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This is not an official legislative document; this format only serves as a guide line to

the patented owner and its stakeholders.

Homeland Defense and Security Consultants Services work with some of the most
well qualified and proficient personnel in the law enforcement. Our crime
prevention consultation and security expertise derive because of the experience
they acquired in their civic duties as employees of U.S Federal, State and City
agencies such as The New York City Police Department, The U.S Department of
Homeland Security, The United States Secret Service and the U.S Military.
Homeland Defense and Security
consultants services video presentation
The Domestic Violence Jurisdiction and Parole Act

The Domestic Violence Jurisdiction Parole Act is cited to protect all walks of life from
physical and verbal domestic abuse not just within the household, but a jurisdictional
Commonly, women and children suffer domestic abuse more than males, however this
act is in no way gender specific, it serves to protect all walks of life and genders from their
abuser or potential abusers.
This Act consist of three parts (3)
1 2 3
The Traditional reporting of The courts granting the accuser The courts ordering the
Domestic Abuse, which means, their Protection order rights accuser under court ruling to
if someone claims they were wear and ankle bracelet face
abused they will conform to prison time.
the usual system by reporting
to the police that they are or
were in a domestic relationship
and wish to have a restraining
or protection order taken out.
Victims of domestic abuse should provide “Proof of Abuse” for a judge to issue an order
to have the accuser subscribe to wearing an Ankle Bracelet.
Proof of abuse to a judge can be presented in different forms

1. By having several reports in a police station of domestic abuse or death threats.

2. By providing one or more witnesses collaborating your story.
3. Providing medical documents to support your case of abuse.
The accused should be able to refuse the order of Jurisdiction. However, this request will
be or should be substituted with a prison sentence until the case comes to an end.
Victims Abuse of Law

Where ever there exist the possibility to abuse of exploit the system, individuals will
attempt to do so. Therefore, legislation should be in place to protect the accused.
Women sometimes use the law as a means of revenge against their male counterparts
by making false claims of abuse that would result in a Present or Ex-Lover being arrested
under such legislation.
To deter individuals from abusing this process it should be made law that anyone who
falsely make a report of Domestic Abuse, resulting in the accuser having subscribe to
wearing a court ordered ankle bracelet, under the Domestic Violence Jurisdiction Act
should be charged.
The individual can face Jail time, or be made to pay a hefty fine to both the state and the
individual that were accused.
Suggestive Material


Recommendation for the establishment of a special unit to pursue criminals under the
Domestic Violence Jurisdiction and Parole Act.
Example; Special Domestic Violence Bureau

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