Effect On Environment NO2 & TROP. OZON

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• The NO2 in the atmosphere are:

– Burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity.

– Vehicles and heavy equipment.

– Manufacturing, oil refineries and other industries.

Effects of Acid Rain on Plants
and Trees

• Dead or dying trees are a common sight

in areas effected by acid rain.

• Acid rain harmful to plants as well as

animals. Acid rain also removes minerals
and nutrients from the soil that trees need
to grow.
• Nitrogen dioxide can fade and
• High levels of nitrogen dioxide they can discolour furnishings and
be seen as the brown haze dome above fabrics, reduce visibility, and
or plume downwind of cities. react with surfaces.
This figure illustrates the pH level at which key organisms
may be lost as their environment becomes more acidic.

An ecosystem is a community of plants,

animals and other organisms along with
their environment including the air, water
and soil. Everything in an ecosystem is
connected. If something harms one part of
an ecosystem – one species of plant or
animal, the soil or the water – it can have
an impact on everything else.
• -It damage plants and
trees by damaging
• - the irregular spots are
light brown with a clearly
defined dark edge.
• -Effects plant growth :
– Stunted.
– Flowering and bud formation is depressed.
– Premature senescence causes shortening the vegetative phase
and reducing the general vitality of the plant.
– cause the leaves to fall off these plants, prevent the plants from
growing very big, or even cause the plants to die.
– Then the humans, animals, and insects - like the monarch
butterfly that depend on these plants may not have as much
food or shelter.

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