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Established in 1947, Grasim Industries Ltd.

has displayed remarkable

business acumen to grow both vertically and horizontally. Grasim has tapped
opportunities as a result of our dynamic approach to emerge as a leading
industrial giant of our country.
Today, Grasim Industries are more than industrial enterprises; they are
a symbol of India’s search for economic and industrial liberalization.
The Aditya Birla Group with a turnover of approximately US $715 million,
the group enjoys a pioneer status in numerous industrial disciplines. It tries to
faster a simple corporate philosophy that is to achieve perfection and
excellence in all spheres. Its tradition is that of innovation, dynamism &
Research and Development plays a vital role in its vertical and horizontal
integrating programs. Human Research Development is an integral part of the
corporate policy. The programs aim at motivating and enhancing efficiency at
all levels. The search for excellence has made its diversifiers presence flat in
various sectors right from clothing clothing to infrastructure.
 To know the preferences of the customer.
 To study the attitude of the consumer towards Grasim
 To check the satisfaction level of consumer regarding
Grasim suiting
 Consumer behaviour is the study of how individual
customers groups or organisations select buy use and
dispose ideas,goods,and services to satisfy their needs
and wants.
 It refers to the action of the consumers in the
marketplace and the underlying motives for those
By definition customer behavior is to know about the
customers’ way to obtain, use and dispose products. It's
important for marketing to know the customer behavior
by using different strategies. There are so many
different ways to influence customers like new
products, promotions, advertisement, good quality and
1. Influenced by various factors
2. Undergoes a constant change
3. Varies from consumer to consumer
4. Information on consumer behaviour is important to
5. Leadsto purchase decision
6. Varies from product to product
7. Improves standard of living
 Culture factor
 The set of basic values, perceptions, wants, and behavior learned by a member of society from
family and other important institution.
 Subculture
A group of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and
 Social classes
Relatively permanent and ordered divisions in the society whose members share similar
values, interest and behaviors.
Social factor
Reference group
Two or more people who interact to accomplish individual or mutual goals.
 Family buying decision: Depending on the production and situation, individual family
members exert different amount of influence.
 Role of status: A person belongs to many groups-families, clubs, organization. The person
position in tat us each group can be defined in terms of both role and status.
I made descriptive research for my report.
During training after studying the process of manufacturing of cloth by BTM, I was interested in
knowing that how the product is transferred to final buyers. So I did market survey of Retail outlets.
Retailers finally conveys the product to end users so they helped me to know the customer's like and
dislikes for this purpose I did market research of Retail outlets in Rohtak and Bhiwani of about 30

Sample size:
The sample size is selected around 50.

Primary data
Primary survey was conducted to assess the market structure, size and growth trends of the sector in
India. The primary survey was carried out through interviews based on structured questionnaires
from retailers, suppliers, local market & relatives in Delhi/NCR , Haryana.
Secondary data
It will be collected through the old research and internet, and old data which is place in the Company
Macro-economic scenario of Indian economy
Import-Export data
Company Websites
Catalogues of Indian manufacturing and marketing companies
1.How much importance do you give to each of these
parameters before buying appare?

No. of respondents % of respondents

Quality 15 30

Comfort 8 16

Style 5 10

Price 8 16

Aethetics 2 4

Brand 6 12

Fashion sense 6 12

Total 50 100%
importance given to these
quality comfort style price aethetics brand fasion sense




INTERPRETATION: -Quality is ranked to the highest with 30 % following comfort and price with 16 %.
Q2. What is the frequency of purchase of fabrics for shirt,
pants, suit etc?
Response No. Of respondents % of respondents
Once in 3 months 10 20
Once in 2 months 23 46
Once in a month 12 24
More than once in a month 5 10
Total 50 100

frequency of purchase
once in 3 months once in 2 months
once in a month more than once in a month

10% 20%



INTERPRETATION:- frequency of purchase is once in two months

is 46% , once in a month is 24%.
Q3 Average yearly expenditure on purchase of such fabrics
Response No. Of respondents % of respondents
1000-2000 10 20
2000-4000 10 20
4000-8000 25 50
8000 and above 5 10
Total 50 100

average expenditure
1000-2000 2000-4000 4000-8000 8000 and above



INTERPRETATION:- 4000-8000 is chosen 50% of

respondents,2000-4000 is chosen by 20%of respondents.
Q4. Your preference for any brand if yes, reason for your
Reasons No. Of respondents % of respondents
Brand loyalty 20 40
Quality 10 20
Availability 8 16
Value for money 5 10
Style 5 10
Others 2 4
Total 50 100

reason for preference

brand loyalty quality availability value for money style others


10% 40%



INTERPRETATION:- Reason for preference is brand loyaly with 40%.

And then quality with 20% much influence do these people have on your purchase
No. Of respondents % of respondents
Friends 8 16
Family 10 20
Spouse 2 4
Self 30 60
Total 50 100

influence on purchase
friends family spouse self




INTERPRETATION:- 60% Respondents are influenced by oneself

Q5.Do you tend to buy more when there are sales discounts
and offers
No.of respondents %of respondents

Always 25 50

Sometimes 20 40

Never 5 10

Total 50 100

purchase on discounts and offers

always sometimes never




INTERPRETATION:- Majority purchases when there are

discounts and sales offers.
Q6. Under which price range you generally like to purchase
fabrics (price per meter)?
No. of respondents % of respondents

200-400 15 30

500-600 20 40

Above 600 15 30

Total 50 100

price range preference

200-400 500-600 above 600

30% 30%


INTERPRETATION:-500-600 is most preferable price range

among customer.
Q9.Availability of Grasim products on retail stores?

No. of respondents % of repondentant

High 15 30
Normal 30 60
Average 5 10
Total 50 100

availability at stores
high normal average



INERPRETATION:- availability of Grasim suitings is normal at the retail stores.

Q10.purchase Grasim suitings for ?
No. of respondents %of respondents
Trouser 12 24
Safari 6 12
Suits 20 40
Shirt 15 30
Others 2 4
Total 50 100

purchase grasim suitings for what

trouser safari suits shirts others




INTERPRETATION:- Suits and shirts are mostly purchased by the respondents in comparison to trouser and safa
1) Quality is rated highest in regard to other parameters before
2) Mostly purchases has been placed once in three months.
3) Average yearly expenditure is in between 4000-8000
4) Mostly respondents are influenced by onself for purchasing.
Neither friends and nor family have any much impact on
5) Availability of Grasim suitings on retail stores is normal.
6) Grasim suitings are mostly purchase for shirts and suits.
7) Marketing is average and need improvement.
1. Range of the product should be more like Raymond & Siyaram.

2. Rates should be firm. They should not fluctuate from time to time.

3. Discount Policy should be improved (Cash discount should be


4. Advertising awareness of Grasim is very less in comparison to

other brands like Raymond.

5. Advertisement should be there advertising media should be T.V.

(star plus ,Zee TV)just before starting or in between the popular
6.The organization should start gift or incentive schemes directly
for the customers like,cupan & draw scheme etc.

7.There should be gift or incentive schemes directly for the

retailers which should at least equal to other Competitors like
Raymond &Siya ram etc.

8.Posters should be attractive, impressive and ideas in a posters

should be latest and should not be old ones.

9. Short boards and hoardings should be given to retailers to put

in front of their short to increase publicity.
It is the brief study to understand about the consumer behaviour towards
Grasim suitings. Analysis of all the facts and figures and experience gain
during study is impressive. It is quite clear that without studying consumer
behaviour no company can gain success.
From the report it can be well identified that focus of the company is
mainly on customer satisfaction.customer feedback is taken time to time
and alterations are done in the 5P’s of marketing.
Improving from time to time is necessary to survive and achieve
organizational goal.
The study help to obtain suggestion for improvent in policies and to
improve marketing efforts and also suggestions were given for the
satisfaction of customer.
I have carried out my study on consumer behaviour and I have felt that the company
is putting efforts to win market share as well as growth in market.
The project work is very beneficial for me and the guidance and support receive from
all during the course of project was very encouraging

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