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Behavioral Models for

Analyzing Buyers
Gowtham Dhanapal PGPSM03010
Nikita Wankhede PGPSM03018
S.Devanand PGPSM03026
Vibha Gajbhiye PGPSM03032
Dhanesh Chandra PGPSM03035
The buying process conceived as a system
of inputs and outputs

To understand the buyer’s psyche we use 5 Behavioral model:

• Marshallian Model - stressing economic motivation
• Pavlovian Model – learning
Variable • Freudian Model - psychoanalytic motivation
• Veblenian Model - socio-psychological model
• Hobbesian Model - organizational factor
Relationship of models with variables
 Marshallian Model
 purchasing decisions are the result of largely rational and conscious economic calculation
 Variables used to make decision: price, marginal utility, self interest
 Pavlovian Model
 Based on the phenomena of learning, forgetting and ability to discriminate driven by central concepts: Drive,
Cue, Response, Reinforcement
 Variables used:
 Freudian Model
 Irrational buying behavior driven by id, ego and superego.
 Variables used: Images, options, Style, Availability
 Veblenian Model
 Man’s attitudes and behaviour are influenced by several levels of society such as culture, subculture and
social class
 Variables used: Images, Style
 Hobbesian Model
 Purchasing behavior of organization buyers is motivated by organization as well as individual gains
 Variables used : price, quality, service, options
Marketing Applications of Behavioral

The Marshallian Economic Model
 It is normative rather than a descriptive model of behavior. It states that Economic factors operate to a greater or
lesser extent in all markets and therefore must be included in any comprehensive description of buyer behavior
 The Pavlovian Learning Model
 The model provides guidelines in area of advertising strategy, emphasizing the desirability of repetition in
advertising and also provides an insight for copy strategy
 Freudian Psychoanalytic Model
 The most important application of this model is buyers are motivated by symbolic as well as economic-functional
product concerns. Most of buying are irrational in nature psychoanalytic forces plays important role in buying
 Veblenian Social-Psychological Model
 The model helps the marketer in determining which social level (Culture, Subculture, Social Class, Reference
Groups, Face-to-face groups, Person) is the most important in influencing the demand for the product
 The Hobbesian Organizational-factors Model
 The main import of Hobbesian model is that the organizational buyers can be appealed on both personal and
organizational grounds

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