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Parking Problems and Solutions

Scott W. Rohde B.S., M.B.A.

Director Of Protective Services
U.W. – La Crosse

October 18, 2005 Milwaukee, WI

How do you know if you have a


What will you hear?

• Not enough spaces!

• Spaces are too far away!
• It costs too much!
• I got a Ticket!!!!!!
• I did not know where to park!!
• I could not get a permit!
• The parking staff is RUDE!!
What will improving your parking
problem do for you?
The lasting benefits . . . .

• Less Stress
• Improve the overall image of the campus
• Give you peace of mind
• Increase staff time and energy
• Increase revenue
• Improve customer satisfaction
Who are the customers?
•Students, faculty, and staff
•Special events patrons (sports events, concerts)
•Any parking patron
•Monthly or hourly parkers
•A person using a parking meter or structure
•Persons with disabilities
•Violators (those who have tickets)
•A person whose car has been towed
Goals of the parking program
To expedite the safe and orderly conduct of college
business and to provide parking facilities in support of this
function within the limits of available space
To provide sufficient parking for students within a one-half
To provide one parking space for every 1.5 faculty and staff
members who purchase campus parking permits
To encourage carpooling and the use of student residence
facilities for each student resident who purchases a campus
parking permit
To accommodate the needs of guests / visitors who wish to
park on campus
To have well-maintained, clearly identifiable (signs and
markings), well-lighted, safe and secure parking facilities
Here was our situation . . .
We also had . . .

• Unhappy neighbors
• Unhappy resident students
• Unhappy city officials
• Unhappy staff
They said YOU NEED A RAMP!!
We said not so fast . . .
• Price Structure
• Revised price structure
Item Surface Above
Estimated Construction Cost $1200 $6000
Estimated Total Development $1500 $7500
Estimated Annual Debt Service $175 $865
Estimated Annual Operating Costs $60 $175

Total Annual Expenses $235 $1040

Required for Space Income per $.95 $4.15
Income per Operating Day
** Data provided by Campus Parking Management Associates is a
division of AEGIS Protection Group, Inc.
So how do you know if you need a ramp?

When the size or topography of the

campus is such than even though space for
surface parking in satellite or periphery areas
might be available, the cost of the
transportation service required would be
greater than the cost of a parking structure.
You can’t build a ramp,

What will we do?

Here is what we did . . .

• Involve the staff in identifying problems

• Comprehensive parking study including
suggestions and options
• Prioritize recommendations – getting the
most bang for your buck first
USE THE WEB !!!!!!!!

• Permit Sales
• Fines
• Appeals
• Education and information
(Procedures, Maps, Links)
Other changes
New student orientation
Parents of new students
Working with local mass transit
Use of radio stations
Campus newspapers
Identifying available parking on campus
In-house newsletters and bulletins
Attend local community and neighborhood
Purchase ads in the student newspaper
Include random acts of kindness,
amnesty day, ½ price ticket day . . .
A special thanks to Amy McDonald for
technical assistance with this presentation.

You always come through!!

Questions ???????

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