Business Analyst Training

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Business Analyst Traning

MindsMapped Consulting

By, Abhishek Prasad

Important Links

Some of the areas that you will have to be aware of are listed below:

• BA Training Details
• Knowledge Base Information
• Knowledge Assessment Module

• Resume Preparation and Mock Interviews

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Introduction BA Directives


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• Who is a Business Analyst?

• What is Requirement?
 Types of Requirement

• Bond between Requirement and BA

• Who is stakeholder?

• What is Business Process Modelling?

• BA Completeness Skill Areas

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Who is the Business Analyst? And What is Requirement? Return

A business analyst works along with the technical team and acts as a liaison between stakeholders of Client and the technical team.
He is the face of the technical team to client and all client communications will happen through a business analyst . He /She will elicit ,
analyze ,communicate and validate requirements for change to business process , policies and information system in the existing
business proves of the client. The business analyst understands business problems and opportunities in the context of the requirements
and recommends solution that enable the organization to achieve its goals.

A requirement is basically the need of the client. This need or requirement will transform into a solution while taking various shapes
and forms as it progresses from each stage of SDLC.

Requirements serve as the foundation of systems or system components. A requirement can be thought of as something that is
demanded or obligatory; a property that is essential for the system to perform its function. Requirements vary in intent and in kinds of
properties. They can be functions, constraints or other elements that must be present to meet the needs to solve a problem or achieve
an objective. For clarification purposes, a descriptor should always precede requirements; for example, business requirements, user
requirements, functional requirements.

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Types of Requirement? And Bond between Requirement and BA Return

Business Requirements
Stakeholder Requirements
Solution Requirements
Functional Requirements
Non-Functional Requirements
Transition Requirements

The BA always ensure that the client Requirements are properly gathered or collected, communicates the same to the Technical Team in
UML language which is more understood to them. He communicates to client in business language . BA nurtures these requirements into
an IT solution with the help of the technical team. Generally the technical team will be headed by the Project Manager (PM). PM takes
care about the technical aspects of the Project, Team management and delivery of the project within Time Frames. BA will be in
continuous track of the client requirements through all the different stages of Project development Life Cycle. He helps the technical
team to understand the Requirements clearly and participates in UAT along with Client. In short , we can say that “BA takes the
ownership of the client requirements”.

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Who is stakeholder? Return

A “stakeholder” is any person or a group of Person or an organization that is directly or indirectly effected or impacted by the proposed
IT solution.

Project Stakeholders: People inside your organization who provide knowledge and expertise necessary to necessary to quantify
technical and business constraints.

Business Analyst
Project Manager
Development (Sr. Software Engineer, Software Eng, Project Engineer)
Quality Assurance
Operations (networks, training) -> Environment
Business /Subject Expert
Business Data Modeler
Future Ideas Specialist
Current Automation Specialist
Usability Expert
System Architect
Marketing Specialist
Sales Specialist
Technology Expert
Standards Specialist
Testing Specialist
Organizational Architect
Aesthetics Specialist
Graphics Specialist

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Who is stakeholder? Return

A “stakeholder” is any person or a group of Person or an organization that is directly or indirectly effected or impacted by the proposed
IT solution.

2. Business Stakeholders: People inside your organization who provide knowledge and expertise necessary to necessary to quantify
technical and business constraints.

Project Manager
Business Owner(On Paper)
Business Sponsor(Agreement Sign/Amount)
Executive Sponsor/Owner(Executes)
Operation Team
SPOC – Single
Process Experts/Owners/SME
Ambassador Users
End Users

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Who is stakeholder? Return

A “stakeholder” is any person or a group of Person or an organization that is directly or indirectly effected or impacted by the proposed
IT solution.

3. 3rd Party Stakeholders: People inside your organization who provide knowledge and expertise necessary to necessary to quantify
technical and business constraints.

Focus Group
Security Specialist
Environmental Specialist
Safety Specialist
Cultural Specialist
Legal Specialist
Packaging Designer
Public Opinion
COTS Supplier

Negative Stakeholders: People or organizations who do not want your project to succeed:
Political Party
Pressure Group
Public Opinion

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BA Completeness Skill Area Return

BA Directives
BA Competencies
Technical Skill OOA, UML
Functional Skills – Domain
Requirements Engineering
Tools and Documents
BA Contribution in Projects

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1.1 IT Companies Overview Return

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1.1 IT Companies Overview Return

Types of Development Units

If a client has a software solution requirements, then there are 3 options to consider.
• Select an existing Product and Customize it.
• Give the requirement to an IT Company for Development from Scratch.
• Client may have an extension of IT Development Wing - For example UBS . Here the Role of the Business Analyst Will be a SME or
Process Expert.

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How a Project gets Initiated? Return

Need of a client is realized in two ways:

• Client realizes his need – Process re-engineering.
• Third party will do this on client behalf.

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