The Quality of Work Life in Software Industry: by R.Kamalavaishnavi 1 MBA

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1st MBA

QWL refers to the relationship between a worker and

its environment, adding the human dimension to the
technical and economic dimensions within which the
work is normally viewed and designed.
QWL focus on the problem of creating a human
working environment where employees work co –
operatively and achieve results collectively.
Miller, 1978; Kirkman, 1981; Metz, 1982; Mirvis &
Lawler, 1984; Cooper, 1988).
Cheng S, The Study on Singaporean Employees
development .
Taylor, 1978; Donald, 1997 Quality of life were
consistent with the rapid economic growth and
increasingly higher levels of educational standards in
Kirkman (1989) suggest that in the future work
society; the drive for more humanitarian treatment
both in and out of work will increase.
Cooper, (1988) Stimulating opportunities and co-
workers Good performance is recognized in addition to
rewards being based upon performance while
employees are respected and treated like mature
The purpose of the study is to find out the quality of
work life in soft ware industries to Analyse the High
Quality of work life.
Quality of work life in software industries may lead to
significant improvement in the selected variables such
as Interest in work, Recognition, Rewards and
Rewards, Compensation, Friendly in co-workers.

To study the quality of work life of (QWL) employees in KGISL LTD.

To find out how quality of work life leads to high satisfaction

To find the workers participation in KGISL LTD.

To analyse how the training and development programmes helps to

improve the quality of work life.
To know the various welfare activities and other benefits helps to bring a

better quality of work life.

Type of the study
Descriptive study
Sampling Size
35 , Method of sampling- convenience sampling
Tools for Analysis
Mathematical tool -Percentage analysis,
chi –square
weighted average
Most of (48.5%) the respondents belongs to the age
group of 31 to 45.
Most of (45.71%) the respondents are with an
experience of more than 10 years.
Majority(51.42%) of the respondents are in the higher
income group of more than Rs. 10,000 income per
Majority(85%)of workers the opinion that their job enables
them to use their skills and abilities in full.
The respondents strongly agreed to the statement and 51%
of the respondents also opinioned that the workers are
treated equally with respect at their work places.
83% all the workers either agree or even strongly agree that
the conditions on their job allow them to be productive.
34.28% of the workers strongly agree to the point that there
are adequate opportunities to develop their own special
abilities in the work place.
45.71% of the workers are satisfied with the guidance
provided to them by the superiors/managers to get the
work done easily.
51.42% of the respondents very strongly agree & with the
provisions made to utilize quality tools and techniques to
perform the job.
60% of the respondents opinioned that high priority was
assumed to safety at work place.
51.42% of the respondents are satisfied with lightening and
ventilation facilities provided in the work place.
40% were of the opinion that the fringe benefits are their
The attitude of the supervisor towards the welfare of the
workers is positive for 57.13% of the workers.
62.85% of the workers strongly feel that there is security for
their job.
The respondents as only 40% of them strongly accept that
the supervisors are lending their helping hands always.
54.28% of the workers accept to some extent that the
training opportunities are available and helpful.
71.42% of workers are satisfied with first shift.
42.85% of the workers opinioned that their supervisors are
always accept their suggestions and get positive
motivations from them.

The employees of KGISL LTD expecting the following from the company.
Improvement in rewarding and awarding policies.
Introduction of Promotion policy at operation level 

Employees need high motivation from the top management of the company.

Employees needs more compensation from the company.

Employees expects mutual relationship between co-workers

Employee’s needs special training from the company related to their job during working period.
Employees expects the quality of work to be measured periodically be the company
It is clear that quality of work life of employees in KGISL
LTD is good towards the company.
KGISL LTD aims to promote the peaceful industrial
relations and good organization which is highlighted by
management and the employees.
So company should satisfy them in order to improve the
business in the higher competitive market of the
liberalized economy.
Thank u

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