Day 4 F Ma Newtons Laws Review

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Bell Ringer

• Draw the free body diagram:

1. A girl is suspended motionless from the
ceiling by holding a rope.
2. A hang glider is gliding through the air
towards the ground.
Newton’s Laws of Motion Song

• The first law is the Law of Inertia, which is

resisting in change of motion.
• The second law states that if you apply a net
force you will get acceleration.
• The third law states for every force there is an
equal and opposite force.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
The acceleration of an object is directly
proportional to the net force acting on it.
The acceleration of an object also depends upon
its mass.
Mass is a measure of the inertia of an object.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion

The acceleration of an object is always in

the same direction as the net force.
When a net force acts in the direction
opposite to the object’s motion, the
force produces a deceleration.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Newton’s Second Law
An automobile with a mass of 1000
kilograms accelerates when the traffic light
turns green. If the net force on the car is
4000 newtons, what is the car’s
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Plan and Solve
Replace each variable with its known value and
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
1. A boy pushes forward a cart of groceries
with a total mass of 40.0 kg. What is the
acceleration of the cart if the net force on
the cart is 60.0 N?

Answer: a = F/m = 60.0 N/40.0 kg = 1.50 m/s2

Newton’s Second Law of Motion
2. What is the upward acceleration of a
helicopter with a mass of 5000 kg if a force of
10,000 N acts on it in an upward direction?

Answer: a = F/m = 10,000 N/5000 kg = 2 m/s2

Newton’s Second Law of Motion
3. An automobile with a mass of 1200 kg
accelerates at a rate of 3.0 m/s2 in the forward
direction. What is the net force acting on the
automobile? (Hint: Solve the acceleration
formula for force.)

Answer: a = F/m
F = ma = 1200 kg × 3.0 m/s2 = 3600 N
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
4. A 25-N force accelerates a boy in a
wheelchair at 0.5 m/s2. What is the mass
of the boy and the wheelchair? (Hint:
Solve Newton’s second law for mass.)

Answer: a = F/m
m = F/a = 25 N/0.50 m/s2 = 50 kg
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Acceleration depends directly on force and inversely
on mass. The same force causes the single cart to
accelerate eight times faster than the chain of eight
carts. Force



Weight and Mass
Mass and weight are related but are not the same.
•Mass is the measure of the amount of material an
object contains.
•Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object.
• Weight is the product OF mass and
acceleration due to gravity.
Weight and Mass
W = mg is a different form of Newton’s Second
Law, F = ma.
The value of g in the formula is 9.8 m/s2.
Weight and Mass
If an astronaut has a mass of 112 kilograms,
what is his weight on Earth where the
acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2?
Weight and Mass
If an astronaut has a mass of 112 kilograms,
what is his weight on Earth where the
acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2?
Weight = Mass × Acceleration due to gravity
= 112 kg × 9.8 m/s2
= 1097.6 N
Weight and Mass

Astronaut on Earth Astronaut on Moon

Mass = 88.0 kg, Weight = 863 N Mass = 88.0 kg, Weight = 141 N
Assessment Questions

1. What is inertia?
a. the force of gravity acting on an object
b. forces of friction slowing an object’s motion
c. the mass of an object
d. the tendency of an object to resist change in its motion

Assessment Questions

2. A 3600-N force causes a car to accelerate at a rate of

4 m/s2. What is the mass of the car?
a. 600 kg
b. 900 kg
c. 14,400 kg
d. 1200 kg
Assessment Questions

3. How would your mass and weight change if you were

on the moon’s surface?
a. They wouldn’t change.
b. Your mass would remain constant, and your weight would
c. Your mass and weight would decrease.
d. Your mass would remain constant, and your weight would

Practice Problems
1. How much force is needed to accelerate a 66 kg
skier at 2 m/s2?
2. What is the acceleration of a 50 kg object
pushed with a force of 500 newtons?
3. The mass of a large car is 1000 kg. How much
force would be required to accelerate the car at
a rate of 3 m/s2?
4. What is the weight of a 82kg man on earth?
Newton’s Laws
• One sheet of paper per group
• Look at the situation you were given and write the
following on your paper:
• Number of scenario
• Which Newton’s Law it represents
• Explain how it represents that law
• Be read to share you scenario and explanation with
the class
Newton’s Laws of Motion Song

• The first law is the Law of Inertia, which is

resisting in change of motion.
• The second law states that if you apply a net
force you will get acceleration.
• The third law states for every force there is an
equal and opposite force.

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