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By: Gregory & Selena

Motto: "In Unity and Freedom”

Land area: 1,056,636 sq mi

Population: 40,913,584

Capital and largest city : Buenos Aires, 13,349,000

(metro. Area)

Other large cities: Córdoba, 1,486,200; Rosario,

1,276,900; Mendoza, 988,600; Mar del Plata, 683,700
The history of Argentina has been heavily influenced by European art,
architecture, literature and lifestyle, but at the same time keeps its own unique

The culture of Argentina is embodied in the tango. Argentina is the place that
discovered and made tango into the famous dance that it is today. The liveliness of
their famous prose combined with their electrifying music, dance and romantic
language culminates into a unique place to experience and explore.

It is believed that Argentina was inhabited 13,000 years ago. Ferdinand de

Magellan touched the shores of Patogonia in 1520 before discovering the strait
that connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. And in 1536 Pedro de Mendoza
found the settlement of Santa Maria del Buen Aire, which is today the Buenos
Aires,the capital of Argentina. Interestingly enough Buenos Aires did not become
the capital until 1776, which marked their independence from Spain.
The best-known element of Argentine culture is the tango dance. It must be noted that while
tango refers mostly to a particular dance music for foreigners. The music together with the
lyrics are what most Argentines primarily mean by tango. Tango lyrics are a form of poetry.

Folk music and dance is popular in provincial Argentina. Folk styles are blends of native
influences combined with different European styles

Argentina's official language is Spanish although Argentinian Spanish is different from

the Spanish spoken in Spain. In some ways it sounds more like Italian than Spanish.

In most parts of Argentina, lunch is the biggest meal of the day. Most of the cities
(excluding Buenos Aires) close for lunch time. This is when most people return home
to enjoy a large meal. Traditional lunches in Argentina are long and well developed.
Argentines are famous for their high protein diet, particularly beef

The soccer is the most popular sport in Argentina and it

inspires such intense passions. The two main teams are
the arch-enemies Boca Juniors and River Plate.

Argentines do well in several other sports such as polo

(world champions), rugby (world top 5), feminine
hockey (recent world champions), car racing, boxing,
skiing, hunting and fishing

A majority of the population of Argentina is Roman Catholic. There are also other
important Christian denominations, as well as Muslims and Jewish communities.
Argentina guarantees freedom of worship, expression and speech.
 Argentina is composed of 23 provinces and one federal district (Buenos
Aires). It is governed by the 1853 constitution as revised in 1898 and 1994,
and has a federal system of government. Argentina’s president is Cristina
Kirchner and the vice president is Julio Cobos.

 The president and vice president are elected by popular vote for four-year
terms and can be reelected once. The popularly elected bicameral national
congress is composed of 72 senators , who serve six-year terms, and 257
deputies , who serve four-year terms.

 There is a nine-member supreme court. Each province has its own elected
governor and legislature and its own judicial system.

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