that tiny powerful
minority very well to make these choices.

Discuss then write notes to explain your response using examples.


To explore marxist theory through a practical response to

current Media texts.

To develop wider contextualised understanding of how one

can apply marxist theory in our study.

Why should we consider

Marxism as a way of
analysing the media?

We will begin by reading

the section on Marxism in
the course handbook.

• Once you have read the

section, you must make a
written response.

• In this try and put in your

own words what you think
Marxist theory as applied to
the media is.

• This may be tough but it is a

good way of getting to
understand theory in your
own terms.
Marxist Theorists

• “Marxist theorists tend to

emphasize the role of the
mass media in the
reproduction of the status
quo.” Which side of the theoretical
divide are you?
• “In contrast to liberal
pluralists who emphasize
the role of the media in
promoting freedom of
Marxist Theorists

• “For Hall et al. the

mass media do tend
to reproduce
interpretations which Agree or disagree?
serve the interests
of the ruling class,
but they are also 'a
field of ideological

• Clip1

• In teams of two analyse

with regard to the notion
of ‘false consciousness’
(check what this is in your
Write a paragraph

• How does the narrative in

this scene from The
Matrix use Marxist
Home study
• Complete your Marxist
analysis of the pill scene
from The Matrix

• Attempt Marxist reading

of “Reality TV”.

• Research for MEST 4 -

extensive reading and
evidence of your work
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