Website Number 1

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By Adam Garswood 18/9/17

• Target audience is supporters of St. Helens
rlfc and anyone with an
interested in finding out
more about the club.
• On my first website there
is information about
club ticket news and
fixture news along side
information about the
clubs history this is a
information sharing

This is a navigation
bar which contains
hyperlinks which will
you take you to
another page on
the website this is
improving usability .


The currency convertor can
compare prices from other
country's from around the
world for our fans who want
to buy merchandise - this is
useful because people from
the around the world can
buy merchandise more
quickly .
This is a good feature because
fans can sign up to receive emails
about ticket news and percentage
off merchandise

Example of a form which allows uses to

input their information – presentation
because it helps the layout of the site.
This is a video showing St. Helens super 8s fixtures. This is
one of many examples of videos on the site which is very
helpful because people who visit the website can watch
the video. Having lots more videos makes the site more

This is a hyperlink which takes me

to another site called twitter from
the St. Helens website. It is useful
to have this link on the website so
then fans for example do not
need to open another tab on a
computer or smart phone.
The feature on this page is a email address it
is useful because it is easier to email instead
of using the phone also by using an email
address you have a record of the

My last and final feature

is animation. This shows
a countdown clock with
how many days , hours ,
minutes and seconds to
the next game. This
visual countdown brings
excitement to the
How features improve the following
Presentation – The St. Helens R.F.C website uses the same layout for example
logo and navigation bar are always in the same place which makes it easy to
find information. The colours on the website match the colours of the badge
and the kit and are consistent through out making the website professional and
making the uses aware that they are still on the same site. The font used on the
website is clear and easy to read.
Graphics and other media make the site easier and interesting to enjoy.
Usability – The navigation bar is useful as fans can get around the site quickly
and easily also the navigation bar is in the place on the website so people who
visit this website I will find it easy to use the navigation bar because it helps me
when opening up new pages on the website this means you can move to any
page why using the website from any page.
Email links - it is easy to contact the club when using an email address. You
can also keep a record of the conversation.
Accessibility – the website has been designed so that people who are visually
impaired can zoom in and out on images and text. You can do this by clicking
CTRL and scroll up on the mouse .Also the colour makes the site more
accessible because it is a strong colour on a white background which is a
strong contrast which makes it easy to read.
Performance- The website loads up fast when I open it. Even though its got
lots of images and videos it still loads up very quickly. The images have
reduced in size to reduce the file size because the videos don’t play
automatically meaning they don’t load up when you load up a page.
Strengths of the St. Helens
R.F.C website

• A strength is the website presentation. The colours of the website

stand out with the red being easier to read on the white
background The fonts are unfussy and quite masculine. If the font
size wasn’t big enough you wouldn’t be able to read it and the
target audience would go somewhere else. The website is
predominately red and white which are the teams colours this
helps the brand

• The use of videos and podcast makes the website more interactive.
Images are formatted as JPEGS this means they load faster. The
benefit for me from using this site is a quicker service.

• Another strength is the E-commerce because the merchandise can

be bought from different parts of the world this will make people
more likely to use the website.
• Without this feature people would not be able to purchase the
branded merchandise as easily.
• The website is simple and clear for users and is easy to navigate.
Weaknesses of the St. Helens website

A weakness is that there is no search bar. This means it will take me

longer to search for things while using the website. If I could change the
website I would add a search bar then it will be quicker to search for
example the latest news on the website

Another weaknesses is that there wasn’t enough videos on the website

for fans to view. Maybe however if they put too many videos on the
website it will slow down the website.

Perhaps the animated banner changes too slowly users who use this site
will get bored and might leave the site. To correct this I could make the
animated banner move more quickly to stop users of the website getting
bored and not revisiting the site .
Website number 2

The official website link for

Target audience – the target audience for

amazon this is aimed at all ages as people buy
different items and read about different items
while using the site also people can leave
comments and reviews and also create account
why on the website.
It is a E-Commerce.
Features of the game website

One feature is that the amazon website has a search bar which makes
it easier for people to use.
• Another feature is that the amazon website has a shopping basket
on which makes it easier for shoppers who use this website because
they can drag and drop the items they have bought.
Features of the amazon website

Another feature is that the amazon website contains a banner this is

because people can see what latest deals are on the site when clicking
on the banner it is a personal hotspot.

• Another feature is that it has a drop down menu when

signing in because it makes it easier to access your
own personal information.
How the features improve the
Presentation – the presentation on the amazon website makes it look eye catching and a good simple
colour scheme it has a search bar, drop down menu.
• Usability – the amazon website is easy to use and also has many features including search bar and drop down
menu . It is easy to use when having a search bar on the amazon website because you can type in
information you want to search if a search bar wasn’t on this site it would much harder to search for
information it means you would have to look all over the site for the information you will be looking for.

• Accessibility - this website lets you zoom in and out which is useful for people with poor eye sight this is useful
because people with poor eye sight would be able to zoom in and see the writing or image more easily. Also
you can tab though the website without using the mouse this is a much quicker way because you can type
things into the search bar this is alternative if you cant use the mouse.
• Performance - the website loads up very quickly and if you click on a hotspot it swiftly takes you to the
information. The images are resized on the website which means they have a small file size which means the
page loads quickly because there is less to download
• Presentation – the colours on the amazon website stand out on the website this is because the colour design is
very good to separate the website into 3 different sections. The layout is great because there isn’t loads of
images and isn’t to much information this means it is easier to understand. The use of the sections and colours
make the website easy to use because they break it up and the colours draw your attention to the images
and products
Strengths and weaknesses

• A strength of the amazon website is speed because
everything loads really quickly. Also there is a drop
down menu which loads up very quickly and takes
you to your personal account of information.
• Another strength is that because it loads very
quickly it will attract more customers and make
them stay on the site and keep buying more items
from the website .
• A weakness of the amazon website is the banner
because it doesn’t automatically move which is a Another weakness on the amazon
issue because most people are to lazy to click the website would be the over use of
banner because it isn’t animated. A strength for electronic and computer images
this weaknesses would be to edit and make the on the home page. The user may
animated banner interactive I could make a free feel that it only deals with
animated banner online. electronics and computers and not realise they sell any other
product s. for example the
• Another weaknesses of this website is the drop animated banner and many hot
down menu for the various departments because spots relate to these products. I
it is too small and people with poor eyesight might would advertise a different range
over look it. To make this easier to see it could of products on the animated
be made larger and more into the centre of the banner for example jeans.
The colours used in the website
design are grey and hard silver
which is quite masculine. To make
this a strength I would produce
different hotspots which aren’t all
linked to computer's and a less
masculine colour scheme

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