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Alcohols in IC Engines

Ethanol engine
Methanol engine
• Methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol
• Methanol can produced by lignite,
coal and municipal solid waste,
natural gas
• Ethanol can be produced from
feedstock containing carbohydrates
such as corn, wheat, sugarcane beets
and potatoes
Properties of fuels
Modification of engine
• Increase the size of jets
• Retarded ignition timing
• Dedicated engine high compression ratio
• Development of metal components for anti
corrosion properties
Advantages of alcohol
advantages of ethanol:
 Ethanol has low ignition temp than petrol
 Ethanol petrol mixture ignite readily(less strain on the engine ,less fuel consumption)
 Greater flammability range(ignite combust more easily)
 Using an ethanol –petrol blend means more complete combustion
 It burns more efficiently and complete than petrol
 Produce less toxic emissions
 Ethanol- petrol blend reduces co emissions by 25%-30%
 Ozone depletion reduces
 Ethanol is a renewable resource
 Raw material can be grown up fast rate enough to meet demand
Advantages in methanol
 Methanol engines produce 67,545 Btu of energy at
6500 rpm but gasoline engines produce 53,176 at
same rpm.
 Methanol is more powerful than gasoline engines
 Increase engine efficiency of 40%overconventional
gas engines and 10% over clean diesel and typical
gasoline/electric hybrid vehicles
 Suppresses pollutant emissions
 Enable engine downsizing
 Easy to store methanol than hydrogen
 It does not high temparature/pressures
Disadvantages of alcohols
dis-advantage of ethanol
 Using ethanol-petrol blend ,such as 85% concentration requires engine modification
 Ethanol is corrosive and absorb water and dirt very easily
 The contaminants need to be filtered out or they will cause damage corrosion inside the
engine block
 For higher quantities of ethanol, most engine parts need modification , eg: carburator ,fuel
injection system etc..
 Energy released for gram of ethanol is lower than petrol
 Large areas of farm land area to produce ethanol
 Scarcity of arable land, water and fertilizers
 Deforestation
 A considerable amount of energy is used in fertilizer and refining of ethanol
 Disposal of waste is difficult
Dis-advantages of alcohols
• Dis-advantages of methane
• Methanol is very toxic
• Methanol is made from non renewable fossile
• Low efficiency because methanol can pass
through the available membrane materials
Emissions in ethanol

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