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Item No. 3.


National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP)

NAMP – present scenario

 N.A.M.P. started in 1984 with 7 stations in Agra and Anpara. Presently 424 operating stations in
175 cities/towns.
 Parameters being monitored SO2, NO2, RSPM (PM10), SPM at all stations.
 Trace Metals, PAHs, NH3 in few cities;
 BTX, Ozone monitoring conducted in Delhi and some major cities

Growth of National Air Quality Monitoring Stations in

No. of Monitoring Stations

450 424
400 365
342 346
350 314
290 295
300 260
250 220
200 150
150 106
50 7 28


Existing stations (sanctioned) - 604

No. of States covered - 28

No. of Union territories covered - 06

No. of cities/towns covered - 258

Operating stations - 424

No. of states covered - 26

No. of Union territories covered - 05

No. of cities/towns covered - 175

Target on XIth five year plan - 700

Target on XIIth five year plan - 1000

Proposal Required for new stations - 150

(within next F.Y. 2010-2011 & 2011-2012)
Road Map to achieve target 2010-2012 604+150=754

2010-2011 - 604+75=679

2011-2012 - 679+75=754
NAMP Parameters
Parameters monitored
 Criteria pollutants viz. PM10, SO2, NO2 monitored at
all (424) locations
 Ammonia, CO, O3, PM2.5 and Lead monitored at few
 Following parameters needs to be monitored:
 PM 2.5
 Benzo(a)pyrene
 Carbon monoxide
 Ozone
 Benzene
 Metals
Monitoring Programme for additional parameters of Ambient Air Quality for next
two years
( 2010-2011 & 2011-2012)

Sl. No Parameter Financial year Total

2010-2011 20 11-2012 Stations in
No. of Stations No. of Stations two F.Y.
1. Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 75 75 150

2. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 75 75 150

3. Particulate matter (PM10) 75 75 150
4. Particulate matter(PM2.5) 75 75 150
5. Ozone (O3) 10 11 21
6. Carbon monoxide (CO) 10 11 21
7. Ammonia (NH3) 75 75 150
8. Lead & Nickel 75 75 150
& (Pb & Ni )
10. Benzene (C6H6) 10 11 21
11. Benzo (a) Pyrene (BaP), 75 75 150
particulate phase only
Capital and O&M Cost
Financial Requirement for Strengthening the National
Ambient Air Quality Network

 The fund requirement for additional parameters for

two years: Rs. 4329.45 Lacs.
 The Financial Year wise break up is as below
Financial Year 2010-2011 = Rs. 2139.5 Lacs
Financial Year 2011-2012 = Rs. 2189.95 Lacs
 Operation and Maintenance cost for two years is
Rs.2708.652 Lacs.
 The Financial Year break up is as below
Financial Year 2010-2011 = Rs. 899.065 Lacs
Financial Year 2011-2012 = Rs. 1809.587 Lacs
Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations
for Non- Attainment Cities
Based on Air Quality data, 72 cities are non attainment cities,
where the prescribed National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS) are in exceedence;

As per the directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court setting up of

CAAQMS in 16 cities on 50:50 cost sharing basis

 Nine stations one each at Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Solapur,

Bangalore, Agra, Kanpur Varanasi & Ahmedabad are in
 Existing Kolkata station of WBPCB is upgraded.
 CAAQMS at Jodhpur be commissioned by December 2010;
 Remaining stations at various stages of tendering;
 CPCB spent Rs. 600 Lacs for CAAQMS project in 16 cities on
50:50 cost sharing basis.
Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station/Network.

Private Participation in the Management of CAAQMS

Model- I:Operation Contract - All 12 stations

(Cities covered: Delhi, Lucknow, Bangalore & Chennai)
 All are connected to Central Management units at
CPCB Head Office, Delhi
(Expenditure incurred: 11.25 crore)

Model-II: Build Own & Operate (BOO) Contract

(Cities covered: Ahmedabad & Mumbai)
 Under implementation
Proposed expansion of CAAQMS in other Non Attainment Cities
Estimated cost - CAAQMS

Each station costs Rs. 110.00 Lacs;

• Of 72 Non Attainment cities, In 23 cities ongoing projects.

• Estimated Capital cost for remaining 49cities will be: 49X110

Lacs=Rs. 5390 Lacs;

• 12 SPCBs/PCCs proposed for Continuous Ambient Air Quality
Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS) for 33 cities. The Capital cost for
33 CAAQMS installations will be Rs. 3630 Lacs. (on 50:50 cost
sharing basis )

• The annual Operation & Maintenance cost of each station will be

borne by the respective SPCBs/PCCs

• The monitoring data of the CAAQMS will be available at SPCBs/
PCCs and CPCB website.
Issues on Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

• To achieve 700 stations as specified in XIth Five year plan, SPCBs to

identify sites/parameters and the additional budget requirement ;
• In the next five years plan (12th FY plan).; the SPCBs/ PCCs may
specify the location and cost requirement on 50:50 sharing basis;
• Calibrations of equipments/instruments:
 Training of manpower following quality assurance/quality
control guidelines,
 following standardized methods, locating stations as per
• Number of online stations to be established at residential and
industrial sites;
• Data and Payment Certificates gaps: The ambient air quality data
as well as payment certificates must be sent timely;
• For CAAQMS installed and in operation in, a standardized data
transfer/processing system required for free flow of information.

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