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• Function: Transport of fat soluble substances

• Types: 1) Chylomicron


3) LDL

4) HDL
• Made by: the small intestines in the fed state
• Absorbed into: the lymph vessels, then -->
moves into the blood
• Rich in: TGs
• Function: Deliver TG’s to body cells to be used
as fuel

3 Fatty Acids Glycerol

Adipose Skeletal Heart Blood

(storage) Muscle (energy)
(energy) Liver

Chylomicron Remnant

• = Very Low Density Lipoprotein
• Made in: the liver from excess dietary carbohydrate
and protein along with the Chylomicron remnant
• Secreted into: the bloodstream
• Rich in: TGs
• Function: Deliver TGs to body cells
• Contains apo B100
• Similar to Chylomicrons, but made by different tissues

3 Fatty Acids Glycerol

Adipose Skeletal Heart Blood

(storage) Muscle (energy)

Once VLDL looses much of its TG’s it becomes LDL

• = Low Density Lipoprotein
• Made in: the Liver as VLDL
• Arise from: VLDL once it has lost a lot of its TG’s
• Secreted into: the bloodstream
• Rich in: Cholesterol
• Function: Deliver cholesterol to all body cells
• = High Density Lipoprotein
• Made in: the Liver and Small Intestine
• Secreted into: the bloodstream
• Function: Pick up cholesterol from body cells and
take it back to the liver = “reverse cholesterol
• Potential to help reverse heart disease
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
• Main type of CVD is Atherosclerosis (AS)
• Endothelial dysfunction is one of earliest
changes in AS
• Mechanical, chemical, inflammatory mediators
can trigger endothelial dysfunction:
– High blood pressure
– Smoking (free radicals that oxidatively damage
– Elevated homocysteine
– Inflammatory stimuli
– Hyperlipidemia
A Healthy Endothelium
 PGI2
 NO

Maintaining an
A Dysfunctional Endothelium
has decreased:
 PGI2
 NO

Shifting to a
pro-coagulant, pro-
thrombotic surface
Pro-Inflammatory Molecules
• Chemokines = monocyte chemoattractant protein 1
• Inflammatory cytokines = tumor necrosis factor a
• Adhesion molecules = intercellular adhesion molecule
1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1
• Overexpression of all these inflammatory mediators is
commonly seen in atherosclerotic lesions.
Endothelial Dysfunction
( endothelial activation, impaired endothelial-dependent

•  endothelial synthesis of PGI2 (prostacylcin), & NO

(nitric oxide)
– PGI2 = vasodilator, platelet adhesion/aggregation
– NO = vasodilator, platelet & WBC (monocyte) adhesion

•  Adhesion of monocytes onto endothelium -->

transmigration into subendothelial space (artery
wall) --> change to macrophages

• Endothelial dysfunction --> increased flux of LDL into

artery wall
Oxidation of LDL (oxLDL)
• Oxidation = process by which free radicals (oxidants) attack and
damage target molecules / tissues
• Targets of free radical attack:
– DNA - carbohydrates
– Proteins - PUFA’s>>> MUFA’s>>>>> SFA’s

• LDL can be oxidatively damaged: PUFA’s are oxidized and

trigger oxidation of apoB100 protein --> oxLDL

• OxLDL is engulfed by macrophages in subendothelial space

Atherosclerotic Plaque
• Continued endothelial dysfunction (inflammatory response)
• Accumulation of oxLDL in macrophages (= foam cells)
• Migration and accumulation of:
– smooth muscle cells,
– additional WBC’s (macrophages, T-lymphocytes)
– Calcific deposits
– Change in extracellular proteins, fibrous tissue formation

• High risk =  VLDL (TG)  LDL  HDL

Antioxidant Defense Systems
• 1. Prevent oxidation from being initiated

• 2. Halt oxidation once it has begun

• 3. Repair oxidative damage

Antioxidant Mechanisms
• Antioxidant vitamins (vitamins C, E, carotenoids)

• Flavanoids and other phytochemicals

• Antioxidant enzyme systems

– Minerals required: Mn, Cu, Zn, Se
Factors Associated with CVD

• Genetic Variables
– Being male
– Being post-menopausal female
– Family history of heart disease before the age of 55
(some are associated with genetic defects in LDL
Factors Associated with CVD

• Dietary
1. Elevated levels of LDL
--More LDL around to potentially oxidize and accumulate in artery wall
2. Low levels of HDL
--HDL carries cholesterol from artery walls back to the liver
3. Low levels of antioxidant vitamins
--Vit. E, Vit. C, Beta-carotene
4. Low levels of other dietary antioxidants
--Phenolics, flavanoids, red wine, grape juice, vegetables, fruits
Factors Associated with CVD

• High blood pressure

• Damages the artery wall allowing LDL to enter the wall
more readily
Cigarette Smoking
• Cigarette smoke products are oxidants and can oxidize LDL
• Cigarette smoking compromises the body’s antioxidant
vitamin status, especially Vit. C
• Damages the artery wall
Activity Level
• Exercise is the most effective means of raising HDL levels
Homocysteine Levels
• Normal byproduct of certain metabolic pathways
• Normally metabolized to other products
• Elevated levels cause damage to artery walls =
increased the oxidation of LDL
• Elevated homocysteine levels are significantly
correlated with increased risk to heart disease.
• Vitamins B6, B12, and Folic acid normalize homocysteine

Methionine (a.a.)

B12, Folate

Homocysteine SAM
Enzyme 1. Norepinephrine
B6 2. Guanidinoacetate
3. Serotonin
4. Serine
cysteine CH3
1. Epinephrine
SAH 2. Creatine
3. Melatonin
sulfate 4. Choline
Dietary/Lifestyle Prevention/Intervention of Heart
Maintain Platelet Decrease LDL Increase HDL Increase
Endothelial Activity Antioxidants
 High Blood  w-3 PUFAs  Saturated Fat  MUFA/  PUFA  MUFA/
Pressure  w -6 PUFA  w -6 PUFA

 Homocysteine  Phytochemicals  Cholesterol  w-3 PUFAs (fish) Vegetables

B6, B12, Folic Acid

Phytochemicals Aspirin  w-3 oils (fish)  Exercise Fruits

Stop smoking  Fiber Stop smoking Stop smoking

 Trans Fats Body weight if


 Fiber
Know Your Lipid Profile

Fasting Blood Level Ideal, Healthy Level

Total Cholesterol < 200 mg/dl

LDL-Cholesterol < 100 mg/dl

HDL-Cholesterol ≥ 60 mg/dl

Triglycerides < 150 mg/dl

Know Your Diabetes, Metabolic Risk

Fasting Healthy Pre-Diabetes Diabetes

(Metabolic Syndrome)

Blood Glucose < 110 mg/dl 110-125 mg/dl ≥ 126 mg/dl

2 hr GTT < 140 mg/dl 140-200 mg/dl > 200 mg/dl

Triglyceride < 150 mg/dl > 150 mg/dl Typically elevated

M < 40 mg/dl
HDL ≥ 60 mg/dl Typically low
F < 50 mg/dl
The Metabolic Syndrome
Abdominal Obesity
Men > 40 inch waist
Women > 35 inch waist

Triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dL

HDL cholesterol
Men < 40 mg/dL
Women < 50 mg/dL
Blood Pressure ≥ 130/ 85 mm Hg
Fasting Blood Glucose 110-125 mg/dL
Know Your Blood Pressure

Category Systolic (mm/Hg)

Normal 120 or less 80 or less

High Normal 130-139 85-89

High Blood
140 or more 90 or more
Strive for blood pressure of 120/80 or less

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