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Created By-:
Sahil Joshi (0121582007)
Sameer Gupta(0421582007)
Aman Chaubey(0431582007)
Introduction to Project
• As we all know, parking of vehicle is an important issues
for any one . Whether it is a college, company or mall,
every one had to face the problem of Parking.
• We decide to develop the “Computerized Parking Fare
System” so it is now easy to calculate the fare of the
parked vehicle within a fraction of second.
• This application is created for any company who wants to
solve the problem of calculating the fare of the parked
vehicle of their employees.
• Our application system is based on JAVA TECHNOLOGY. It
uses the SWING,JDBC,SQL,EVENT HANDLING etc features
of JAVA.
• In this application user can enter the detail of the
company and employees of the company,
information of the entered vehicle, out vehicled and
calculate the fare for parked vehicle.
• Before making this application, we assumed that a
fictitious company which had recently started its
operations found it very difficult to handle their
employees parking fare problem.

• It was due to their large no of employees.

• Slowly & slowly the count of such employees started to

grow very rapidly and the company employees had to
devote their maximum time in handling such employees
parking fare problem.
• This resulted in large response times of the company
employees who found themselves unable to manage
the parking fare problem of the employees.

• After this the company decided to install a

computerized parking system that can help its
employees parking fare problem.
Scope & Functionalities
the user can perform following task :

• MASTER MODULE :- This module is used for entering the company

and its employees detailed information and storing it in the database.
• Company detail :- in this module user can enter the detail of the
company who uses this software. A user can enter the name of the
company, city, address, state, phone no., postal code, email, url.
Insert the data and click update to store the data. You can exit from
this module by clicking on quit button.
• Employee detail :- in this module a user is required enter the detail
of employee to which the car belongs. Here employee id works as a
primary key which is unique for every employee. Other information
include employee’s name, address, city, state, postal code, phone
no., email etc. To insert the data click on insert button. After inserting
the data click on update button to save the data. You can exit from
this module by clicking on quit button.
• Exit :- choose this option to close this application.
• ACTION MODULE :- This module is used for entering the vehicles
detailed information that is entering and leaving the parking
premises and storing it in the database. It is also used to
calculate the rent to be payed by the employee. As the main
work is done in this module it is also called action module.
• Vehicle Entry :- This module is used to enter the detail of the
vehicle entered in the parking area. Here vehicle id works as a
primary key which is unique for every vehicle. Other information
include vehicle name, client’s name to whom the vehicle
belongs, address, entry date, entry time, date etc. To insert the
data click on insert button. After inserting the data click on
update button to save the data. You can exit from this module by
clicking on quit button.
• Vehicle Out :- This module is used to calculate the rent of the
vehicle entered in the parking area by selecting its vehicle id.
Other information including vehicle name, client’s name to
whom the vehicle belongs, address, entry date, entry time,
date etc will automatically retrieved from the database. You
are required to enter the out data and out time of the
selected vehicle. Then select the type of rent either one day
or per hour basis. Accordingly your rent will be calculated and
shown. If you are interesting in providing discount then select
discount percentage in the discount box and your payable
total amount will be calculated automatically and shown in
total amount box. After inserting the data click on update
button to save the data. You can exit from this module by
clicking on quit button.
• REPORT MODULE :- This module is used to generate the
information stored in database about employee and vehicle in
tabular form.
• All Employee Report :- This module is used to show all the saved
employee’s details which is saved by the user in MASTER module.
It will show the employee’s id, employee’s name, address, city,
state, postal code, phone no., email etc. in tabular form. You can
exit from this module by clicking on quit button.
• All Vehicle Entry Report :- This module is used to show all the
saved vehicle’s details which is saved by the user in ACTION
module. It will show the vehicle’s id, vehicle name, client’s name
to whom the vehicle belongs, address, entry date, entry time,
date etc. in tabular form. You can exit from this module by
clicking on quit button.
• All Vehicle Out Report :- This module is used to show all the
employee’s details to whom the vehicle belong along with total
amount of money he had to pay as parking tax. It will show the
employee’s id, employee’s name, address, city, state, postal code,
phone no., email and rent paid by the employee in tabular form.
You can exit from this module by clicking on quit button.
Technology Used ,Hardware & Software
• Technology used in our project is JAVA, It uses
features of JAVA.
• Hardware: 
Intel Pentium D Processor with 3.00 GHz CPU
clock speed.
01 GB of RAM.
80 GB of Hard Disk space.
• Software:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Service
pack 2)
JDK 1.5
Microsoft Access 2003
Zero Level Diagram

Vehicle process

Request for

Vehicle manager database

1st level DFD

Request for vehicle in

Update table

User Vehicle In
Vehicle in table

Request for Match Vehicle record

Request for
entering emp. and retrieve data.
Vehicle out
Request for
entering co.

Employee Vehicle out

detail process
Company detail process
process Update table
Update table
Vehicle out table
Employee table
company table
Problem Evaluation (PE) 1
Calculating Fact (CF) 1
Analysis (A) 3
Identify Need & benefits
(INB) 1
Feasibility (F) 1
Design Layout (DL) 1
Detail Design (DD) 2
Testing of Design (TD) 2
Coding (C) 4
Testing of Code (TC) 5
Code Optimization (CO) 1
Implementation (I) 2
System Implementation

• The implementation phase of software

development involves translation of design
specifications source code, and debugging,
documentation, and unit testing of the source code.
In this phase the software design is realized as a set
of programs or program units. This is the phase that
produces the actual code that will be delivered to
the customer as the running system. Unit testing is
also one in this phase. Unit testing involves verifying
that each unit meets its specifications. The output
of this phase is the program code and unit test
• Testing is generally 4 types
1. Unit Testing
2. Integration Testing
3. System Testing
4. Acceptance Testing.

Unit Testing: It is essential for verification of code produced

during coding phase and hence the goal is to test
the internal logic of the modules.
Integration Testing: Many tested modules are combined into
subsystems, which are then tested. The goal here
is to see if the modules can be integrated
properly. This testing activity can be considered as
testing the design. The integration testing is
successful when was combining the two modules,
i.e., the main form and the sub-form.
• System Testing: Entire software system is tested. The reference
document for this process is the SRS documents
and the goal is to see if the software meets its
requirements. In Software Requirement
Specification Document the information collected
from the users is used to develop the application.
With this few the system testing is taken place
after the development of the system is over.
• Acceptance Testing: It is performed with realizes data of the client
to demonstrate that the software is working
satisfactorily. For acceptance testing, the valid
data given by the organization is entered and
tested by each and every staff member who
uses the package. With all these testing
processes finally the project is completed and
ready for usage.
Installing Parking System Software
• Install Java SE Development Kit 5.0 .
• Please set PATH environmental variable to
JDK’s /bin {directory.}
• Run Login file at the system
• Enter Username and password.
• Once successfully logged in wait for installing
• After successful installation main window will
• Select options from the menu according to
your requirements. 

We expect the following enhancements in the future on our project. :

• More secured data transfer.

• Password security.
• Privacy in accounts.
• Customer Entry.
Thank You

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