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aberrations are responsible for his odd

ABHOR-hate Ant esteem. I abhor thevery
idea of telling a lie
ABJECT-in low condition Ant exalted,or
dignified. The abject living conditions of
the poor must be a matter of shame for us.
ABJURE-to renounce under oath
Ant:adopt. Abjure allegiance to the losing
ABOMINATE-loathe Ant .:rave or relish;
Torturing for extorting money is an
abortive -Unsuccessful-''Many abortive
attempts were made at the mountain
abRADE-Rub off Use sandpaper to'abrade
this surface
ABRIDGE-shorten -Ant - enlarge : The
abridged edition of this book is quite cheap.
ABROGATE-Annul Ant. institute : All of
these laws must be abrogated becauseThese
are outdated.
ABSOLUTION- Pardon -Ant-punish:The
priest will grant absolution for the sinner.
ABSTEMIOUS-Keeping away from
wine etc. -Ant sensual-The abstemiouseater
does not suffer from such diseases.
ACME-the top ; Ant bottom .He is at
the acme of his reputation.
ACOUSTIC-concerning hearing
ACQUISCE-comply Ant contradict-One
should not acquisce in foolish demands
ACRIMONY-ill-willAnt amiability Ac-
rimony cannot be considered a
ACTUATE-incite Ant dissuade They
were actuated to rebel.
ACUMEN-sharpness in mind Ant
obtuseness His political acumen cannot
ADAGE-old saying or epigram It is anold
adage and must be respected
ADAMANT-inflexible Ant tractable Hewas
quite adamant in getting back hisbook
ADEPT-skilled Ant novice He is adeptin
the use of words
ADHERE-to hold Ant break Many
people adhere to their family tradition
ADMONISH-to warn Ant applaud Hewas
admonished not to divulge the se-cret.
ADROIT- skillful ant .' senseless Theadroit
mechanic helped me a lot.
ADVENT-coming Ant ending The ad-vent
of spring has brought relief.
ADVERSE-contrary Ant favourable
Adverse circumstances made him un-
ADVERSITY-misfortunes Ant
blessingSweet are the uses of adversity.
AESTHETIC-pertaining to are His
aesthetic taste is well developed.
AFFINITY-kinship Ant antipathy In-
dian languages have close affinity withone
AFFLUENT-Prosperous Ant impoverished
The affluent societies have theirown rules
to follow.
AGNOSTIC-atheist Ant believer in GodIn
old age people are no longer agnostics.
AGRARIAN -concerning land Ant
urbanAgrarian reforms are necessary in
ALACRITY-agility Ant laziness The
alacrity of the servant pleased the mas-ter.
ALIENATE-to estrange Ant become allies
This behaviour will alienate my
ALLAY-calm down Ant provoke
Theminister allayed the fears of the public.
ALLEVIATE-lessen Ant aggravate
Thismedicine will alleviate your pain.
ALLUDE-to refer to The report alludesto
his efforts.
ALTERCATE-dispute angrily Ant
conord Altercation will lead to more
ALTRUISM-unselfishness Ant slefishness
This profession demands altruism.
AMELIORATE-improve Ant
aggravateThe living conditions of the
people mustbe ameliorated.
AMENABLE-open to suggestion He
isamenable to all types of suggestions.
AMNESTY-Pardon; Ant conviction
Amnesty must be granted to the prisoners.
ANIMOSITY-enmity Ant
friendlinessContinued animosity led to war.
ANODYNE-pain reliever This medicinewill
serve as an anodyne.
ANTECEDENT-Preceding Ant cons
quent His antecedents must be checked.
ANTIPATHY-Dislike Ant attraction
Antipathy towards superiors will not
APPEND-attach Ant detach Photo-
graphs should be appended to the re-
APPREHEND-arrest or fear The thiefwas
apprehended after a long chase.
ARBITRARY-Despotic He did not con-sult
us and took an arbitrary decision.
ARCHAIC-outdated Ant current At-
chaic customs must be ignored.
ARDUOUS-laborious Work hard; thisia an
arduous job.
ARRAIGN-to bring before the court
The arrested persons was arraigned before
the court.
ASCETIC-one who practises self-denialIn
India there are many ascetics.
ASPERITY-harshness He was unnec-
essarily showing asperity.
ASPERSION -slanderous remark
Youshould not cast aspersions on his work.
ASSIDUOUS-performed with diligenceYou
must pay assiduous attention toyour work.
ASSUAGE-mitigate, satisfy You
mustassuage your desire.
ATONE-to make amends for He has
been atoning for his sins in the prison.
ATTENUATE-dilute Attenuated wineis not
AUGUR-portend The situation augurswell
for him.
AVARICE-greediness His avarice
formoney is unlimited,
BAFFLE-confuse He was
completelybaffled by the question-
BANNAL-commonplace This was justa
bannal remark.
BANEFUL-malignant Ant benevolenThis
policy will have baneful influenceon all,
BANTER-Ridicule The banter had
thedesired effect.
BEGUILE-cheating into cheer He is
beguiling time.
BELLICOSE-warlike The bellicose nations
are dangerous for world peace.
BENEDICTION-blessing Many
benedictions have been conferred upon
BENIGN-kinds The benign influence is
BLATANT-noisy. The blatant agitator
forced the management to concede
BLITHE-Spiritual happiness. Ant
despodent The blithe spirit had createdthe
proper atmosphere.
BRUNT--shock Who will bear the bruntof
this insult.'
BURNISH-polish This will burnish your
CAJOLE-Persuade by artful flattery
Theson cajoled his father for getting
CALUMNIATE-slander Ant praise Hewill
calumniate every one who opposeshim
CANDID-frank Ant diplomatic He
spoke of his financial position candidly.
CAPRICIOUS-whimsical Ant staunchThe
old people are generally capricious.
CAPTIOUS-fault finding Ant
complimentary He was captious because he
CARICATURE-distorted sketch Some
characters of Dickens are caricatures.
CARNAGE-killing on a large scale The
carnage by the terrorists must be
CASTIGATE-criticise severely Ant
applaud The judge castigated the plaintiff,
CATHOLIC-universal catholic attitude is
necessary in a democratic set up.
CAVIL-unnecessary fault finding His
cavils antagonised every one.
CELESTIAL-heavenly Planets are ce-
lestial bodies.
CHAGRIN-disappointment To the chagrin
of many he resigned.
CHARY-careful Ant indiscreet He is
quite chary about new ideas.
CHICANERY-legal trickery He was
accused of chicanery in elections.
CHOLERIC-irritable Do not tease him;he
is choleric by temperament
CIRCUMLOCUTION-round about way of
speaking Mr Micawber was very fondof
CLANDESTINE-secret No one knows
about his clandestine activities
COERCE-compel by force I cannot coerce
them to believe it.
COGENT-convincing This argument ofhis
is quite cogent.
COLLUSION-secret agreement m
collusion with China, Pakistan is out to
must show commiseration towards the
COMPLACENT-self satisfied (used in bad
sense) Gandhiji shook us from
complacency in which we had fallen.
COMPUNCTION-remorse He shoi
no compunction at that loss.
CONCERTED-mutually agreed upOn
CONCLAVE-secret and private
meeting;The leaders met at a conclave.
CONDIGN-suitable The penalty im-
posed was condign.
CONDOLE-express sorrow
CONDONE-pardon The law "
cannot condone this crime.
CONJUGAL-relating to marriage.
CONFIDANT-one to whom secrete are
told The Prime Minister has to select few
'CONFISCATE-to seize The propertywas
confiscated by the government.
Conflagration hugefire The conflagration
engulfed the whole building.
CONJECTURE-opinion based on
information This is a wild conjecture and
hasno truth about it.
CONNIVE-to assist in wrong doing
Heconnived at cheating his friends.
CONSECRATE-to make.holy The landwas
consecrated by the installation of this
CONSUMMATE-skilled or fimshed.
CONTENTIOUS-quarrelsome Hit con-
tentious nature will ruin the discusuon
CONTRITION-sincere sorrow for nn It
was after contrite that he felt relieved.
CONTRIVE - manage He contrived to
him from the contest, 'ft
CONVERSANT - familiar He is quite con-
versant with the situation.
COPIOUS-^lentifid Copious examples

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