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Advertising Objectives

The mind game of

Marketing & Communication
Advertising Objectives
• Types of Advertising
• The purpose
• Role within marketing mix
• Communication Process &
• DAGMAR approach
Types of Advertising
• National
Some manufacturers may think that their target is, the entire country. They select media with
a countryside base. Generally large, established firms belong to this category. Among
them are Hindustan Lever, Brooke Bond, Larsen & Toubro, Escorts, Cement Companies
and etc.

• Local
Small firms may like to restrict business in district or state only. Some large firms
first localize their marketing efforts (pre-testing) and once success has been
achieved, they spread out to wider horizons. e.g. Nirma. Some Newspapers
like Ahmedabad Mirror, Mumbai Metro etc.
• Global
Multinational firms treat the world as their market. Firms such as National IBM or
Sony or Ford advertise globally, e.g., in periodicals like Times, Readers Digest
Types of Advertising
 Target Group
Consumer Advertising
Industrial Advertising
Trade Advertising
Professional Adverting
Types of Advertising (TG)

• Consumer Advertising
A very substantial portion of total advertising is
directed to buyers of consumer products who
purchase them either for their own use or for their
household’s. The fact that buyers of consumer
items are generally very large and are widely
distributed over a large geographical area enhances
the importance of advertising as a marketing tool.
Types of Advertising (TG)
• Industrial Advertising
Industrial advertising on the other hand refers to
those advertisements which are issued by the
manufacturers/distributors to the buyers of
industrial products. This category would include
machinery and equipment, industrial
intermediates, parts and components, etc. Because
of the unique characteristics of industrial buying
decision process, the importance of industrial
advertising is comparatively lower than that of
consumer advertising.
Types of Advertising (TG)
• Trade Advertising
Advertisements, which are directed by the
manufacturers to the distribution
channel members, such as wholesalers
or retailers, are called trade advertising.
The objective of such advertising is to
promote sales by motivating the
distribution channel members to stock
more or to attract new retail outlets.
Types of Advertising (TG)
• Professional Adverting
There are certain products for which the consumers
themselves are not responsible for the buying

The classic examples are pharmaceuticals where the

decision is made by doctors while the consumers
are the patient. Almost similar situation exists’ in
the field of construction where architects, civil
engineers and contractors are the decision-makers.
Types of Advertising
• Type of Impact
On the basis of impact. This can be primary advertising for
generic products such as tea, coffee, paints etc. These are
unbranded products.
At later stages, these commodities are branded and specific
brands are promoted. They are called selective advertising.
Direct action advertising expects immediate response from the
buyers such as soliciting orders through direct mail. Mostly
advertising is indirect action advertising which makes the
consumers favourably inclined towards the product so that
they can later on buy these products in future.
Institutional Advertising can be used 1:0 project a positive
corporate image for the company.
Types of Advertising
• Lesser Known Types
– Public Relations Advertising (PRA)
Public relations, in short, try to build rapport with various constituents of public such as
employees, customers, local authorities, pressure groups, vendors, customers,
shareholders, government and public at large. Public relations advertising helps to
maintain this relationship.
– Political Advertising
Political advertising is created either by political parties or candidates. Mostly
we come across such advertising at the time of elections. Election
advertising either lists the achievements of the party of candidate or
propagates their ideological basis. Sometimes, they are provocative too.
– Financial Advertising
In a broader sense, it includes all advertising by financial industry such as
banks, car loan companies, insurance companies, non-banking financial
companies etc. It also includes image building corporate advertising prior
to an issue or-otherwise.
Types of Advertising
• Six types of Advertising Modern Days
– Company Image (Friend Insurance Agent, Big Bazar)
– Name Brands (P&G – Tide for Dishes)
– Service Instead of a Product (Dimak, Carpet
– B2B Advertising (engineering goods etc.)
– Co-Op Advertising (I will give you every thing,
retainer ship)
– Public Service Advertising (PSA’s)
+ Types of Advertising
The purpose
• “Show me the money!”
• The acid test of any advertising is: did it generate
sales or prospects?
• The view point – Who are we pleasing?
• To enhance bottom line. ROI
• Advertising is not something to do to “keep the
company name before the customers”
• Great advertising can influence sales immediately
and for years to come
The purpose
• To announce a new product or service
• To expand, the new buyers
• To announce a modification
• To announce a price change
• To announce a new pack
• To make a special offer
• To invite enquiries
The purpose (sp)
• To sell direct
• To test a medium
• To announce the location of stockiest
• To obtain stockiest
• To educate customers
• To maintain sales
• To challenge competition
The purpose (other)
• To remind
• To get back lost sales
• To please stockiest
• To please the sales force
• To recruit staff
• To attract investors
• To export
• To announce trading results
Role within marketing mix
• Advertisement interacts directly with other
elements of marketing mix
• It is basically a communication to achieve
marketing objectives
• It is meant to bring something deliberately to the -
notice of someone else
• The semantic truth of the word, which comes from
the French word Avertir, to notify Nicoll
• The relative importance of the advertising would
depend on: types of the products and form of
Role (Benefits)
• Advertising gives an image to the products of the
manufacturers. Really speaking it is not the products,
which compete, but the product images, which
• Advertising pre-sells the products to distributors and
so it is supportive to a salesman’s visit.
• It is essential part of total promotional mix and
promotion is an important part of the marketing mix.
• Advertising makes a psychological impact on the
consumers. Gives them greater satisfaction on the use
of products. (People buy not a lip-stick, but the
concept of an out-going, gorgeous, passionate woman)
Role (Benefits)
• Advertising affects our attitudes and values. It projects
an image of self, which we aspire to. Advertising of
life-style is making our target audience respond to it
positively. Who would not like to be fun loving,
outward-oriented, young socialites sailing in a group
on sea, enjoying and Coke to Jashn Mana Le!
• Advertisement thus gives all the benefits to
manufacturer by selling – directly or indirectly. It can
create a new demand, stimulate an existing demand, or
even destroy a demand.Much of its value is drawn
from its positive impact on demand function.
Role (Benefits)
• Advertising makes distribution easier. It also reduces
distributor’s cost. They sell a highly advertised brand at
lesser price, and so a lesser margin. It builds up repeat
sales for distributors. Soft drink called 7UP created market
by an effective advertising campaign. The words ‘normal
is boring’ and ‘fido dido’ still linger in our memories.
• Advertising renders invaluable help in launching new
products. It has been proved time and again. PROMISE
was launched successfully against Colgate’s monopoly of
this market, thanks to imaginative advertising. Recently.
BABOOL has repeated history. Even Vicco Vajrandnti
became established as a herbal product of‘ayurvedic
jadibuti’ and ‘kudrat ka anmol khazana’ by advertising.
Role (Benefits)
• Advertising benefits the customers. They come to know
about the products and product information. They get
the information about the product availability.
• Advertising makes mass distribution possible.
Advertising makes the consumers aspire to higher and
higher things in life making this life a saga of
continuous struggle to acquire what we don’t have. It
expands the markets.
• Advertising creates markets for new products. It makes
us aware of new uses of old products. Consumer gets
post – purchase satisfaction. Because there is
advertising, consumer gets a wide choice. It makes
competitive economy possible.
from manufacturers,
consumers, salesman and
society point of view
Advertising and Manufacturers
• Increased Sales
• Steady Demand
• Quick Turnover and Smaller Inventories
• Lower Costs
• Greater Dealer Interest
• Creation of Goodwill
• It Controls Product Prices
Advertising and Sales Force

• It creates a colorful
• Advertising Curtails the
Burden of Tedious Job
Advertising and Consumers
• A Guiding Force in Making Purchase
• Improvement in Quality
• Elimination of Unnecessary
• Education of consumers
• Better quality goods at cheaper prices
• Consumers’ surplus
Advertising and Society
• Existence of the press
• Change in Motivation
• Better standard of living
• Encouragement to research
• Gainful employment opportunities
• Encouragement of Artists
• Glimpse of national life

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