Accessibility PPT 1

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American With Disabilities Act
• Established in 1990
• ADA outlaws discrimination in many fields
• Jobs
• Education
• public transportation
• public services
• This law is to make those people who have disabilities equal to those
who don’t.
American With Disabilities Act Cont.
• Equality is based on :
• Gender
• Race
• religion
• ADA is divided into five branches
Title I Title Title III

Title IV Title V
ADA Chart


liffting cognetive vision hearing

Title II of the American with Disabilities
 public entries assures to maintain rights to other people who have
disabilities as all others. Such as ;
 Programs
 Activities
 Jobs

 Provides shelter and all the requirements of the housing.

Title II of the American with
Disabilities Act
 Provides shelter and all the requirements of the housing.

5 Types of Disabilities Covered By
 Employment
 State and local government
 Transportation
 Private entities
State and local
Employment Transportation
 Telecommunications government

 Miscellaneous

Private entities Telecommunications

Assistive Technology and how it
relates to students and Learning
 It is a tool designed to help students have functional capabilities.
 Benefits either cognitive or physical activates
 Positively effects students learning skills
Assistive technology Tools

1. Abbreviation expanders
2. Alternative keyboards
3. Audio books and publications
4. Electronic math work sheets
5. Freeform database software
6. Graphic organizers and outlining
7. Talking calculators
8. Talking spell checkers and electronic dictionaries
9. Variable-speed tape recorders
10. Word-prediction programs
‘Alt Tag’

 Alternative visual information to an image

 Adds meaning to the pictures foe who cant see it
 Describes
 Pictures
 Graphs
 Charts
Avoiding Flashing and Blinking
 Causes seizures
 Distracting
 Decreases the focus of individual

NOTE : if one must use the flashing and blinking male sure that its on a
safe level, so it wont cause harm.
“read and Write” Chrome web
browser Extension

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