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a) Garbled : clarity
b) Decrepit : demolition
c) Humdrum : monotony
d) Flimsy : transparency
e) Steadfast : speed
a) Moisten : throat
b) Test : commitment
c) Distract : attention
d) Reverse : direction
e) Mute : sound
VURST : SOUND :: ? : ?
a) Ebb : tide
b) Tinder : fire
c) Vlast : wind
d) Glimmer : light
e) Shard : pottery
DOVE : COTE :: ? : ?
a) Sheep : fleece
b) Pig : sty
c) Goose : flock
d) Duck : bill
e) Fox : den
SHOT : SALVO :: ? : ?
a) Sword : hilt
b) Vall : musket
c) Arrow : volley
d) Flint : powder
e) Wound : ointment
a) Salamander : marsupial
b) Horse : palomino
c) Swan : cygnet
d) Spider : arachnid
e) Aphid : insectivore
a) Surgery : quack
b) Quandary : craven
c) Chicanery : trickster
d) Forgery : speculator
e) Cutlery : butcher
›  ››
The mountain around the Li river have <lured> poets and artists for
a) intrigued
b) mystified
c) inspired
d) attracted
<Harsh> arctic and desert environment have always posted great
challenges human life.
a) severe
b) barren
c) bright
d) exceptional
Human beings share a common <heritage> of a life cycle that includes
trial and error, success, and failure.
a) hierarchy
b) inheritance
c) mark
d) problem
The north west is an important for the <lumber> .
a) steel
b) garment
c) timber
d) fishing
It is possible that an emotional condition can <trigger> a physical
a) enhance
b) diminish
c) supersede
<Toddlers> sometimes require special attention.
a) Elderly people
b) Vabies
c) pets
d) Houseplants
Minoan King had such strong navies that they were able to build
<unfortified> palaces.
a) unprotected
b) undeveloped
c) unequalled
d) unidentified
Temple, Arizona was known as Hayden's Ferry when it was <founded> in
a) discovered
b) destroyed
c) established
d) built
Chester Alan Arthur, 21st President of the United States was a hand
some man with a <ruddy complexion> .
a) broad shoulders
b) red-coloured skin
c) a slight limp
d) wavy hair.
Automation has done away with much of the <drudgery> of work.
a) uniqueness
b) dirtiness
c) unpleasantness
d) slowness
Little rock is the <hub> of the several federal interstate highways
that cross Arkansas.
a) highpoint
b) summit
c) path
d) centre
In the 13th century there were thousands of <castles> in France.
military ships
a) fortified buildings
b) acres of vineyards
c) noble men and women
In the spring, one might see newly born animals taking their first
<wobbly> steps.
a) unsteady
b) mincing
c) baby
d) tentative
Manon Anderson's European debut was <triumphant> .
a) luxuriant
b) disastrous
c) victorious
d) newsworthy
In his conquest of the Mediterranean, Alexander the great <seized> many
of the coastal cities held by the Russian navy.
a) released
b) captured
c) surrounded
d) segregated
•<A slaughterhouse> is often in the vicinity of a meat packing plant.
An inspection house
a) A barn
b) A food processing house
c) A butchering house

Unlike the eye, the ear has no lid; therefore noise penetrates without
protection. Loud noises instinctively signal danger to any organism
with a hearing mechanism, including human beings. In response ,
heartbeat and respiration accelerate. In fact , there is a general
increase in functioning brought about by the flow of adrenaline
released in response to fear.
Vecause noise is unavoidable in a complex, industrial society, we are
constantly responding in the same ways that we would respond to danger.
Recently, researchers have concluded that noise and our response may be
much more than an annoyance. It may be serious threat to physical and
psychological health and well-being, causing damage not only to the ear
and brain but also the heart and stomach. We have long known that
hearing loss is America's number one nonfatal health problem, but now
we are learning that some of us with heart disease and ulcers may be
victims of noise as well.
What is the author's main point?
Noise may pose a serious threat to our physical and psychological
Loud noises signal danger
Hearing loss is America's number one nonfatal health problem
The ear is not like the eye
According to the passage, people respond to loud noises in the same way
that they respond to
It can be inferred from this passage that the eye
responds to fear
enjoys greater protection than the ear
increase fluctuations
is damaged by noise
Noise is
not a serious problem today
America's number-one problem
an unavoidable in an industrial society
a complex problem
What was the topic of the paragraph that preceded this passage ?
the eye
heart disease
In order to be licensed by the state to operate a motor vehicle, a
driver must achieve a score of at least 90 percent on a twenty-item
multiple-choice examination driving procedures and laws ; 90 percent on
a ten-item fill-in examination covering traffic signs; and 80 percent
on a practical driving examination administered and scored by a state
highway patrolman.
Where would this passage most probably be found ?
In a newspaper
In a traffic ticket
In a driver's manual
In a test on traffic signs
What is the minimum score to pass the test on procedures and laws ?
90 percent
85 percent
86.6 percent
80 percent
How many road signs must the driver identify?
What must the driver do to demonstrate his knowledge of driving rules?
He must write short answers to essay questions
He must complete one or two words that are missing in sentences
@He must select the best answer from several possible answers
He must discriminate true statements from false statements
( price list )
DOUVLE SPACE - $1.50/page
SINGLE SPACE - $2.50/page
CHARTS & GRAPHS - $2.50/page
RESUMES - $3.50/page
LETTERSw/ENVELOPE - $2.00/page
The above prices reflect typing with standard margins(1½") and the
popular PICA type size
The smaller ELITE type is $.25 extra per page.
There will also be an extra charge for footnotes typed at the bottom of
each page.
It is at the typist's discretion to charge extra for handwriting that
is difficult to read.
According to this price list, how much would it cost to have a one-page
resume typed ?
How much would it cost to have a ten-page paper typed if it were
double-spaced pica and had no footnotes or references ?
Why does it cost more to have a page typed with ELITE ?
Vecause it is more popular
Vecause it is more difficult to type
Vecause it is at the typist's discretion
Vecause more print will fit on one page
What if the handwriting on the original is very poor ?
The typist will charge more
The typist will not charge more than published price
The typist may or may not ask for an additional charge
The typist will need longer to complete the work.
A geyser is the result of underground water under the combined
conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the
surface of the earth. Since temperature rises approximately one degree
F for every sixty feet under the earth's surface, and pressure
increases with depth ,water that seeps down in cracks and fissures
until it reaches very hot rocks in the earth's interior becomes heated
to e temperature in excess of 290 degrees F. Vecause of the greater
pressure, it shoots out of the surface in the form of steam and hot
water. The result is a geyser.
For the most part, geysers are located in three regions of the world :
Newzealand, Iceland, and the Yellowstone National park area of the
united states. The most famous geyser in the world is Old faithful in
Yellowstone Park. Old Faithful erupts almost every hour, rising to a
height of 125 to 170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand gallons
during each eruption.
In order for a geyser to erupt
hot rocks must rise to the surface of the earth.
water must flow underground
it must be a warm day
the earth must not be rugged or broken
Old Faithful is located in
The United States
A geyser is
hot water and stream
cracks and fissures
hot rocks
great pressure
Old Faithful erupts
every 10 minutes
@every 60 minutes
every 125 minutes
every 170 minutes
As depth increases
pressure increases but temperature does not
temperature increases but pressure does not
both pressure and temperature increases
neither pressure nor temperature increases
Stamp collecting, or to call it by its correct name, Philately, has
been an increasingly popular hobby from as early as 1854.
What is another name for stamp collecting?
In 1854, stamp collecting was
more popular than it is today
as popular as it is today
not enjoyed
just beginning to become popular

1.Ten students - Allan,Ven,Carl,Dan,Elvis,Flora,Gracy,Hillary,Ida, and
Jill - each join one committee. There are four committee from which to
choose: Arts, Sports,Publishing, and Social-Service.
The Sports group has one less student than the Arts committee.
Allan,Ven, and Carl do not join the Arts committee, individually or as
a group.None of the students join the Social-Service group.
Dan,Elvis, and Flora do not partake in Sports individually or as a
group.Gracy,Hillary, and Ida do not join the Publishing committee
individually or as a group.Jill joins the Publishing group.(question)
Which of the following is a list of students who could comprise the
entire Publishing committee?
a) Jill,Ven, and Gracy
b) Jill,Carl, and Flora
c) Jill,Dan,Elvis, and Flora
d) Jill,Ven,Carl, and Dan
e) Jill,Allan,Carl,Flora, and Ida
2.Ten students - Allan,Ven,Carl,Dan,Elvis,Flora,Gracy,Hillary,Ida, and
Jill - each join one committee. There are four committee from which to
choose: Arts, Sports,Publishing, and Social-Service.
The Sports group has one less student than the Arts committee.
Allan,Ven, and Carl do not join the Arts committee, individually or as
a group.None of the students join the Social-Service group.
Dan,Elvis, and Flora do not partake in Sports individually or as a
group.Gracy,Hillary, and Ida do not join the Publishing committee
individually or as a group.Jill joins the Publishing group
2.(question) Of those listed, what is the largest possible number of
students who could serve in the Publishing Committee?
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
e) 10
3.Ten students - Allan,Ven,Carl,Dan,Elvis,Flora,Gracy,Hillary,Ida, and
Jill - each join one committee. There are four committee from which to
choose: Arts, Sports,Publishing, and Social-Service.
The Sports group has one less student than the Arts committee.
Allan,Ven, and Carl do not join the Arts committee, individually or as
a group.None of the students join the Social-Service group.
Dan,Elvis, and Flora do not partake in Sports individually or as a
group.Gracy,Hillary, and Ida do not join the Publishing committee
individually or as a group.Jill joins the Publishing group3.(question)
If no other student except Ida is in Sports, which of the following
students must have chosen Arts?
a) Dan and Hillary
b) Flora and Elvis
c) Elvis and Gracy
d) Hillary and Flora
e) Gracy and Hillary
4) Ten students - Allan,Ven,Carl,Dan,Elvis,Flora,Gracy,Hillary,Ida, and
Jill - each join one committee. There are four committee from which to
choose: Arts, Sports,Publishing, and Social-Service.
The Sports group has one less student than the Arts committee.
Allan,Ven, and Carl do not join the Arts committee, individually or as
a group.None of the students join the Social-Service group.
Dan,Elvis, and Flora do not partake in Sports individually or as a
group.Gracy,Hillary, and Ida do not join the Publishing committee
individually or as a group.Jill joins the Publishing group.(question If
the Publishing committee has one member, who of the following must have
chosen Arts?
a) Allan
b) Ven
c) Gracy
@d) Dan
e) Hillary
5) Ten students - Allan,Ven,Carl,Dan,Elvis,Flora,Gracy,Hillary,Ida, and
Jill - each join one committee. There are four committee from which to
choose: Arts, Sports,Publishing, and Social-Service.
The Sports group has one less student than the Arts committee.
Allan,Ven, and Carl do not join the Arts committee, individually or as
a group.None of the students join the Social-Service group.
Dan,Elvis, and Flora do not partake in Sports individually or as a
group.Gracy,Hillary, and Ida do not join the Publishing committee
individually or as a group.Jill joins the Publishing group.(question If
Gracy,Hillary and Carl are the only students in Sports, which three
must be the only students who joined the Publishing committee?
a) Allan,Ven, and Jill
b) Allan,Dan, and Jill
c) Ven,Elvis and Jill
d) Ven,Flora, and Jill
e) Carl,Elvis and Jill
6) Ten students - Allan,Ven,Carl,Dan,Elvis,Flora,Gracy,Hillary,Ida, and
Jill - each join one committee. There are four committee from which to
choose: Arts, Sports,Publishing, and Social-Service.
The Sports group has one less student than the Arts committee.
Allan,Ven, and Carl do not join the Arts committee, individually or as
a group.None of the students join the Social-Service group.
Dan,Elvis, and Flora do not partake in Sports individually or as a
group.Gracy,Hillary, and Ida do not join the Publishing committee
individually or as a group.Jill joins the Publishing group.(question)
If Allan and Gracy are the only students in Sports, how many students
must be in Publishing committee?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
@ ›]›
An examination was held in science Paper I and Paper II .60% of the
candidates passed in Paper I and 70% in Paper II. If 20% failed in both
the subjects and 581 candidates passed in both the subjects, how many
appeared in the examination ?
None of these
The population of a town is 24000. if the number of males increased by
6% and that of females by 9% the population would be 25620. Find the
numbers of (a) females, (b) males of the town.
3000 females, 9000 males
4000 females, 12000 males
5000 females, 15000 males
6000 females, 18000 males
None of these
A man buys a machine on the condition that he shall pay Rs. 500 now,
Rs. 500 after one year and Rs. 500 after two years. What should be the
cash value of machine compound interest being reckoned at 3½ % ?
Rs. 1569.80
Rs. 1649.50
Rs. 1769.60
None of these
15% of 120 = ?
None of these
?% of 30 +=is equal of==++== 12
None of these
40% of 120 = ?
None of these
The mean marks of 10 boys in class is 70% whereas the mean marks of 15
girls is 60%. The mean marks of all the 25 students is
None of these
What cash payment will settle the bill for 250 chairs at Rs. 50 per
chair less 20% and 5% with a further discount of 5% for cash payment ?
Rs. 830.30
Rs. 3321.20
Rs. 6642.40
Rs. 9025.00
None of these
The list price of an article is Rs. 65. A customer pays Rs. 56.16 for
it. He was given two successive discounts, one of them being 10%. The
other discount is
None of these
Two shopkeepers sell the machines at the same list price. The first
allows two successive discounts of 30% and 6% and the second 20% and
16%. Which discount series is more advantageous to the purchaser ?
30% and 6%
20% and 16%
both have the same value
Profit is unpredictable
None of these
A dealer buys a radio listed at Rs. 1000 and gets successive discounts
of 10% and 20%. He spends 10% of the cost price on transportation. If
he wants a profit of 15%, he should sell the radio for
None of these
The list price of an article is Rs. 1200. If it is available on a
discount series of 10%, 8%, 5%, the selling price of the article is
Rs. 1080.00
Rs. 993.60
Rs. 943.92
Rs. 812.76
None of these
If the compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years at 4% per annum
is Rs. 97.92, the simple interest on the same sum for same time and at
the same rate of interest is
Rs. 48.3
Rs. 64.3
Rs. 80.3
Rs. 95.3
None of these
A sum of money is invested at compound interest payable annually. The
interest in two successive years is Rs.225 and Rs.238.50. The rate of
interest charged is
None of these
The two partners Karim and Rahim jointly lent Rs. 1682 at 5% per annum
at compound interest, payable annually. 3 years after, Rahim gets the
same amount as Karim gets after 5 years. The investments of Rahim and
Karim respectively are
Rs. 800, Rs. 882
Rs. 982, Rs. 700
Rs. 882, Rs. 800
Rs. 600, Rs. 1082
None of these
An electric fan lists at Rs. 265.80 and is sold at a discount of 10% .
The shopkeeper gives further discount of 8% for cash payment. The
selling price of the fan, when payment is made in cash , is
Rs. 250.00
Rs. 239,22
Rs. 220.08
Rs. 210.07
None of these
The difference in compound interest and simple interest for 3 years at
5% per annum can be found by multiplying the principal by
None of these
A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs. 4025 in 3 years and to
Rs.4550 in 6 years at some rate of interest. Find the sum and rate of
interest per annum.
Rs. 2500, 6%
Rs. 3000, 5%
Rs. 3500, 5%
Rs. 4000, 4%
None of these
A person lent a sum of money at 4% simple interest. In 8 years, the
interest was Rs.340 less than the sum lent. The sum lent was
Rs. 250
Rs. 3500
Rs. 2500
Rs. 5000
A man borrowed Rs.1000 at 5% per annum at simple interest. Each year,
he pays Rs. 200 for interest and part of the debt at the end of each
year. The amount that is left to be paid back at the beginning of the
4th year is
Rs 850.00
Rs. 826.13
Rs. 692.50
Rs. 527.13
None of these
A sum of money at compound interest amounts to Rs. 578.40 in 2 years
and to Rs. 614.55 in 3 years. The rate of interest per annum is
None of these
The sum at which the difference between compound interest and simple
interest for 3 years at 5% per annum is Rs. 12.20 will be
Rs. 1200
Rs. 1500
Rs. 1600
Rs. 2000
None of these
A man lent Rs. 20,000 partly at 5% and the rest at 4% simple interest.
The total annual interest is Rs. 920. The money lent at 5% is
Rs. 6,000
Rs. 8,000
Rs. 10,000
Rs. 12,000
None of these
The average of first five prime numbers greater than 20 is
None of these
A man invested Rs. 5000 at some rate of simple interest and Rs. 4000 at
1% higher rate of interest. if the interest in both cases after 4 years
is same, the former rate of interest is
None of these
The average of 50 numbers is 38. If two numbers 45 and 55 are
discarded, the average of remaining set of numbers is
None of these
The average of first 20 multiples of 7 is
None of these
A man bought a horse and sold it again at a profit of 10%. If he had
bought it at 20% less and sold it for Rs. 10 more, he would have made a
profit of 40%. The cost price of the horse is
Rs. 150
Rs. 500
Rs. 1500
Rs. 5000
None of these

the manufacturer of a machine sells it to wholesaler at a profit of
20%. The wholesaler in turn sells it to a retailer at a gain of 10%.
The retailer sells it to consumer at Rs. 1452 at a gain of 10%. The
cost price of the machine for the manufacturer is
Rs. 870
None of these
Ram sells a table to Shyam at a profit of 20% and Shyam sells it to
Sohan at a profit of 30%. If it cost Rs.3120 to Sohan, the cost price
of table for Ram is
None of these
I bought one dozen pencils at the rate 5 paise per pencil. For how much
should one pencil be sold for a profit of 20%?
5 paise
6 paise
7 paise
10 paise
None of these
A person purchased 10 apples at Rs. 4/- per apple. 2 were not eatable
. Vy selling the rest, he wanted to earn 25% profit on the whole. He
should sell each apple at
Rs. 6.25
Rs. 5.00
Rs. 5.50
Rs. 4.00
None of these
A dealer paid Rs. 60 for a desk. He wishes to put a price tag on it so
that he could offer his customer discount of 10% of the price marked on
the tag and still makes a profit of 20% of the cost. What price should
be marked on the tag ?
Rs. 72
Rs. 78
Rs. 79.20
Rs. 80
Rs. 85
60% of a mixture is pure acid and the rest is water. If the volume of
pure acid exceeds the volume of water by 4 litres, then the volume of
water in it is
10 L
8 L
40 L
20 L
None of these
The compound interest for Rs.500 /- at the rate of 5% for 3 years is
Rs. 75
Rs. 85.40
Rs. 78.80
Rs. 80.78
None of these
When 75% of a number is added to 75 it results in the number itself the
number is
A man sold a cow at a loss of 10%. Had he charged Rs. 30/- more he
would have gained 12½%. Find the selling price of the cow.
Rs. 80
Rs. 93.75
Rs. 100
Rs. 110
Rs. 120
If Sonia buys an article for Rs.. 70 and sells it at a loss of 20 %,
her selling price will be
If Anju sells her radio for Rs.. 1210 and loses 20%, her cost price
will be
Rs.. 1200
Rs.. 1150
Rs.. 1100
Rs.. 1050
None of these
If Manju sells an article for Rs.. 1210 and gains 20 %, the cost price
will be
Rs.. 1500
Rs.. 1400
Rs.. 1600
Rs.. 1550
None of these
If by selling an article for Rs.. 960, Sonia gains 3/5 of her outlay,
the cost price therefore will be
Rs.. 600
Rs.. 800
Rs.. 700
Rs.. 500
None of these
The annual income of A is 10 % less than that of V whose income is 20 %
more than of C. If the monthly income of C is Rs.. 200 what is the
total annual income of A, V and C?
Rs.. 95060
Rs.. 9450
Rs.. 8160
Rs.. 8260
None of these
Oranges were purchased at Rs.. 150 per hundred and sold at Rs.. 2 per
oranges. If a profit of Rs.. 1000 was made how many oranges were
Rs.. 3000
Rs.. 1000
Rs.. 2000
Rs.. 2500
None of these
A wholesaler sells 30 pens for the price of 27 pencils to a retailer.
The retailer sells the pens at the marked price. The profit of the
retailer is
11*1/9 %
5 %
9*1/2 %
8*1/2 %
None of these
A man purchases a bag of wheat of weight 70 kg at Rs.. 175. He sells it
at a rate of Rs.. 2.75 per kg. Find the profit or loss percentage.
10 % loss
10 % profit
15 % profit
25 % profit
None of these
An ox is sold for Rs.. 880 at a loss of 12%. The seller might have
gained 10 %, if its price would have been
Rs.. 1000
Rs.. 1050
Rs.. 1100
Rs.. 1075
None of these
A man sells 2 watches for Rs.. 99 each. If he gains 10 % on one and
loses 10 % on the other, his gain or loss will be
20 Rs.. gain
200 Rs.. gain
Neither gain or loss
Rs.. 20 loss
None of these
Manju sells an article to Anju at a profit of 25%. Anju sells it at a
gain of 10% and Sonia sells to Vobby at a profit of 5 %. If Sonia sells
it for Rs.. 231 the cost price of Manju's article will be
Rs.. 150
Rs.. 155
Rs.. 160
Rs.. 175
None of these
If a dishonest shopkeeper professes to sell his goods at cost price but
he uses a weight of 900 gms for one Kg, his gain percentage will be
11 1/9 %
8.5 %
11 1/3 %
11.3 %
None of these
If the C.P. of 16 articles is equal to the S.P. of 12 articles, the
gain or loss per cent will be
30.5 %
23.33 %
32.36 %
33.33 %
None of these

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