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Note to teachers

Thank you for downloading this presentation from the Young

People’s Trust for the Environment. You are welcome to
modify it by adding your own slides or deleting ones you don’t
Please do not remove the photo credits from any of the
photos you use and we would be very grateful if you could
leave YPTE’s logo and web address on the relevant pages. We
want to encourage more and more young people to learn
more about taking care of our world for the future, and the
website is a great starting point for this.
You can find more supporting information on sustainable
development by visiting the ‘Explore’ section of and typing ‘sustainable’ into the topic
search field.
Sustainable Development
Photo: Steve Snodgrass
Photo by Mary
Photo by Wisconsin Dept of Natural Resources
Photo: Crustmania
Photo: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Reto/Stöckli
Improving our quality of life
without damaging the quality
of life of future generations
Every day
about 8,000
tonnes of
rubbish are
thrown away (in
England and Photo: André van Rooyen

Wales) =
the weight of 1,600 African elephants!
Photo: United Nations

Photo: Magnus Franklin

Photo: Eutrophication&hypoxia
Battersea Power Station

Photo: Loco Steve

Smog over Los Angeles, California

Photo: Ben Amstutz

Info graphic: Climatesafety
A dead forest, Czech Republic

Photo: Ramon Boersboek

Population Growth
• What is the current
world population? 7.2 billion

•What was the world’s

2.5 billion
population in 1950?

Photo: EspenSundve
Since 1950 the
richest 1/5 of
the population
has doubled its
consumption of
energy, meat,
timber, steel
and copper per
person. Photo:rubyblossom
Photo: NASA’s Earth Observatory

The clearing of trees,
Photo: Rainforest Action Network transforming a forest into
cleared land
Photo: Rainforest Action Network
Photo: Ben Britten

Over half the world’s plant and animal

species live in rainforests.
¼ of
were first
found in
Photo: NVinacco
Photo: Joelle Hernandez

70% of the deforested area is cattle

Photo: Michael J Moeller

Photo: Paul Townsend

Photo: Nick Saltmarsh
Palm Oil Plantation

Photo: R.A.N.

Photo: oneVillage Initiative

Photo: Rainforest Action Network

Photo: Dan Taylor

Photo: Roberto Verso


Photo: John Loo

Photo: Tim Sackton


Photo: Seb Ruiz

Photo: Leonora Enkling

causes more carbon
emissions than all the cars,
planes and trains in the world!
‘The Mark of Responsible Forestry’
‘Reducing emissions from deforestation and
30 - 40 litres

Photo: Steven Depolo

6 – 10 Photo: Brian Herzog

Photo: Pieter Vanhaecke

Photo: Fred Dawson

Photo: Liz West

Photo: Sean Wallis

Photo: Luis Vásquez

Photo: Wayne Marshall

Photo: Sandy Austin

Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, 2005

Photo: News Muse

Hurricane Katrina, 2005
Cyclone Pam, Vanuatu, March 2015

European Commission DG ECHO

Somerset Levels, November 2012
Chaos on the A361

Photo: Mark Robinson

This polar bear managed to get on one of
the last ice floes floating in the Arctic Sea

Photo: Gerard Van derLeun

Photo: RiccardoFrancessconi
Carbon Dioxide

Photo: Oliver Wald

Fossil Fuels
Coal Coal

Photo: Jeffrey Beall


Petrol & Diesel

Gas (Oil)
Photo: Ilya

Photo: Tom Blackwell

Click here for greenhouse effect
Photo: Roberto Rizzato video
Arctic sea ice
minimum Arctic sea ice 1979 to 2010

Photo: Scientific Visualization Studio, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Photo: Martha de Jong-Lantink
Climate Change

Photo: Smudge 9000

Wind power
1 wind turbine =
electricity for
1,000 homes.

Photo: reynermedia
Solar power

Photo: Elliott Brown

Photo: Robert Pittman

Concentrated solar power

Photo: Green MPs

Hydro-electric dam

70% of the Earth’s

surface is covered in
To find out more, please visit
Registered charity number 1153740
Creating a better future by inspiring young people to look after our world
YPTE would like to thank all the amazing
photographers on Flickr who allow the use of
their photos for non-commercial purposes.

Your photos are helping young people to learn

more about environmental issues. We couldn’t
have created this presentation without you!

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