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Grading Points

1. Two-Day Diet Analysis Project (five parts) 100

Part #1: Tracking Diet & Entering Foods into SuperTracker (20 points)
Part #2: Carbohydrates & Fiber (20 points)
Part #3: Fats in Your Diet (20 points)
Part #4: Energy Balance (20 points)
Part #5: Micronutrients in Your Diet (20 points)
1. Weight of the Nation Response Paper 25
1. Practice Your Skills Assignments—choose two (10 points each) 20
1. Exams (2 @ 100 points each) 200
1. Final Quiz (30 points) 30
Total Points Possible 375

Please note that you should always calculate your grade in this course manually by adding
up your earned points and dividing by the total possible points.
What is Nutrition?
Ch. 1

Food Choices: What drives them?

-tastes good
Nutrition is a science that studies how the nutrients
and compounds in foods nourish and affect body
functions and health.

Why is good nutrition so important?
Nutrients are compounds found in foods that sustain
body processes. There are six classes of nutrients:

Kilocalories from the macronutrients are used as
energy during process of metabolism.
Note: Kilocalories are more commonly called Calories
which is the term used throughout this course.

Carbohydrates provide 4 Calories per gram.

Fats provide 9 Calories per gram

Protein provides 4 Calories per gram

Carbohydrates, fats, & proteins provide energy.

• Carbohydrates supply glucose, the major fuel

source for the body.

• Fats are also a fuel source, plus they cushion organs

and act as insulation under the skin.

• Proteins provide fuel, but are better used to build

and maintain tissues, muscles, and organs.

Vitamins and minerals are essential for

Water is vital to many processes in your body.

How are Americans doing in terms of diet,
nutrition, and weight status?
Rates of
Overweight &
How can I evaluate nutrition news?
NIH 10 Questions to Consider:
1. Who runs the site? 7. How current is the
2. Who pays for the site? information?
3. What is the purpose of 8. How does the site choose
the site? links to other sites?
4. Where does the 9. What information is
information come from? collected about you and
5. What is the basis of the why?
information? 10. How does the site
6. How is the information manage interactions with
selected? visitors?
You can trust the advice of nutrition
• Registered Dietitian Nutritionist(R.D.N.)—a health
professional who has completed at least a Bachelor’s
in Nutrition from an accredited university in the U.S.

• Has passed an exam administered by the Academy of

Nutrition & Dietetics

• Trained in Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)—

integration of nutrition counseling & dietary changes
based on ones’ individual medical and health needs.
Find accurate nutrition information at:
Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics
Other resources
• Choose MyPlate:
• Agricultural Research Service:
• Center for Science in the Public Interest:
• Food and Drug Administration:
• Food and Nutrition Information Center:
• National Institutes of Health:
• USDA Nutrition Information for You:
For Next Class Meeting
• Obtain textbook-optional
• Read Chapters 1 & 2
• Create account & profile with SuperTracker


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