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1987 Constitution

Ms. Claudine Saddul Uanan

HSC Faculty for Social Sciences

 That body of rules and principles in accordance with which the powers of
sovereignty are regularly exercised
 Fundamental powers of the government
 Supreme law of the land
Nature and Purpose or Function

Serves as the supreme or

fundamental law
Establishes basic framework and
underlying principles of
1935 Constitution
1973 Constitution
1987 Constitution
Basic Principles underlying the
 Recognition of the Almighty God
 Sovereignty of the People
 Renunciation of war as an instrument of National Policy
 Supremacy of the Civilian Authority
 Separation of Church and State
 Recognition of the importance of family as a basic social institution and of
the vital role of the youth in the nation building
 Guarantee of human rights
 Government through suffrage
 Separation of powers
 Independence of the Judiciary
 Guarantee of local autonomy
 High sense of public service morality and accountability
 Nationalization of natural resources and certain private
enterprises affected with public interest
 Non-suability of the state
 Government of laws and not of men
 Rule of majority
The Preamble

Sets down the origin

Purposes of the constitution
Source of Constitution’s authority

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