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Features of a Bank

Importance of Banking

 Banking is the most important sector of the

modern day economy.

 It provides an opportunity to the household

with surplus capital to select the best mix of
investments in terms of return and tenors &

 It provides an opportunity to businesses and

Governments to finance their activities
through obtaining surplus funds.
Importance of Banking

 Efficient Banking system is necessary to

bring economic prosperity.

 However, the present conventional banking

system is based on

– Riba / interest
– Gharar

 And unfortunately today for many interest is

more than a way of life, it is fact of life.
Features of a Bank

• Deposit creation
• Corporate & Consumer Financing
• Agency services
• Issuing LGs / LCs
• Advisory services
• Other related services
Features of a Bank
Balance Sheet View
Assets Liabilities & Equity

Corporate Accounts
- Short term financing - Current Accounts

- Long term financing - Saving Accounts

Consumer Financing - Term Deposits/COI

- Car, Housing,Durable Borrowing

- Personal loan, cash advance - Inter-bank borrowing

Inter-bank lending: Call, Repo - Central bank borrowing

Investment Equity

- Govt Bonds, Treasury bills - Shareholders

Comparison between
Islamic Bank & Conventional Bank
Comparison - Liability side

Current Accounts
 Conventional Current Accounts primarily offers two
 Safety & Withdrawal facility
 Extra Services linked to the balance in the account.

 In Islamic Banking Current Accounts can be

developed by using the concept of Qard/loan.

 Repayment of funds can be guaranteed by the

 However, extra benefits linked to the balance
cannot be offered.
 Bank may use the funds at its own discretion.
Comparison - Liability side

Saving / Term Deposit / COII

 Conventional Saving & Term Deposit Accounts primarily
offers two benefits
 Guaranteed Investment
 Regular Interest Payments

 In Islamic Bank, the Investment accounts can be based


– Musharakah
– Mudrabah
– Wakalatul Istismar

 Many Islamic banks have successfully launched such

schemes based on the above modes.
Comparison - Liability side

Musharaka Model

Depositors Bank
Deposits Equity
Weightage System

Pool of Funds


Comparison - Liability side

Mudarabah Model

Deposits Deposits
Weightage System

Pool of Funds


Comparison - Asset side

Corporate & Consumer Finance

 Conventional Banks undertake different kinds of
financing business which can be divided into two broad
 Short Term Financing
 Running Finance (Overdraft)
 Import/Export Financing
 Agricultural Finance
 Long Term Financing
 Consumer Finance (Car, Housing, CC, Cash etc)
 Generally speaking these needs are met through
interest based loans with different of combinations
securities and tenors.
Comparison - Asset side

• General Islamic Modes of Financing on ASSET


Corporate Financing Consumer Financing

–Musharakah –Diminishing Musharakah

–Mudarabah –Ijarah

–Diminishing Musharakah –Murabaha

–Ijarah –Salam

–Murabaha –Istisna

Application of Modes

Mode Application
PKR Murabaha, Dollar Murabaha, Syndicated Murabaha
1 Murabaha Facility, Murabaha against Usance Bills

2 Ijarah Car Ijarah, Fixed Assets Ijarah (medium to long term)

3 Musharakah Musharakah TFCs, Joint ventures Arrangements, IERS

4 Diminishing House Financing (Build, Buy, Renovate & Replace)

Musharakah Plant & Machinery, Commercial Premises
5 Mudarabah Fayzan Manufacturing Mudarabah with ICI
6 Salam Foreign Currency Salam - Alternative for Sight Bill Discounting
7 Istisna Islamic Export Refinance Scheme (IERS)
8 Wakaltul-Istismar Sister concern -Investment Management Co
9 Musawamah Usance bill negotiation
Application of Modes

• Based on the criteria for selection of modes, the

appropriate modes is applied to fulfill the customers need.

Mode Mode
Need Selection Application

Need: Cotton
Tenure: 6 month
Rate: Fixed
Payment: At maturity
Other Permissible Services

 Zakat deduction.
 Sale & purchase of foreign currency
 Sale & purchase of travelers checks (local & foreign currency)
 ATM services
 Electronic online transfer
 Telegraphic transfer (of cash)
 Demand draft
 Pay order
 Lockers & custodial services
 Clearing facility
 Sales & purchase of shares/stock (of companies involved in
halal activities)
 Collection of dividends
 Electronic banking window
Telephone banking.
Uniqueness of Islamic banks

• Commingling between Finance & Religion and ethics

• Shariah Supervisory Boards (SSB)/Shariah Advisor

– Studies Articles of associations and bylaws
– Approval of all contracts
– Contribute in designing new products
– Audit the actual implementations
– Issuance of Fatwas
– Research - Training

 Islamic banking is a viable alternative

 Islamic alternates of Banking Products can be very

effectively developed for all types of needs

 However, there is a need for proper research and


 Ulema and professionals need to coordinate more


 May Allah give us success in these efforts. - Ameen

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