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Research Goals
BottleAds Inc.

Pain Points
In business, it is a problem or need a business
or company aims to solve.
The problem with
advertising in the
High Cost General Public Advertisements
Advertising in the Philippines (or When advertising on TV, radio and
generally, in all countries) are very newspapers, advertisements are
expensive. An 30-second shown to any audience, no matter
advertisement on TV would what the advertisement is all about.
average about P200,000.00 Target customers are not ensured
to be directly affected. 3
Average Rate of Advertising

₱ 250,000.00
for a 30-second TV advertising on Primetime

₱ 6,000.00
for a 30-second radio advertisement

₱ 5,500.00
for a ¼ page on a regular day
Because of high
advertising cost
small business owners
would not even consider
advertising on TV, radio,
and newspapers to
promote their products.

Perceived Value of our
Product and Services
the product
Bottled waters would cost the same as
regular bottled waters. This is to ensure
that the BottleAds Inc bottled waters
can compete with other brands of
bottled waters available locally. Bottled
waters would cost P15.00
Perceived Value of our
Product and Services
the service
Advertisements would cost depending
on the number of bottles the
advertisements would be printed on. For
one production (1500 bottles), ads
printed on full page of the sticker would
cost P3000.00
Perceived Value of our
Product and Services
the service
Free additional service regarding the
selling of bottles would include the
location in which the bottles would be
distributed to. This is to give the person
who wants to advertise total control
over where the products would be sold.
Perceived Value of our
Product and Services
the service
This way, target audience of the
advertisements would be exposed to
the advertisement to increase
engagement between the
advertisement and the target

Category of Competitors
categorized as Direct, Category-based, Generic,
or Shared Wallet
Direct (Service)
Printed Ads
Printed ads would most
likely be the biggest
competitor of BottleAds
Inc. due to the similarity
in the service and
medium of
advertisements. 11
Category based
(Service) – Media
TV and radio advertising would
be competitors in terms of
similarity in service. However,
their mediums would differ from
our service, making them a
category-based competitor.
Generic (Service)
Sponsored promotions is
another form of advertising.
Example of this would be
sponsoring an event in
exchange for exposure or
special mentions of the product.
uring the event.
Shared Wallet (Service)
Product Improvement
Instead of advertising the
product, the business owner
can instead invest on other
technologies or techniques
which can improve the quality
of their product in the hope
that it would attract more
product consumers.
Direct (Product)
Bottled Water
Other brands of bottled waters
would be considered as
competitors. In order to sell
both ads and bottled water,
BottleAds Inc. needs to
compete also with bottled
water producers. 15
Category based
(Product) –
Bottled Drinks
Consumers can opt to buy other
bottled drinks instead of buying
bottled water. Examples of this
would be Gatorade drinks, C2
Green Tea, Tropicana etc.
Category based
(Product) –
On a more general scale,
beverages would be
competitors since instead of
buying bottled drinks, the
consumer can buy other
beverages which can equally
satisfy him such as milk shakes,
coffee, tea etc.
Shared Wallet
(Product) –
Instead of drinks, consumers can
opt to buy food in order to
satisfy their hunger.

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