Classmanagement Plan

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3 rd grade

Class of 20

9 girls, 11 boys

 Treat others as you wish to be treated (Respect others)

 Don’t speak when others are speaking, wait your turn.

 Listen and Follow directions

I came up with these rules as I feel that they are a great

trinity of basic rules children should follow in and out of the


 These rules will be explained and introduced at the beginning of

the year and will be monitored using a monthly point system
using classroom dojo. After every ten points for showing good
examples of classroom rules, students will have a choice
between multiple rewards. This point system will be renewed
 To reinforce treating others as you are to be treated students will
be monitored by all of the staf f including myself and will notify
me if they have done something that deserves a ‘Good
Samaritan’ slip. Students will be able to collect these throughout
each quarter. At the end of each quarter, if a student has gotten
the required goal set, the group of however many will be
rewarded with a pizza party or lunch in the classroom with the
teacher instead of the lunchroom.
 The last reinforcement will just be a verbal thank you, me
pointing out if a student has followed a rule well.

 Students will enter the classroom appropriately putting their

backpacks and coats away before the morning
announcements start

 Students will ask to use the bathroom quietly without

disrupting the class

 Students will transition from room to room quickly and

quietly, having no problems lining up.

 Students will turn in homework in an organized and timely


 Students will enter the classroom appropriately putting their

backpacks and coats away before the morning announcements
 When the students come in for open house before the year starts I will
show them where their hook is for their items and explain to them the
 The first week of school we will have a game to see how quickly and
QUIETLY we are able to put our things away before the announcements
start (These start about 2 or 3 minutes into the day)
 If we achieve our goal of under a minute without too much noise the
students will get a treat
 I will then tell the class that we need to continue like this for the school
year to come, not necessarily being this quick everyday, but I will pick a
random week every month and if they pass managing to be quiet and
quick, they’ll win something.
 If there are problems with the noise level and timeliness as the school
year goes, the class will get a verbal warning, and if eventually it seems
it is not working we will discuss as a class how to improve.

 Students will ask to use the bathroom quietly

without disrupting the class
 I will introduce a hand signal for students to use when they
need to use the bathroom.
 I will also mention that we have a ‘one student in the bathroom
at a time policy’ If there is an emergency this can be excused.
 If students forget in the first couple weeks and raise their hand
and ask, I will give reminders until we have grasped the
 Students may then raise their hand with the signal I have
assigned and by a simple nod or shake of the head they will
know the answer to their question and class can continue
without disruption.

 Students will transition from room to room quickly

and quietly, having no problems lining up .
 I will provide two minute warning before transitions so
students know to clear their area, and prep for next activity.
 I will model how to properly line up
 We will then practice lining up until there are no problems with
pushing shoving etc.
 If a student is accused of pushing or shoving, I will ask a
trusted witness what they saw, and make a judgment from

 Students will turn in homework and in-class

assignments in an organized and timely manner
 I will give students a color assigned bin to turn their homework
in to.
 If the homework is from the night before students will turn
their work in the green bin before the morning
 If the assignment is an in-class assignment, students will be
asked to turn their assignment into the green bin. I will give
them a five minute warning before we plan to move on to the
next activity.
 If the student does not finish the assignment on time they can
turn it in to the blue ‘late work’ bin and finish during first
recess. With this tactic I will be able to see what the few
students struggling are struggling with. This will aid me in
figuring out the best way to help them and teach them in the

 1 I will use music to keep students engaged, I will use sights like
GoNoodle that can either apply to what we are learning or are
just a good brain break to get the kids up and moving and their
blood flowing.
 2 I will incorporate physical activity in lessons to not only keep
blood flowing and kids engaged, but to apply to certain students
that learn kinesthetically or through movement.
 3 I will use humor or enthusiasm to keep students attentive and
engaged. I will make content relatable to their lives so they can
apply what they are learning to the outside world, thus keeping
them engaged.

 3 step form:

 Verbal warning

 Silent center- An area where the student can work without

distraction from others or think about their actions and calm

down before acting out again

 A letter home- letting parents know of behavior.

 If behavior continues, an of fice referral will be given.


 Harlacher, J. (2015). Designing effective classroom

management. Marzano Research Laboratory.

 Marzano, R. & Pickering, D. (2011). The highly engaged

classroom. Marzano Research Laboratory.

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