Rabies: Mateo, Angela J. Group VIB

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Mateo, Angela J.
Group VIB

Is a specific, acute, viral infection communicated to man by

the saliva of an infected animal

Rhabdovirus – a bullet shaped filterable virus with strong

affinity to the CNS

> Usually by bites of a rabid animal whose saliva has the

> In some cases, the virus spreads when the saliva comes in
contact with the person’s mucus membrane, such as the
mouth and the eyelids, or broken skin like cut, scratch, or
open wound.

>Sensory change on or near the site of entry

>Laryngeal spasm
>Sense of apprehension, anxiety, irritability
>Salivation or foaming of the mouth
>Acute attack: muscle twitching, hyperventilation and excess salivation

>10 days – 15 years

>IP depends upon the ff. factors:
a. Distance of the bite to the brain
b. Extensiveness of the bite
c. Resistance of the host

The patient is communicable from three to five days

before the onset of symptoms until the entire course of

> 300 to 600 Filipinos die of rabies each year. 53% of

victims are children 5 – 14 years
> There were 833 reported rabies cases in the Philippines
for 2007. 43.58% of the victims were children aged 0 – 14
years old(DOH)
> Isolate the patient
> Wash hands before and after patient contact
> Give emotional and spiritual support
> Provide optimum comfort
> Darken the room and provide a quiet environment
> Patient should not be bathed
> There should not be any running water in the room or within
the hearing distance of the patient
> If IVF has to be given, wrap it in a brown paper bag
> Needle should be securely anchored in the vein
> Thoroughly wash the wounds from the bite and
scratches of dog with soap and running water for at least
three minutes
> Check the patient’s immunization status. Give tetanus
toxoid if needed
> Give tetanus antiserum infiltrated around the wound or
give intramuscularly after a negative skin test
> Give anti-rabies vaccine, both passive and active,
depending upon the site and extensiveness of the bite as
well as the health condition of the biting animal
The primary preventive measure in rabies is the interruption of
the mode of transmission.
1. Vaccination of all dogs
2. Enforcement of regulation for pick-up and destruction of stray
3. Confinement of any dog that has bitten a person for ten to
fourteen years
4. Availability of laboratory facilities for observation and
5. Providing public education, especially among children, in
avoiding and reporting all animals that appear sick

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