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Pakistan’s Floods

What Happened?
• an unprecedented number of floods began in Pakistan in late July
• more than 160,000 square kilometers or 61,776 square miles have been affected,
• 20% of the country has been affected
• 1.2 million houses damaged or destroyed
• death toll at 1,752
• since early August, the number of people directly affected has risen from 3.2 to 21
– 10 million people without
• major crops affected
• Created a great environment
for Disease epidemics

People displaced by the flooding scramble for food and aid at

the roadside distribution point in Khangarh village
Number of People Affected
Province # of people affected
Balochristan 672,171
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 4,365,909
Punjab 8,200,000
Sindh 3,684,267
AJ&K 245,000
Gilgit Baltistan 8,561
Total 17,175,908

nearly 8.6 million children have been affected by floods
• 7,800 schools have been damaged, while 5,000 others are being used as shelters
for displaced peoples
• floods have damaged or destroyed crops over an area of 4.25 million acres, making
millions of poor women and children vulnerable to malnutrtion
• children are especially vulnerable to diseases due to disruption in water supplies
and sanitation
• A half million Pakistani women hit by the flood will give birth over the next 6
months, and over 32,000 will experience complications

A child suffering from a waterborne disease

lies in bed at a local hospital in Multan Members of a family and their makeshift
roadside shelter near Sukkar
Number of Women/Children Affected

Age # of people affected

Women 15-49 3,091,663

Pregnant Women 704,212

Children under 18 years 8,587,954

Children under 5 years 2,404,627

Children under 1 year 606,310

• what caused the floods?
– unprecedented floods began in late July
– monsoon patterns and heavy rainfall are responsible for flash floods
– climate change, dams, and deforestation
– timber mafia

Flood victims wait to be evacuated by a A photograph taken from a Pakistani army helicopter
Pakistani navy vessel in Sangi Patan shows the extent of the flooding in Sindh province
Long Term Effects
• lost Infrastructure sets Pakistan back in years of development 
– hatred and mistrust in Pakistan of government
– devastated agriculture will take years to recover, causing food shortages
– Taliban may turn on humanitarian workers
– Massive disease outbreaks caused by poor water sanitation

Flood victims reach for food packages dropped

by a Pakistani army helicopter near Sukkur A woman displaced by the flooding cares for her ailing son at
a field hospital near Nowshera
Global Aid
• global aid response has not been as strong as past disasters
– relatively low death toll and slow onset of floods
– Going by the numbers of people affected, the disaster is worse than the 2004
Indian Ocean tsunami, the 2005 Kashmir earthquake and the 2010 Haiti
earthquake combined, the U.N. says.
– Ten days after the Kashmir quake, donors gave or pledged $292 million,
according to the aid group Oxfam. The Jan. 12 disaster in Haiti led to pledges
nearing $1 billion within the first 10 days
– global “donor fatigue”
– U.N. officials on Wednesday launched a formal appeal for $460 million for
immediate relief for Pakistan, and have said the country will need billions
more to rebuild after the floodwaters recede.
– US has donated $147 million, UN $455 million
• The US and other countries have pledged nearly $800m
– officials estimate total economic impact to be as much as 43 billion USD
• hygiene kits are being handed out to families hit by the floods
• Supplying ready-to-eat foods for infants and young children
• Supplying clean drinking water (2 million/day) and working on fixing tube
drinking wells
• Vaccinating against polio, measles, tetanus, and tuberculosis
• Running maternal and child health clinics, trying to reach the half million
women expected to give birth in the next six months
• Child-friendly environments are being setup
• what we can give: spare change
What is needed?
• food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, medical and nutritional supplies,
hygiene promotion, vaccine immunization
• biggest threat is outbreak of water-borne diseases
• displaced population includes large number of children under 5 whose nutritional
level needs to be maintained

A girl displaced by the flooding carries bottles of drinking

water at a camp in Nowshera
How You Can Help
• Put extra change in jars in the lunch line
• Buy baked goods from our bake sales
• Spread the word about the flooding and
disaster relief
• **

• Pictures
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