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The philosophy

of human person of Buddhism

and Hinduism
Is a major world religion, found in
Northeastern India. Buddhism is a based on
the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is
known as the Buddha which means the
enlighten one.
The doctrine of anatman
According to Buddhism, human existence is
made of five (5) aggregates or “bundles”
(skandhas) material body, feelings, perception,
predisposition, and karmic tendencies.
Doctrines of Buddhism in General
• In Buddhism, only intentional actions are
karmic "acts of will". Will in philosophy refers
to the quality or instance that produces
conscious and intended actions. It was seen as
the underlying reality of all perceptions.
Buddhists subscribed to the concept of
intentional actions that will be subjected to
the 'Law of Karma'.
• The Buddhist sutras explain that in order to
generate liberating karma, we must first
develop incredibly powerful concentration,
and proper insight into the (un)reality of
Gautama’s life and teaching
• Life is suffering- Human existence is essentially
painful from the moment of birth to the moment
of death.
• Suffering is caused by ignorance- Man ignorance
to the nature of reality including his craving,
attachment and grasping of worldly pleasure’s,
man suffering can cause suffering.
• Suffering can be ended-by overcoming ignorance
and attachment to worldly pleasure's, man’s
suffering can be ended.
• Fulfillment of the noble eightfold path- The
path to the suppresing or ending of suffering
is to observed the noble eightfold path: right
views, right intention, right speech, right
action, right livelihood, right effort, right-
mindedness and right contemplation.
• Hinduism has grown to become the world’s
third largest religion, after Christianity and

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