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Islamic boarding school as Electric

al Technician in Pondok X

Iklilul Faiz
Student of Occupational Safety and
Health Department
Faculty of Health Science
University of Darussalam Gontor

Assalamualaikum Wr.
01 Preface

02 Problems Background

TABLE OF 03 Purpose of research

CONTENTS 04 Benefits

05 Conclusion


Nowadays, student of Islamic boarding school have metamorphosed from the role of a learner in
to someone who has various skills. Various skills are mastered, ranging from cooking, music an
d even become an electrical technician (electrical and diesel operator). Their role as electrical te
chnicians performs as part of the social education that applied by their Islamic boarding school.
Problems Background

Based on the important role of studen • Some risk factors in their work can Therefore, the promotion of OSH cultu
t, their lack of knowledge of the import endanger their lives, such as heat st re through socialization in the workpla
ance of OSH in a job is very unfortunat ress, electric shock, or falling from
a height ce and the installation of safety signs
e ,specially for student of Islamic boar
ding school as electrical technicians. should be done.
• These risk factors could be an incid
ent due to their lack of knowledge o
f OSH and the behavior of those wh
o work without PPE.

This research ai
ms to:
1. Knowing the understanding of the electric engineer's students about OS
H culture.

2. Know how the culture of OSH can be socialized to student of Islamic boa
rding school as electrical technician.

3. Knowing changes in the behavior of electric engineer students after the s

afety campaign.

4. giving knowledge of the importance of OSH in working with student of Is

lamic boarding school in the context of realizing one of SDG's points of Qua
lity Education, Good Health and Wellbeing
The specific benefits of this research are to improve the understanding of electric engineer stude
nts about OSH culture

1. Provide information about the 2. Provide information about ho

understanding of the electric tec w the culture of OSH can be soci
hnician student of Islamic boardi alized to the student of Islamic b
ng school about Safetyculture. oarding school as electrical tech


3. Provide information about the 4. provide knowledge of the importanc

change in the work behavior of t e of OSH in working with student of Isl

amic boarding school in the context of
he electrician technician after th
realizing one of SDG's points of Quality
e safety campaign. Education, Good Health and Wellbeing
Before campaign
• From the picture beside we can know th
at santri electrical technicians work wit
hout PPE, and this is unsafe act which c
an cause an Accident
• This is due to their lack of knowledge o
f the importance of OSH in working. lac
k of socialization, and lack of self-awar
Add an image
• Giving Safety Campaign by ;
• Build Self-awareness to work safely
• Education about safety sign
• and Giving some PPE.
Output (After S
afety Campaig
• they work using PPE
• Know the meaning of safety sign
• awareness of safe-working increases
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1. Awareness of student of Islamic boarding school of OSH work cul
ture is still very low.

2. Safety campaign implemented through the socialization of OSH c

ulture to the student by, the socialization of the 5R culture (Rapi, Res Add an image
3. There was a significant change in work behavior after the safet
y campaign on the student of Islamic boarding school of electrici
ik, Rajin, Ringkas and Rawat) on the working station. 
an. This can be seen from the observations that indicate that san
tri technicians begin to use PPE in their work, as well as on their
growing awareness of OSH.

Suggestions 1


02 • Still need the provision of education about electricity from the experts. Pe
rhaps the State Electricity Company may contribute to participate in simpl
e education in cottages that have santri electrical technicians

• Safety campaign is expected not only done in Pondok X only. Because this case does n
ot only happen in Pondok X. There is a massive role metamorphosis that occurs in the
world of boarding in Indonesia. This is the result of the demands of community educati
on adopted
Thank’s For the

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