Contraception and Family Planning: How Many Different Types of Contraception Do You Know? Start A List in Your Book

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How many different types of

contraception do you know?
Start a list in your book.

Contraception and family

(1) Examine different types of contraception.
(2) Understand religious attitudes to family planning
and the use of contraception.
(3) Consider contemporary British attitudes towards
family planning and the use of contraception.
Grade 4-5
Grade 6-7 Grade 8-9
I can explain I can explain I can explain why
different different Christian contraception is
methods of attitudes about an issue for
contraception contraception and Christians, and
and suggest a can describe evaluate the
Christian ways of extent to which
handling the issue Biblical teachings
response to of contraception. support this.
related issues.
What is contraception?
TASKS (text book p.72/73):

1. What does contraception mean?

2. Explain 3 different methods of contraception as
well as what natural methods are.
3. Why are the coil and the ‘morning after’ pill seen
as problematic by some Christians?
What do Christians think?
Use textbook p.72/73 to complete the information below. What are
their beliefs and teachings? Don’t forget some quotes!

All Christians The Catholic and

churches agree Orthodox
that … Churches teach
that …
“Every sexual
act …
Many other
Anglicans and
Christians, …
Christians accept
that …
“The Conference
agrees …
What do you
think about the
Pope’s approach
to the use of

Does he have a
point though?

Discuss in pairs
and be ready to
give an answer.
Contraception in contemporary Britain

Watch the video.

What are the issues around
contraception being mentioned?
Record them in a spider diagram.

and it’s issues
“The Christian Church should not take a view on family
Evaluate this statement. Give more than one point of
view and include Christian teachings in your answer.

Start a table like the one below and come up with at least 3 points on
either side agreeing or disagreeing with the statement. Also include a
religious teaching on both sides.

Agree Disagree

Christian teaching: Christian teaching:

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