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Grade 6 & 8

Memorial School
 We are surrounded by living and nonliving

 The study of life is biology

 Biotic is anything that is alive or has once
been alive while on Earth

 To be alive an organism has to fit 7 distinct

7 Features of Life Example
Feeding- take substances from the
environment to grow and stay

Movement- internal or external

Respiration- exchange of gases in

the environment to breathe and
sustain life
Excretion- or removal of waste from
the body
Growth- feeding provides the body
with the nutrients to become more
complex over time
Sensitivity- reaction to the changes
around us
Reproduction- producing offspring
What happens when an organism hibernates
or becomes inactive or dormant?
 Abiotic - are nonliving parts of the

 How do you think abiotic things play a part

in the ecosystem?
 Predict what would happen to Woodland Park if there was
not water ,sunlight, or oxygen

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