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Based On The Criteria Of Selection

And Adaptation, Suggest Ideas For

Adapting Storybook
Buvanectvary, Mornisa, Priyadharshini
The Rabbit and the Turnip
Year :4
Area : Semi-Urban
Proficiency : Average

Snow is coming, coming soon, so Rabbit needs to find food fast. Just in

time, a turnip turns up, and a second one, too. Who in the woods

wouldn't want to tuck away an extra turnip for the long winter? He

chooses a different path and starts a wave of generosity that spreads

among all his forest friends.

Criteria of Selection

Language level and Potential

• Simple, easy to read and understand

• As in the story of The Rabbit and the Turnip, the sentences in the

book are simple. For example, the animals were out looking for food

Visual features
• The pictures attract the pupils to read the book and also to enable
pupils understand the flow of the story well

• In the story of The Rabbit and The Turnip, the drawing of the
cartoons appeal both girl and boy pupils
• During this age, boys and girls share the same interest to adventurous

• As an example,The Rabbit and the Turnip story narrates the adventure

of Little Rabbit's kindness
Moral values
• The story contain moral values that pupils can learn so that they can
apply it to the real life

• For example in the story of The Rabbit and the Turnip, moral value of
kindness is being introduced to the pupils. Little Rabbit's kindness comes
home in which it involves a group of woodland animals’ generosity of
putting others first
Criteria of Adaptation




He ate quickly.
The Rabbit and The Turnip (p.5)
Little Rabbit found two turnips. He gobbled one right up.

Little Rabbit found two turnips. He ate quickly.


The Rabbit and The Turnip (p.11)
Little Doe came home. She had some leaves to eat.

Little Doe came home with some leaves to eat.


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