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oleh : Teguh Rachmanto ( /

Disampaikan dalam Pelatihan Kader Lanjut

(PKL) pada 20-24 Agustus 2008 di Wisma
Sejahtera Surabaya
Table of content
subject time estimation

Review 25 minutes
Critical analysis 20 minutes
Alternative strategies 20 minutes
Discussion! 3x 25 minutes

90 minutes
Noam Chomsky
"If you go to one demonstration and then go
home, that's something, but the people in
power can live with that. What they can't
live with is sustained pressure that keeps
building, organizations that keep doing
things, people that keep learning lessons
from the last time and doing it better the
next time.“
Community organization is that process by
which the people…organize themselves to
‘take charge’ of their situation and thus
develop a sense of being a community
together. — Reverend Robert Linthicum,
World Vision International
Base building : challenge the
community to be responsible…….
Transformation (individual-
communities): from passive object of
decision made by others…….
Key principle of CO
A Participative Culture.
Breadth of Mission and Vision.
Critical Perspective.
How CO
Differs from Other Strategies
CO is the only strategy that invests all of
its resources and energy to build the
power of the people themselves —
low-income residents, people directly
impacted by the issues being addressed
— to work effectively for community
The Roles and Responsibilities
of Community Organizers
Organizers challenge people to act on
behalf of their common interests.
Organizers develop new relationships out of
old ones
Organizers deepen understanding by
creating opportunities for people
Organizers work through campaigns.
Organizers build community by developing
Ten commandments for
changing the world
1. You Gotta Believe 7. Apply Constant
2. Challenge Pressure
Authority 8. Teach Alternatives
3. Know the System 9. Learn From your
4. Take Action Mistakes
5. Use the media 10. Take Care of
6. Build Alliances Yourself and Each
Assumption of two basic unit
contained within it a (a) visible, and
number of vital therefore concretely
organizations definable;
there were important
(b) local, and therefore
churches, ethnic groups,
political organizations, accessible; and
and labor unions. (c) capable, and
Their constituencies therefore possessed of
would then follow as the the resources and
"organization of authority to correct the
organizations" model problem
Today’s condition

“commu “enemy
nity ” ”
 tingkat partisipasi rendah  mereka tidak benar2 “ada”

 ikatan solidaritas melemah  mereka bukan kekuatan lokal

 semakin tidak produktif 4com

New Strategies
reconceptualization of neighborhood as
a locus for production
building internal neighborhood
productive capacities.
a parallel reorientation of strategy from
organizing confrontation over service
distribution issues to organizing
confrontation over production and the
resources necessary to produce
the local community
Continuing to push the good work
Expanding greatly the number of cooperative,
neighborhood-owned, worker-owned, and
joint-venture enterprises for the production of
both exportable and locally useful goods.
Similarly, community-based and -owned
enterprises in the still-expanding services and
communications areas need further
public sector
Taking a thorough look at the public dollars
already being spent in the neighborhood and
devising strategies aimed at shifting their uses
away from traditional transfer and maintenance
functions toward investment approaches.
Developing strategies designed to direct public
resources to neighborhood development groups.
A variety of neighborhood-based forms of
governance carrying significant local authority.
the private sector
Organizations might agree upon the basic
outlines of a "Corporate Accountability
Act" for Community Reinvestment Act,
which requires financial institutions to invest
in older neighborhoods.
Concurrently, organizations might agree to
pursue something like a "Community
Banking Act," designed to define the
obligations of financial institutions for local
credit allocation.
power. It means being able to do something about
they’ve been frustrated about all their lives.
— Ernesto Cortes, Industrial Areas Foundation

Community organizing explicitly seeks to build the

base of the poor so they can affect and change the
policies and private market forces that create and
social and economic inequality.— Henry Allen,
Hyams Foundation

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