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Group Name :
 Popy Mega Wati 12700002
 Muhammad Syaifudin 12700022
 Andarini Nurvikasari 12700046
 Selvy Listyo Wardhani 12700078
 Moh. Isyraqi Khairan R. 12700120
 Silvia Rossa Muis 12700140
 I Putu Dedi Maharjana 12700148
 Renzy Tudang Ambabunga 12700172
 Nur Sri Wahyuni 12700244
 Made Adikhosa Pranata 12700246
Definition Clinical
Etiology Manifastation

Diagnosis Prevention

Short Long
PICTURE Prevention of Prevention of
Definition of HIVAIDS
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus
that attacks the human immune system making the body
susceptible to various diseases.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease
caused by the HIV retrovirus and is characterized by severe
Immunosuppression leading to opportunistic infections,
secondary neoplasma, and neurologic manifestations. HIV
has been established as the causative agent of acquired
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is a collection
of specific clinical conditions that are the end result of
infection by HIV. The definition of AIDS established by the
center for disease control, has changed several times since
the first symptoms was found in 1981.
Etiology of HIV AIDS
The cause of AIDS is a type of virus called a retrovirus
belonging to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The
virus was first isolated by Montagnier and his colleagues in
France in 1983 under the name Lymphadenopathy
Associated Virus (LAV), whereas Gallo in the United States
in 1984 isolate (HIV) III. Then the international agreement
in 1986 the name was changed to the HIV virus.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a type of retrovirus
RNA. In its original form is inert particles, can not be
developed or hurt until he got to the target cells. This is
particularly viral target cells Lymphosit T cells, because it
has a receptor for the HIV virus called CD-4. In the
Lymphosit T cells, the virus can grow and like other
retroviruses, it can survive long in cells with inactive state.
Clinical Manifestations of AIDS
Signs symptoms (symptom) clinically in one patient
AIDS is difficult because symptom identified aimed at large
is started from the general symptoms commonly found in
many patients with other diseases, but in general would be
expressed as the following:
• Fatigue and lethargy
• Weight loss is drastically
• Fever that often and at a time when the night sweats
• Diarrhoea and decreased appetite
• White spots on the tongue and in the mouth
• Swelling of the neck and groin
• Pneumonia
• Skin cancer
Laboratory Examination and
Diagnosis AIDS
Immunodeficiency Human Virus can be isolated from the fluid-fluid
role in AIDS transmission such as blood, semen and cervical fluid or
Diagnosis of infection with HIV enforced in laboratory with
discovery of specific antibodies against the virus. examination for
found the presence of antibodies is using Elisa (Enzyme Linked
Immunosorbent assay). If the result is positive, the Elisa test be
repeated, and if still positive after repeating the test must be
confirmed with a more specifically the Western blot method.
Basic in the diagnosis of AIDS is:
1. The existence of HIV as the etiological (through laboratory tests).
2. Signs of immunodeficiency.
3. The presence of symptoms of opportunistic infections.
Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) is not a cure for HIV / AIDS but enough
prolong the lives of those living with HIV. In a poor setting a start of ARV
treatment is medically generally recommended when the CD4 cell count of
with HIV / AIDS is 200 or lower. To be effective, it is a combination of
of three or more antiretroviral drugs consumed, in general it is about a
antiretroviral therapy gat san-active (HAART). The combination of drugs can
use the following:
1. Nucleoside Analogue Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs'), targeting
the prevention of protein HIV reverse transcriptase in preventing the
movement of viral RNA into viral DNA (example: AZT, DDI, DDC and 3TC).
2. Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTI's) slow down the
reproduction of HIV with mixed with reverse transcriptase, a viral enzyme
that is important. San-gat the enzyme essential for HIV to enter the derived
material into cells. Drugs including the NNRTI: Nevirapine, delavirdine
(Rescripta), efavirenza (Sustiva).
3. Protease Inhibitors (PI) mengtargetkan protein HIV protease and held that
a virus just can not get together on the host cell and released.
There are 2 ways of prevention of AIDS is the short
and long term:

1. Short AIDS Prevention Efforts

Short-term efforts to prevent AIDS is by KIE, giving
information to high-risk groups how the pattern of
the spread of the AIDS virus (HIV), so it can be known
prevention measures.

There are three patterns of spread of the HIV virus:

1. Through sexual contact
2. through blood
3. Through an infected mother to her baby
2. Long-term AIDS Prevention Efforts
Long-term effort that must be done to prevent
the prevalence of AIDS is changing the attitude and behavior of the
the increasing religious norms and social so that people can
responsible sexual behavior.
The definition of responsible sexual behavior are:
a. Do not have sex at all.
b. Just have sex with a sexual partner is not faithful
infected with HIV (monogamy).
c. Avoiding sexual relations with women prostitutes.
d. Avoid sexual contact with someone who has more than one
sexual partners.
e. Reducing the number of sexual partners as little as possible.
f. Reducing the number of sexual partners as little as possible
g. Avoid sexual contact with groups at high risk of contracting AIDS.
h. No anogenital intercourse.
i. Use condoms from start to finish sexual intercourse.
Symptoms and Complications
Systems WHO Phases of Infection

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