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By Natasha S and Desmond C.
What is it and what does it do?
● Integumentary system is a organ system that protects
the body from loss of water, and damage.
● Skin is the main part, but it also includes nails, hair,
hooves, feathers, and scales.
● Skin is the largest organ.
● Keratinocytes cells produce keratin that protect and
waterproof the skin
● Melanocytes is a cell in the skin that produce melanin,
that gives skin color.
● Hair grows everywhere on
the human body except the
palms of the hands, soles
of the feet, eyelids, and lips
● Epidermis is the top/outer layer of the skin
● It varies in different types of skin
● The epidermis itself is made up of 5
● stratum basale >
● stratum spinosum
● stratum granulosum
● stratum licidum
● stratum corneum
● The top layer is made of dead, flat cells that shed around every 2
● Dermis varies thickness depending on where
on the body the skin is.
● Dermis is made of 3 tissues, not layers.
● collagen
● elastic tissue
● reticular fibers

● Burn victims pop up and it could be a serious problem. Its caused
by outside sources.
● Technology has evolved to help these burn victims heal quicker
and easier.
● A new way scientists and doctors have came up with is called a
skin graft.
● A skin graft is when one removes the old, damaged skin and is
replaced with new healthy skin.
● Skin grafts happen not only for burn victims, but for other major
skin injuries and diseases.
● Skin grafts are performed in a hospital and are painless.
Pig VS Human
● Pig and human skin are very
identical, both in structure and in color.
● Pigs do not have long head
hair like us, but do have
short body hair, and
length depends on species.
● Pigs also have hoofs
rather than fingernails
Comparing Plant Vs Animal
● Both plants and animals have a protective layer to give structure and
protect from the outer world. (AKA epidermis).
● Both plants and animals have glands, although have slightly different
● Both can be covered with hair. Plants have
hair called Trichome, and have different functions
depending on the type
of plant.
● Commons are acne and warts.
● Chronic conditions include, eczema and psoriasis
Eczema looks like red, itchy, flaky skin. They can
happen by itself or can be the result from the outer
world, ex: Poison Ivy
Psoriasis is when skin cells build up and form scales
and dry patches.
● More serious is skin cancer
There are three main types of skin cancer and the
most common is basal cell carcinoma.

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