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Safety Management and

Applications in Process Industries

What is Industrial Safety?

 Industrial safety in the context of occupational safety and

health refers to the management of all operations and
events within an industry, for protecting its employees and
assets by minimizing hazards, risks, accidents and near
 The relevant laws, compliance and best practices in the
industry have most of the issues addressed for the best
protection possible. Employers are to make sure that these
are strictly adhered to in order to have maximum safety.
Goal of Industrial Safety

 Worker safety and well-being

 Anticipation

 Recognition

 Evaluation
 Control
Steps to Protect Employees

 Anticipate potential hazards

 Recognize potential hazards
 Evaluate exposure and risk
 Control exposure and risk
 (Not just for health hazards)
Hierarchy of Controls
1. Engineering controls: Remove hazard
 Process change, Chemical substitution
 Ventilation, Shielding, Guarding
 Requires little or no employee action
2. Administrative controls: Manage exposure
 Worker rotation, Procedures, Training
 Controlled access areas
 Requires employee action
Hierarchy of Controls

3. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

 Respirators, Gloves, Boots, Clothing
 Fall protection equipment, Hard hats
 Requires individual employee action
 Last line of defense, behind engineering and
administrative controls
Workplace Hazards

 Physical
 Ergonomic
 Biological
Chemical Hazards

 Irritants
 Asphyxiants
 Central Nervous
System (CNS) Agents
 Specific organ agents
 Genetic activity

Acute versus Chronic


 Respiratory
 Skin
 Eye

 Primary/Secondary
 Primary – at source of contact
 Secondary – travels through blood to another
 Reversible/Irreversible
 Sensitization
 Irritant that has a delayed reaction on subsequent

 Simple  Chemical Asphyxiants

Asphyxiants  CO
 N2  HCN- Hydrogen Cyanide or
 CO2 Prussic Acid is a colorless,
 He extremely poisonous and
flammable liquid that boils slightly
 CH4
above room temperature
 H2S
 Dilute air so
oxygen content is  Interact at cellular level to
low inhibit oxygen uptake.
Central Nervous System
 Narcotics
 Anesthetics
 Depressants
CNS Depressants

 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
 Increased chain length enhances effect
 Addition of an alcohol group (i.e. ethanol)
 Addition of a halide group enhances the effect
Specific Organ Attack

 May be reversible or irreversible

 Blood - Hemotoxic
 Liver – Hepatotoxic
 Lungs – Pulmonotoxic
 Kidneys – Nephrotoxic
 Skin – Dermatotoxic
 Nerves & Brain - Neurotoxic
Genetic Activity

 Typically is irreversible
 Causes cancer – Carcinogen
 Causes chromosome damage – Mutagen
 Causes birth defects – Teratogen
 Causes damage to reproductive system -
Reproductive Hazard
Anticipation of Chemical
 Consider the following:
 Raw materials
 Intermediates formed
 Final products
 Disposal of used products
 Maintenance materials
 “Cradle to Grave” thought process
Anticipation of Chemical
 Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) has established Permissible Exposure
 They are defined in time weighted average, TWA, for
most working conditions. Short Term Exposure Limits,
STEL, for 15 minute exposure. Ceiling, C, for maximum
allowable concentration.
 American Council of Government Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) has established Threshold
Limit Values, TLV.
Anticipation of Chemical
 Material Safety Data
Sheets, MSDS
Recognition of Chemical
 Odors
 Not all agents have detectable odor
 Frequent headaches
 Dermatitis
 Drowsiness
 Personality changes
 Clusters of problems
Workplace Hazards

 Chemical
 Ergonomic
 Biological
Physical Hazards

 Dusts and Fibers

 Noise
 Corrosives
 Temperature Extremes
 Ionizing Radiation
 Non-Ionizing Radiation
Dusts and Fibers

 Concerned about particle size and

penetration into pulmonary track
 D > 0.5 micron – does not reach lungs (but may
 0.2 < D < 0.5 micron – respirable and gets stuck
in lungs
 D < 0.2 micron – are exhaled
Noise Hazard Recognition

 Need to shout
 Ringing sensation
 Degraded hearing after work
 Auditory testing
Typical Noise Sources

Source Sound Level (dB)

Rocket 195
Jet Engine 160
Rock Band 115
Power Lawn Mower 95
Factory 90
Noisy Office 80
Conversation 65
Quite Room 40
Whisper 20
OSHA Sound Level PELs
(Permissible Exposure Limit)
Sound Level (dB) Exposure Time Limit (hr)
< 90 No Limit
90 8
95 4
100 2
105 1
110 ½
115 ¼
> 115 0
Noise Control

 Enclose equipment
 Enclose operator
 Slower rotational speed
 Intake/Exhaust mufflers
 Padded mountings
Corrosive Hazards

 Usually concerned with the effect of

corrosives on process equipment
 Concern for contact of workers with
 Usually involves necrosis, the death of local

tissue due to contact of agent

Temperature Extremes

 Heat Stress  Cold Stress

 Heat Stroke  Frostbite
 Heat Exhaustion  Hypothermia
Heat Stress

 Body’s Energy Balance  External Conditions

 Metabolic rate  Temperature
 Radiation  Humidity
 Convection  Air movement
 Sweating  Radiation

In a typical healthy individual the internal core body

temperature may rise as much as 3°C during heat stress
Cold Stress

 Less Common in Industrial Situations

 Cold climates
 Refrigerated space
 Wind chill
 Responses to Cold Stress
 Body core temperature is typically 37°C
 Shivering when body Tc < 36°C
 Lose Consciousness at Tc < 34°C
Temperature Stress Control

 Hot Stress  Cold Stress

 Air movement  Limit exposure time
 Periodic rest  Protective clothing
 Remove to cooler
Ionizing Radiation

 Physical damage to cells

 Possible genetic damage
 Types of Radiation
 Alpha – emitted from nuclei of radioactive particles
 Beta – similar to  but with more penetrating (~ 1 cm)
 X-ray – produced from high speed electrons striking
 Gamma – originates from nucleus, produces burns
 Neutrons – emitted from disintegration of isotopes, very
Common Units to Measure
 Rad – the unit of absorbed dose of ionizing
radiation equal to the absorption of 100 ergs/g
 Roentgen – exposure to x-rays or gamma rays equal
to absorption in 1 cm3 of air to produce 1
electrostatic unit of charge
 Rem – the dosage of ionizing radiation that will
cause the same biological effect as 1 rad of x-,
gamma or beta
 Curie – the rate at which radioactive material emits
particles, 3.7x1010 disintegrations per second
Protection from Ionizing
 Alpha, Beta - Little protection required

 X-ray, Gamma - Extensive high

density shielding

 Neutrons - Special shielding

Non-Ionizing Radiation

 Low frequency - ~ 3 m wavelength

 Microwaves - 3 m to 3 mm

 Infrared - 3 mm to 750 nm

 Visible light - 750 nm to 400 nm

Non-Ionizing Radiation

 Ultraviolet Radiation
 UV-A 400 to 320 nm
 Harmful only to eyes, causes sun tan

 UV-B 320 to 280 nm

 Causes skin damage (sun burn), source arc welding

 UV-C 280 to 220 nm

 Severe damage, source germicidal lamps
Laser Light

 Especially dangerous for eyes

 Retinal burns
 Corneal burns
Workplace Hazards

 Chemical
 Physical
 Biological
Ergonomic Hazards

 Physiological Hazards  Psychological Hazards

 Awkward movements  Boredom
 Muscle strain  Concentrated attention
 Simulated inputs
Ergonomic Hazards

 Increasing emphasis due to repetitive nature

of some industrial manufacturing jobs.

 Also with more operators working at

computers or workstations there are
ergonomic concerns.
Workplace Hazards

 Chemical
 Physical
 Ergonomic
Biological Hazards

 Pathogenic organisms
 Five levels of classification
 1 least dangerous
 5 most dangerous
 Pathogenic organisms are typically not found in a
chemical processing facility
 Possible biological hazards in an industrial setting
 Hepatitis B
Biological Hazards

 Industries with possible biological hazards

 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
 Food processing or agricultural products

 Typically hazards are well contained

Engineer’s Responsibility

 Be aware of industrial hazards and possible

 Design or assist in designing safer systems
that minimize worker exposure to hazards.
 As a manager encourage proper safety
procedures and good housekeeping to
minimize employees exposure to hazardous
Thanks and Good

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