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A pathological state due to a relative
or absolute deficiency or excess of
one or more essential nutrients;
clinically manifested or detected only
by biochemical, anthropometric or
physiological tests.
1.Undernutrition: Marasmus
2.Overnutrition: Obesity,Hypervitaminoses
3.Specific Deficiency: Kwashiorkor,Hypovitaminoses,
4.Mineral Deficiencies
5.Imbalance: Electrolyte Imbalance

■ To diagnose the cause of the problem, your doctor may do

blood tests and a nutritional assessment. Treatment may
include replacing the missing nutrients and treating the
underlying cause.

■ Albumin Test
■ Malnutrition Tests
■ Prealbumin Test (
A.child related:
■ Low birth wt.
■ Absence or early cessation of breast feeding
■ Delay weaning
■ Incorrect dietary habit
■ Recurrent infection:diarrhea,measles
B.Maternal factor:
Maternal malnutrition
Ignorance about feeding
C. socio-economical factor:
Povertyand unemployment
Large family size
Unhygienic living condition
Disadvataged children
D. cultural factor:wrong beliefs
E. community factor:
Natural/man made disaster
Generalized economic depression
Inadequateprimary health care
 Permanent impairment of physical &
mental growth if severe & occurs early
especially before 6 months old
 First 48 hours critical, with poor
treatment mortality may exceed 50%
 Even with thorough treatment, 10%
mortality may still occur
 Some mortality causes are endocrine,
cardiac or liver failure, electrolyte
imbalance, hypoglycemia & hypothermia
■ Treatment
■ Dietary changes
■ A doctor may advise you on how to change your eating habits in the
case of a minor deficiency. For example, people with anemia
should include more meat, eggs, poultry, vegetables, and iron-rich
grains in their diet.
■ Supplements

■ The United States’ official dietary

guidelines recommends that you get most of
your nutrients from food. In some cases, you
may need to take supplements or
a multivitamin. It may also be necessary to take
an additional supplement to help your body
absorb the supplements, such as
taking calcium and vitamin.

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