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Penatalaksanaan Skabies

Farmakologi : Farmakologi :
– Permethrin cream, 5% – Antibiotik
Best medication
1 x 8-12 jam, selama 1 • Lesi kulit (-) (resiko ringan)
minggu Doksisiklin 100 mg 2 x 1
– Crotamiton 10% (Eurax) • Lesi kulit (+) (resiko sedang)
1 x 24 jam, selama 7-10 hari Doksisiklin 100 mg 2 x 1
– Lindane Lotion untuk 3-5 hari
1 x 8-12 jam, selama 1
– Ivermectin (Stromectol) Non-Farmakologi :
0,2 mg/kg x 24 jam oral, – Pola hidup sehat
selama14 hari
– Jaga Kebersihan
• Kumar SS. Indian guidelines for the diagnosis and management of human
leptospirosis. API Medicine Update 2013;23:23-9.
• Stromectol (prescribing information). Whitehouse Station, N.J.: Merck &
Co. Inc.; 2010.
products/home.html. Accessed May 27, 2015.
• Permethrin cream (prescribing information). Bronx, N.Y.: Perrigo; 2010.
Accessed May 27, 2015.
• Lindane lotion (prescribing information). Morton Grove, Ill.: Morton Grove
Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2007.
4555-4abc-b5d6-c67dfb07ab30. Accessed May 27, 2015.
• Eurax (prescribing information). Jacksonville, Fla.: Ranbaxy; 2009. Accessed May 27, 2015.

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