The Antidote For Complaining

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The Antidote For

By Prof. Jet Castillo
• One of the most common things workers
do is complain about their work.
• This is not good because it steals the joy
in one’s heart, and it is a barrier to
What workers complain about
• Low salary
• Slow or no promotion
• Bossy boss
• Sub-standard equipment and facilities
• Difficulty in traveling to the workplace
• Tons of work to do
• Unpleasant co-workers
• You may feel that you are the worker with
the most difficult job in the world!
But wait!
• In the video that we watched, we have
seen that it is Jesus who had the most
difficult job in the world. (according to the
• His job is to save people from going to hell
by dying on the cross.
• His death is the payment for all the sins of
the people of the world.
The punch line
• Jesus did his job (the most difficult job in

“He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his
mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter…”
Isaiah 53:7
• Our job is not as difficult as Jesus’ job.
• So we shouldn’t complain as we do our
Last words
• Remember what Jesus did for you.
• Do your work with joy in your heart!

“…I have come that they may have life,

and have it to the full.” John 10:10
• Do you agree or disagree with the
message of the video and the powerpoint?
(express your honest opinion)
• Write a one-page reaction paper to the
lesson “The Antidote for Complaining.”

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