What Is Health and Safety?

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Stage: First Stage -- Class A --

Subject: Academic Debate

In the year: 2014-2015
Date: 27.May.2015

Presented by: Bilal Taha

Under Supervison of Mr. Hishyar Barwary

Group Presentation
Health and Safety

Why health and safety is important

in the workplace?
 What is Health and Safety?

 Why Health and Safety is important?

 What is Hazard?

What is Health and Safety?
Health and Safety is the most important thing at workplace, because
it deals with the protection of workers’ health, through control of
the work environment to reduce or eliminate hazards. Occupational
Health and safety are organized efforts and procedures for
identifying workplace hazards and reducing accidents and exposure
to harmful situations. It is also includes training of personnel in
accident prevention, accident response, emergency preparedness,
and use of protective clothing and equipment.

An Example of safety rules

Every worker should

know the safety rules
at workplace

Why health and safety is important?

Workplace health and safety procedures are necessary for

the well-being of both employers and employees. Violence in
the workplace is an ever-growing concern in today’s business
community. According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), “homicide is the fourth
leading cause of fatal occupational injury in the United
States.” Diseases and other health concerns also affect a
worker's ability to effectively perform his job duties. It is
important for employers to take the necessary steps to
protect employees from the health and safety concerns of
today’s corporate community.

Short Video clip about hazard

Why health and safety is important?
Health and safety is important, because it is the reason of work
continuousness. A Health and safe environment improve employee
morale and productivity. And it reduces the extent and severity
of work related injuries and illnesses

 The reasons are put into three categories

• Moral: (responsibility towards other) You have a
duty of care to your employees and other people
present on your site. Moral reasons are motivates to
commitment to H&S policy.

• Legal : (responsibility towards the law)
Legal reasons are other reasons to apply H&S policy. Health and safety laws
requires that organizations manage the risk that are created by their
work(risk to employees and risk to others).

• Financial : (responsibility to save money)
Every company should provide PPE for workers with any cost. For instance, if
an accident happens and there is no thing to protect workers life, the worker
will be injured and company must take care of that worker and this will cost
medical care, cost of damage and also cost of fines. And those costs maybe be
a lot but providing PPE maybe reduce some of that cost and save more

What is Hazards?
• A hazard is any thing in the workplace that has the
possible to harm people
• Hazards can include objects in the workplace, such as
machinery or dangerous chemicals

There are four main types of workplace hazards:
Chemical Hazards are present when you are exposed to any
chemical preparation (solid, liquid or gas) in the workplace.
Examples include: cleaning products and solvents, vapours and
fumes, carbon monoxide or other gases, gasoline or other
flammable materials.
Biological Hazards come from working with people, animals or
infectious plant material. Examples include: blood or other
bodily fluids, bacteria and viruses, insect bites, animal and bird

Physical Hazards are the most common hazards and are
present in most workplaces at some time. Examples include:
frayed electrical cords, unguarded machinery, exposed moving
parts, constant loud noise, vibrations, working from ladders,
scaffolding or heights, spills, tripping hazards.
Ergonomic Hazards occur when the type of work you do, your
body position and/or your working conditions put a strain on
your body. They are difficult to identify because you don’t
immediately recognize the harm they are doing to your health.
Examples include: poor lighting, improperly adjusted
workstations and chairs, frequent lifting, repetitive or awkward

Health and Safety in worksite is life rescuer if all it is rule and policy
There are many types of hazards at workplace like physical,
ergonomic, chemical and biological hazards. And workers must wear
PPE to avoid any accident that cause injury or illness from that
hazards. Workplace rules must be clear and posted on walls, doors
and other sensitive areas.

Elements of an Effective
Safety and Health Program

Effective Safety and Health

• It has been found that effective

management of worker safety and
health programs
– Reduces the extent and severity of
work related injuries and illnesses
– Improves employee morale and
– Reduces workers’ compensation costs
Common Characteristics of
Exemplary Workplaces
• Use of organized and systematic
methods to
– Assign responsibility to managers,
supervisors, and employees
– Inspect regularly for and control
– Orient and train all employees to
eliminate or avoid hazards

The Guidelines - General
• An effective program
– Includes provisions for systematic
identification, evaluation and prevention or
control of hazards
– Goes beyond specific requirements of the
law to address all hazards
• Written program
– “In writing” less important than its
– As size and complexity of worksite or process
increases, so does need for written guidance
Major Elements
• An effective occupational safety and
health program will include the
following four elements
– Management commitment and
employee involvement
– Worksite analysis
– Hazard prevention and control
– Safety and health training
Management Commitment and
Employee Involvement
• Management commitment and employee
involvement are complementary
• Management commitment provides the
motivating force and resources for
organizing and controlling activities
within an organization
• Employee involvement provides the
means through which workers develop
and express their own commitment to
s&h protection 23
Management Commitment and
Employee Involvement (cont’d)
Recommended Actions:
• State clearly a worksite safety and health
• Establish and communicate a clear goal
and objective for the safety and health
• Provide visible top management
involvement in implementing the
Management Commitment and
Employee Involvement (cont’d)
Recommended Actions:
• Encourage employee involvement in the
program and in decisions that affect their
safety and health (e.g., inspection or
hazard analysis teams; developing or
revising safe work rules; training new
hires or co-workers; assisting in accident
• Assign and communicate responsibility for
all aspects of the program 25
Management Commitment and
Employee Involvement (cont’d)

Recommended Actions:
• Provide adequate authority and resources
to responsible parties
• Hold managers, supervisors, and
employees accountable for meeting their
• Review program operations at least
annually, to evaluate, identify deficiencies,
and revise, as needed
Worksite Analysis
• Worksite analysis involves a variety of
worksite examinations, to identify not
only existing hazards, but also
conditions and operations where
changes might occur to create hazards
• Effective management actively analyzes
the work and the worksite to anticipate
and prevent harmful occurrences

Worksite Analysis (cont’d)

Recommended Actions:
• So that all hazards are identified
– Conduct comprehensive baseline and
periodic surveys for safety and health
– Analyze planned and new facilities,
processes, materials, and equipment
– Perform routine job hazard analyses

Worksite Analysis (cont’d)

Recommended Actions:
• Provide for regular site safety and
health inspections
• Provide a reliable system for
employees, without fear of reprisal,
to notify management about
apparent hazardous conditions and
to receive timely and appropriate

Worksite Analysis (cont’d)

Recommended Actions:
• Provide for investigation of accidents
and “near miss” incidents, so that
their causes and means for
prevention are identified
• Analyze injury and illness trends
over time, so that patterns with
common causes can be identified
and prevented
Hazard Prevention
and Control
• Triggered by a determination that a
hazard or potential hazard exists
• Where feasible, prevent hazards by
effective design of job or job site
• Where elimination is not feasible,
control hazards to prevent unsafe and
unhealthful exposure
• Elimination or control must be
accomplished in a timely manner

Hazard Prevention and Control
Recommended Actions:
• Establish procedures for timely correction or
control of hazards, including
– Engineering techniques, where feasible and
– Procedures for safe work which are understood
and followed as a result of training, positive
reinforcement, correction of unsafe
performance, and enforcement
– Provision of personal protective equipment
– Administrative controls 32
Hazard Prevention and Control

Recommended Actions:
• Provide for facility and equipment
• Plan and prepare for emergencies
– Training and drills, as needed
• Establish a medical program
– First aid on site
– Physician and emergency care nearby

Safety and Health Training


• Addresses the safety and health

responsibilities of all personnel,
whether salaried or hourly
• Most effective when incorporated into
other training about performance
requirements and job practices
• Complexity depends on size and
complexity of worksite and nature of
Safety and Health Training
Recommended Actions:
• Ensure that all employees
understand the hazards to which
they may be exposed and how to
prevent harm to themselves and
others from exposure to these

Safety and Health Training

Recommended Actions:
• Ensure that supervisors carry out their
safety and health responsibilities, including
– Analyzing the work under their supervision
to identify unrecognized potential hazards
– Maintaining physical protections in work
– Reinforcing employee training through
continual performance feedback and, if
needed, enforcement of safe work practices
Safety and Health Training

Recommended Actions:
 Ensure that managers understand
their safety and health
responsibilities, as described under
the Management Commitment and
Employee Involvement element of
the guidelines


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