The Law: of Sines

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The Law

Part2: SSA

æ 1ö
1. EVALUATE sin ç - ÷
è 2ø
2. Take handout off desk and
complete 1-3.
When evaluating the inverse sine function, it
helps to remember the phrase “the arcsine of x
is the angle (or number) whose sine is x.” In
other words, we are asking what angle
has a sin value of ½??
OBSERVE: The angle you are looking for MUST give a
POSITIVE answer for sine. Therefore, we must
be in Quadrant I.

æ 1 ö
ex1.sin ç ÷
è 2ø
The Ambiguous Case (SSA)

• READ: Definition, the word ambiguous means open to

two or more interpretations. Such is the case for certain
solutions when working with the Law of Sines.

• If you are given two angles and one side (ASA OR AAS), the
Law of Sines will nicely provide you with one solution for a
missing side.

• Unfortunately, the Law of Sines has a problem when

dealing with SSA.
Ambiguous Triangle Case
This diagram is deceiving -- side-side-
angle data may result in two different
SSA Side a is given but it might be possible to ‘swing’ it to
either of two positions depending on the other given

An acute or an obtuse triangle may be possible.

Determining the Number of
Possible Triangles
The Textbook Method The easy way
3.4 The Ambiguous Case Of The Law Of Sines
If two sides and one angle opposite to one of them are given, there can be complications in

1) Use Law of Sines

solving triangles. In fact, from the given data, we may determine more than one triangle or
perhaps no triangles at all.
Let the angle be C and sides be c and b of triangle ABC given then
Here, R.H.S. is completely known and hence Ð B can be found out.
Also Ð C is given \ ÐA = 1800 - (B + C). Thus triangle ABC is solved.
But when sin B has R. H.S. with such values that the triangle can't be com pleted.

a b

(I) When Ð C < 900 (acute angle)
(a) If c < b sin C then 1 i.e. sin B > 1 which is impossible (as sine c ratio never exceeds 1)
(b) c = b sin C then = 1 i.e. sin B = 1 \ Ð B = 900 i.e triangle ABC is c right triangle.
(c) If c > b sin C then < 1 i.e. sin B < 1. But within the range 00 to 1800 ; there are two values of

sin A sin B
angles for a sine ratio as sin q = sin (180 - q), of which one is acute and the other is an obtuse.
e.g. sin 300 = sin 1500
But both of these may not be always admissible.
If ÐB < 900 (acute), the triangle ABC is possible as c > b then Ð C > Ð B. But if Ð B > 900
(obtuse) then Ð C will be also obtuse ; this is impossible as there can't be two obtuse angles in a
If c < b and Ð C is acute then both values of B are admissible . Naturally there will be two values
of Ð A and hence two values of a. Hence there are two triangle possible.

2) Sum of the angles

(II) When Ð C < 900 (obtuse angle).
Here (1) If c < b then Ð C < Ð B but then B will also become an obtuse angle. It is also
(2) If c = b then Ð B = Ð C. Hence Ð C is obtuse makes Ð B obtuse too which again impossible.

in a triangle = 180º
(3) If c > b then Ð C > Ð B. But again there are two possibilities (i) Ð B is acute (ii) and Ð B is
If Ð B is acute the triangle is possible and when Ð B is obtuse the triangle is impossible. For the
obtained values of the elements when there is ambiguity (i.e. we are unable to draw such a
triangle) to determine the triangle ; it is called an 'ambiguous case'.
Copy: SSA-“Ambiguous Case”
Cases 1, 2 or No solution.
1st - Find m> B.
Solve the triangle based upon this result “or” not!

2nd Find B’ (B prime).

How? Subtract your original B, from 180! (180-B)!

Must take note of your result for B’ !

Scenario 1: (1 solution)
• If m<B’ when added to the other given angle (A)
“exceeds” 180 a second triangle does not exist.
Therefore 1 triangle exists with only solution for the
Scenario 2: (2 solutions)
• If m<B’ when added to the other given (A) does
not exceed 180 a second triangle does exist!
Therefore 2 triangles with two distinct solutions
and you must solve for all.
Instructional Video (take notes)
3 cases
• #1 m<A = 44◦, a= 80, b=63

• #2 m<A = 41◦, a= 53, b=63

• #3 m<A = 74◦, a= 49, b=69

Example1 (2 triangles)
Given information Set up Law of Sines Solve for sin B
mA = 17º 5.8 14.3 14.3 sin 17
 sin B 
a = 5.8 sin 17 sin B 5.8
b = 14.3
Remember , find mB by
mB  46º, taking arc sin of your
decimal answer.
now solve this

Both values of C are possible, so 2 triangles are

Example2 (1 triangle)
Given information Set up Law of Sines Solve for sin B
mA = 58º 20 10 10 sin 58
a = 20
 sin B 
sin 58 sin B 20
b = 10

Find m B
m B  25º

Only one value of C is possible, so only 1 triangle is possible

Example3 (0 triangles)
Given information Set up Law of Sines Solve for sin B
mA = 71º 12 17 17 sin 71
a = 12  sin B 
b = 17
sin 71 sin B 12

sin B  1.3395

No value of B is possible, so no triangles are possible because

sine has a domain (-1,1),
• Guided Notes Practice Handout 1-6
In conclusion ,
Law of Sines Method
1) Use Law of Sines to find angle B
-If there is no value of B (for example, sin B = 2),
then there are no triangles
Remember, sin x is positive in both quadrant I and II
2) Determine value of B in quadrant II
(i.e. 180 – quadrant I value)
3) Figure out the missing angle C for both values of
angle B by subtracting angles A and B from 180
4) If it is possible to find angle C for
-both values of B, then there are 2 triangles
-only the quadrant I value of B, then
only 1 triangle is possible
Your turn.
Notice there are two different triangles that match this

As you can see in the picture, either an acute triangle or

an obtuse triangle could be created because side c could
swing either in or out along the unknown side a.
Example 1

1st Use LOS to find m<B ( given side “b”)

2nd 10/sin B = 6/sin 33
3rD Solve for B.
4th Sin B = 10(sin 33)/6
(MUST USE arcsin because we are looking for an
5th m<B= 65.2
• 7th We've found one value for angle B, but we need to
see if there's another possible value. To do this, we'll
subtract 65.2° from 180°
• 8th 180° - 65.2° = 114.8°
• 9th To see if 114.8° is a valid answer, we must add this
to the other existing angle. If their sum is less than
180°, we know a triangle can exist. If, however, it is
over 180°, then it is not a valid answer (because the
three angles of a triangle must add up to 180°.)
• 114.8° + 33° = 147.8°
Since 147.8° is less than 180°, we know that
114.8° is a valid answer.

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