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• In the 1800′s, a German physicist sat at his work
table, studying the effect of radio waves on
different materials. Suddenly, he had an
epiphany. He discovered that some of the
waves were able to pass through certain
materials, while some materials reflected back
the radio waves. He quickly collected data on
this research, which led to the development of
radio, and eventually became the foundation
for radar technology.
•This physicist was named
Heinrich Hertz, and he is
the man that made today’s
motion detecting
technology possible.
What is a motion detector?
•A motion detector is an
electronic device that detects
the physical movement in a
given area and transforms
motion into an electric signal.
5 Types of Motion Detectors
•Infrared Detectors (IR)
•Radar-based Motion Detectors
•Ultrasonic Motion Detectors
•Digital Motion Detector
•Vibration Motion Detector

Active Infrared Motion Detector (IR)
• uses an IR sensor, as well as a source of
• The sensor is able to detect interruptions in
the radiation it receives from the radiation
• able to detect the signal of heat energy
emitted by an intruder as it differs from the
constant infrared scanning activity of the
detector, as long as the intruder passes
through it’s detection range.

 The simplest type
of active motion
detector is
commonly used
in commercial
doorways to
trigger a

 used at grocery
stores to
open the doors
for customers

Passive Infrared Motion Detector (PIR)
• A PIR sensor is able to use an optical collection
system in combination with several different
sensing elements. This allows the sensor to detect
any changes that occur in ambient infrared
• The sensor is able to recognize a thermal infrared
image (created by infrared technology combined
with a heat sensor), which usually starts the
transmission of an alarm signal back to the unit’s
• PIR emits nothing. As its “passive” name suggests,
it responds only to infrared energy radiated by
the object being sensed. The most common
object a PIR sensor detects is the human body

PIR Applications
• perhaps the most frequently used home security
• commonly used in conjunction with outdoor light
fixtures and indoor light switches to turn on a
• also used to conserve electricity
• When used as fire detectors, the passive IR sensors
are coupled to a circuit which monitors the rate
of increase in ambient temperature. If the rate of
increase in ambient temperature is above a
certain preset value, a fire warning is activated.
Continuous Wave Radar Motion
Detector (CW)
• use microwave signals to emit frequencies to
bounce off of the surrounding area (which is
why they are sometimes referred to as
“microwave motion detectors”)
• The sensor is able to detect when there are subtle
changes in these frequencies, since this would
signal a disruption.
• Generally more expensive than PIR because they
are highly sensitive, and are very reliable over
longer distances than other sensors.

CW Applications
• Typical applications include intruder alarms and
automatic door openers and toilet flushers

Ultrasonic Motion Detector
• use sound energy in order to detect movement in a
specific region.
• This ultrasonic sound energy is emitted in waves,
which come from quartz-crystal transducers.
• When the sensor detects movement, the sound
waves are disrupted, which triggers the sensor.
• commonly used in security alarms automatic doors,
since they are reliable and easy to install.
• The main limitation of an ultrasonic motion detector
is that it can be blocked by any material, and can
be easily disrupted.
Digital Motion Detectors

• Digital detectors are very accurate. The

technology is typically used in industries such
as railroads.
• used to monitor oscillator signals on a
continuous basis, and issue warnings to railway
crossings when a train is approaching.
• The oscillator frequency is normally held
constant, and when changes in frequency are
detected, a signal indicating the change is sent.
Vibration Motion Detector
• Most vibration motion sensors use the
piezoelectric effect (the ability of some
materials to generate an electric field) in order
to detect motion.
• Used in cameras for reducing vibration
• A motion detector that detects simple vibration
can either be made from materials at home, or
purchased as an electrical device.

Determine what kind of sensor you
• Ultrasonic sensors can detect small motions but are
often triggered falsely. They are best used when a
large area needs to be covered.
• Passive infrared sensors are quite resistant to such
false triggering, but are best used within a 15-foot
range, since the "dead" spots in their sensory
patterns become larger with distance. They are
best used in smaller spaces.
• Audible sensors are best applied in an industrial
facility or warehouse, where machinery noise,
rather than people, breaks the silence.

PIR Motion Testing
• When we design lighting circuit, we would like to
light up the LEDs only when there is somebody
• The PIR sensor is a motion sensor based on passive
infrared sensor which senses infrared emitted by
human body.
• Using PIR Module "KC7783R" which includes the
PIR sensor and also the KC7783 motion detection
• The PIR module is very easy to use, it contains only 3
pins (1-Signal, 2-Vcc, 3-Gnd), where it detects
somebody moving, the signal line goes high for a
period of time (3 secs for example).
PIR Motion Testing
PIR Motion Testing
• Another demo of using PIR module,
combining the use of AVRtiny13 as a
• When it detects motion, it will light up the
light bulb for 10 seconds, afterward it will
go into deep sleep to save power and wait
for the next interrupt send by PIR
PIR Motion Sensor

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