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2D and 3D Art

Media of 2D Art
Naturalism: fully representational with specific details (very
Realism: representational but emphasizes the emotional
essence, non specific (more subjective)
Semi-Abstraction: partly representational but simplified and
Objective Abstraction: Based on physical objects but
simplified and rearranged so that it appears nonobjective
Nonobjective Abstraction: nonrepresentational, started
without any reference to a physical object. Based on pure
design. Form and content act as subject matter.
 Drawing
 Painting
 Printmaking
 Camera Arts and Digital Imaging
 Graphic Design
 Two dimensional art is concerned with the
picture plane-a flat surface that has height
and width. Artist create works that give the
illusion of three dimensional space within the
picture frame. Artist attempt to balance
negative space and positive shape.
 Purposes of Drawing
 As a notation, sketch, or record of something
seen, remembered, or imagined.
 As a study or preparation for another, usually
larger and more complex work such a sculpture,
a building, a film, a painting—or another
 As an end in itself, a complete work of art.
 You can use just about any medium for
drawing, but typically the following are
traditional media:
 Pencil
 Charcoal
 Pastel
 Conte
 Chalk
 Pen and ink
Conte Crayon, Saguine
Charcoal and White Conte
Pen and Ink
 Similar to drawing, painting is a way to draw
with wet media. The process is the same but
the tools are different (i.e. The paintbrush,
which comes in a variety of shapes and sizes)
 Principally the painting media are as follows
 Oil
 Acrylic
 Watercolor
 Tempera
Water Color
 A technique used to create multiple copies of
a single image.
 There are several processes in printmaking
 Relief
 Woodcut
 Intaglio
 Etching, Engraving
 Lithography
 Screen printing
 Digital
Intaglio: Engraving
Intaglio: Etching
Screen printing
Digital Print
 The purpose of photography is to capture
light as it falls across three dimensional
 Photography has 3 basic processes
 Black and White
 Color
 Digital
 Digital Imaging/Digital Art
 The purpose of design is to create imagery (2D or
3D) which enhances our living by including
aesthetic as well as utility in the design of the
human-made world.
 Disciplines in design are as follows but are not
limited to:
 Graphic design
 Industrial design
 Motion design
 Textile design
 Interior design
 Clothing design
 Environmental design
Poster design

Business card & Letterhead

Industrial Design
Textile Design
Interior Design
Fashion Design
Environmental Design
 Sculpture exists in space, as we do. The
experience of sculpture is the sum total of its
surfaces and profiles. Even when touching is not
permitted, perceiving its tactile quality is an
important part of the way we experience
 There are four categories sculpture falls into:
 Freestanding: meant to be seen in-the-round
 Relief: not freestanding but projects from a surface
 Kinetic: sculpture that moves
 Mixed Media: sculpture made of multiple materials in
one work.
 Sculpture is concerned with mass-the weight or
bulk of the form, shape-negative spaces and
protuberances positive shapes; volume the
three dimensional space defined by an object’s
 Modeling
 Casting
 Carving
 Constructing and assembling
 Installation
 Modeling is a manipulative and often additive
process. Pliable material such as wax, clay,
or plaster is built up, removed, and pushed
into a final form.
 Casting is a manufacturing process by which
a liquid material is usually poured into a
mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the
desired shape, and then allowed to solidify.
Wax Model
 Carving away material to form a solid
sculpture is also called the subtractive
 Carving requires the removal of materials
from the surface of the medium to achieve a
sculptural form.
 This method of sculpture is a process by
which artists take materials from a variety of
sources, some ready-made, and assemble
them to create a three dimensional work of
 Some sculptures may be made of one
material. While others may be made of
multiple material. The artist make use a
various techniques to assemble the parts.
 In an installation an artist transforms a space
by bringing into it items of symbolic
significance. The medium is closet to
construction sculpture, but the artist
constructs an entire environment within a
given space. Installations can be in both
interior and exterior spaces.

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