Health Effects

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Air Quality Overview

What is Air Pollution?

“Airborne particles and gases occurring in concentrations that
endanger the health and well-being of organisms or disrupt the orderly
functioning of the environment.” – Lutgens and Tarbuck

Air pollutants are broken down into two categories:

•Primary Pollutants
•Secondary Pollutants

“Setting Sun at Ivry” Jean Guillaumin 1869

Primary Pollutants
Primary Pollutants are airborne particles that are emitted directly from
identifiable sources. These tiny structures are known collectively as Particulate
matter (PM). Once suspended in either air or water, the mixture of the two
becomes known as an Aerosol.
• Combustion Processes
• Chemical Processes
• Nuclear or Atomic Processes
• Roasting, Heating and Refining
• Mining, Quarrying and Farming

• Volcanoes
• Breaking Seas
• Pollens and Terpenes
• Fire
• Blowing Dust
• Bacteria and Viruses
Airborne Particles
The tiny structures being emitted by primary polluters are known collectively as
Particulate Matter (PM). Once suspended in either air or water, the mixture of the
two becomes known as an Aerosol.
Secondary Pollutants
Secondary Pollutants are not emitted directly into the
air, but form in the atmosphere from reactions taking
place between primary pollutants.

• SMOG (Smoke + Fog)

• VOG (Volcanic + Smog)
• Ground Level Ozone
Volcanic Smog
Tropospheric Ozone: “Bad” Ozone
•Other 10% of Atmospheric Ozone
•Forms close to the ground when
Hydrocarbons and Nitrogen Oxides react
with sunlight.
•Detrimental to human respiratory health
•Slows and alters growth of many species
of plants

Stratospheric Ozone: “GOOD”

•Contains 90% of atmospheric ozone
•Primary “Shield” for UV Radiation from
•Produced by UV rays interacting with
How are these pollutants spread?
“Dilution is the solution to

Wind causes bodies of polluted air

to spread out across the Earth.

When winds are high, these

bodies are spread out over larger
areas, leading to a lower
concentration of pollutants.

When winds are low, these bodies

sit and stagnate over a smaller
area leading to localized pockets
of more concentrated pollution.
Quantity of Pollutants being emitted
EPA standards Timeline
Equation and group solving
Health Effects of
Air Pollution
Criteria Air Pollutants
 Gases: O3, CO, NOx, Sox
 Particles: PM2.5, Pb
 NAAQS from US Federal Clean Air Act
 Primary standards: protect public health, including
“sensitive” populations
 Secondary standards: protect public welfare Hazardous Air
Pollutants: Hg, dioxins, etc
 Regulated under 1990 CAA Amendments
 Some other important health aspects
 Bioaerosols, medicinal purposes
Exposure to Air Pollutants
 Chronic
 Acute
 Air Pollution Episode – short-term increase
 Dependent on local conditions
 Epidemiological studies
 Statistical relationship between
environmental factors and human disease
 Population susceptibility or change
 Latency period
 Lung cancer – up to 30 years
 Toxicological studies Smog Episode in New York City, 1963
 Determine effects of toxic substances National Archives, photo by Chester Higgins

 Pollutant interactions
Respiratory System
 Natural protection mechanisms
(for particles)
 Naso-pharyngeal (HAR)
 Nose hairs (filter particles)
 Cough, Sneeze
 Mouth breathing vs nasal

 Tracheo-bronchial (TBR)
 Mucociliary “escalator”
 Bronchial constriction
 Pulmonary-Alveolar (GER)
 Macrophages (phagocytosis)
 No cilia in Alveoli

Question: Do the natural protection mechanisms

protect against toxic gases such as CO, O3, SO2 ?
Respiratory Particle Cleaning Mechanisms

Clearance Site Cleaned Rate of

Mechanism Cleaning

Cough Trachea, brochus Instantaneous

Ciliary Large Bronchi 0.5 hr

bronchiole tree 3 hrs
Bronchiole airways 6 hrs
macrophages Alveoli (air sacs) 24 hrs
lymphatics Lung tissue Months,years
Criteria Air Pollutants:
Particulate Matter PM
 Small solid/liquid aerosol particles that remain
suspended in air
 Causes: materials handling, combustion processes,
gas conversion reactions
 Main sources: industrial processes, coal and oil
burning, diesel motor vehicles
Primary Stds.
Pollutant Averaging Times Secondary Stds.
(human health)
Particulate Replaced with Annual
Matter (PM10) PM 2.5 (Arith. Mean)
150 µg/m 24-hour
Particulate 15.0 µg/m Annual Same as Primary
Matter (PM2.5) (Arith. Mean)
35 µg/m 24-hour
Criteria Air Pollutants: Particulate
 Following inhalation: two possible fates
 Deposition or Exhalation
 Particle Fate depends upon:
 Aerodynamic & physiological behavior (human being)
 Methods of Particle Deposition
 Interception, Inertial Impaction, Brownian Diffusion, Electrostatic
Attraction, Gravitational Settling
Criteria Air Pollutants: Particulate Matter
 Wheezing & coughing to heart attacks and death
 TSP (Total Suspended Particles)
 In presence of SO2, direct correlation between TSP and
hospital visits for bronchitis, asthma, emphysema,
pneumonia, and cardiac disease
 Studies suggest ~60,000 deaths from PM
 1% increase in mortality for10 mg/m3 increase in PM
 Respiratory mortality up 3.4% for the same Cardiovascular
mortality up 1.4% for the same
Criteria Air Pollutants: Particulate Matter
 PM10 dp <10 mm, coarse (2.5-10 mm) & fine particles
 Particles > 10 mm mostly deposited in nasal-pharangycal
 PM2.5 (<2.5 mm, fine particles)
 Serious health effects in alveolar/gas exchange region
 shift in EPA regulation changed PM10 to PM2.5
Toxic or Carcinogenic – pesticides, lead, arsenic, radioactive material
8% Increase in lung cancer for each 10 mg/m3 increase in PM2.5
Criteria Air Pollutant: Particulate Matter
 Asthma
 14 Americans die/day of asthma
(3 times greater than 20 yrs ago)
 More medicine, more doctor & hospital visits
 more health care costs

 Particulate episodes in presence of SO2

(“Killer Smogs”)
 1930: Meuse Valley in Belgium – 60 deaths
 1948: Donora, Pennsylvania - 20 deaths
 1952: “Lethal London Smog”- 12,000 deaths
Criteria Air Pollutants:
Carbon Monoxide CO
 Colorless, odorless, tasteless gas “Silent Killer”
 Cause: incomplete combustion of carbon based fuels
 Source: transportation sector, residential heating units
 NAAQS regulates CO in outdoor air
 OSHA (50 ppm CO averaged over 8-hour period)
Pollutant Primary Stds. Secondary Stds.
Carbon 9 ppm 8-hour None
Monoxide 3
(10 milligram/m )
35 ppm 1-hour None
(40 milligrams/m )
Criteria Air Pollutants:
Carbon Monoxide CO
 Reacts with blood hemoglobin
 Forms carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO)
rather than oxyhemoglobin (HbO2)
 Prevents oxygen transfer
 Toxic effects on humans
 Low-level: cardiovascular & neurobehavior
 Headaches/nausea/fatigue/ death
 Oxygen deficient to vulnerable people
(anemia, chronic heart or lung disease,
high altitude residents, smokers)
 Cigarette smoke: 400-450 ppm; smoker’s
blood 5-10% HbCO vs 2% for non-
Criteria Air Pollutants:
Carbon Monoxide CO
 Concern in homes
- Install CO monitor
 No indoor CO regulations
 >70 ppm  flu-like symptoms
(w/out fever)
 150-200 ppm  disorientation,
drowsiness, vomiting
 >300 ppm  unconsciousness,
brain damage, death
 500 Americans die/year from
unintentional CO poisoning
 Treatment: fresh air, oxygen
therapy, hyperbaric chamber
Criteria Air Pollutants:
Ozone O3
 Cause: atmospheric photochemical reaction
 Reactants: Hydrocarbons & Nitrogen Oxides
 NAAQS .08 ppm or 80 ppb 8 hr average
.12 ppm or 120 ppb 1 hr average
 Acute Health effects
 Severe ear/nose/throat irritation
 Eye irritation at 100 ppb ozone
 Interferes with lung functions
 Coughing at 2 ppm ozone
 Chronic Health Effects
 Irreversible, accelerated lung damage
 Why do we use ozone as disinfectant for water and
wastewater treatment?
Criteria Air Pollutants:
Nitrogen Oxides NOx
 Cause: Fuel combustion at high temps
 Source: mobile & stationary combustion sources
 Prolonged exposure  pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema, and
higher lower respiratory tract illness in children
 NAAQS = Annual Average 0.053 ppm as NO2
 Toxic effects at 10-30 ppm NOx
 Nose and eye irritation
 Lung tissue damage
 Pulmonary edema (swelling)
 Bronchitis
 Defense mechanisms
 Pneumonia
 Aggravate existing heart disease
Criteria Air Pollutants: Sulfur Oxides SOx
 Cause: Burning fuel that contains sulfur
 Source: Electric power generation, diesel trucks
 Gas and particulate phase
 Soluble and absorbed by respiratory system
 NAAQS = 0.14 ppm 24 hr average
 Short-term intermittent exposures
 Broncho-constriction (temporary breathing difficulty)
 Ear/Nose/Throat irritation
 Mucus secretion

 Long-term exposures
 Respiratory illness
 Aggravates existing heart disease

 Intensified in presence of Particulate Matter

 London “Killer” Smog health effects were combination of the two air
pollutants (SOx and aerosol particles)
Criteria Air Pollutants: Lead (Pb)
 Source: burning fuels that contain lead
(phased out), metal processing, waste
incinerators, lead smelters, lead paint

 Absorbed into blood; similar to calcium

 NAAQS = 1.5 mg/m3 Pb Quarterly Average
 Kellog Idaho Lead smelter emissions caused
children in region to have lower IQ and brain
effects (UW CEE grad was EPA engineer in
charge of cleanup at this site).

 Accumulates in blood, bones, muscles, fat

 Damages organs – kidneys, liver, brain,
reproductive system, bones (osteoporosis)
 Brain and nervous system – seizures, mental
retardation, behavioral disorders, memory
problems, mood changes,
 Young children - lower IQ, learning disabilities
 Heart and blood – high blood pressure and
increased heart disease
 Chronic poisoning possible
What is “Air Quality”?
The term “Air Quality” can have many different definitions:
•“A measure of the condition of air relative to the requirements of one or more biotic
species and or to any human need or purpose.”
•“A measurement of pollutants in the air.”
•“A description of the healthiness of the air.”

Descriptions of Air Quality can be both

quantitative and qualitative.

Air Quality is a term that is

constantly changing over time.

All of the various definitions seek to

link and describe the relationship
between various concentrations of
pollutants in the air with the health
of human beings.
AQI Air Health Implications
0–50 Excellent No health implications.
51–100 Good Few hypersensitive individuals should reduce outdoor exercise
101–150 Lightly Slight irritations may occur, individuals with breathing or heart
Polluted problems should reduce outdoor exercise.

151–200 Moderately Slight irritations may occur, individuals with breathing or heart
Polluted problems should reduce outdoor exercise.

201–300 Heavily Healthy people will be noticeably affected. People with breathing
Polluted or heart problems will experience reduced endurance in activities.
These individuals and elders should remain indoors and restrict
300+ Severely Healthy people will experience reduced endurance in activities.
Polluted There may be strong irritations and symptoms and may trigger
other illnesses. Elders and the sick should remain indoors and
avoid exercise. Healthy individuals should avoid out door activities.
Criteria Air Pollutants: Air Quality Index (AQI)
 AQI is the highest magnitude of the PM,
SO2, CO, and O3 individual Index values
AQI Air Quality 24 hr PM2.5 24 hr SO2 8 hr CO 8 hr O3
Value (mg/m3 ) (ppm ) (ppm) (ppm)
0-50 Good 0-15.4 0.0 - .034 0.0-4.4 .000-.064
51-100 Moderate 15.5-40.4 .035-.144 4.5-9.4 .065-.084
101-150 Unhealthy to 40.5-65.4 .145-.224 9.5-12.4 .085-.104
151-200 Unhealthy 65.5-150.4 .225-.304 12.5-15.4 .105-.124
201-300 Very Unhealthy 150.5-250.4 .305-.604 15.5-30.4 .125-.374
NAAQS 35 µg/m3 0.14 ppm 9 ppm .08 ppm
 Equation for Calculating an Air Pollutant AQI Index Value

 I Hi  I Lo 
I P   Cp  BPLo   I Lo
 BPHi  BPLo 
Ip  Index magnitude for air pollutant P
Cp  concentrat ion for pollutant P
I Hi  AQI value correspond ing to BPHi
I Lo  AQI value correspond ing to BPLo
BPHi  breakpoint that is greater than Cp
BPLo  breakpoint that is less than Cp
Calculate the AQ Index of air that contains 0.077 O3 (8 hr average), 8.4
ppm CO (8-hr average), & 54.4 mg/m3 PM 2.5 Particles (24-hour average)

 100  51 
I ozone   .077  .065 ppm   51  82
 0.084  .065 ppm 
 100  51 
I CO   8.4  4.5 ppm   51  90
 9.4  4.5 ppm 
 150  101 
I PM2.5  54.4  40.5  101  128
 65.4  40.5 

The index calculated for the air pollutant PM2.5 is the

highest magnitude so the Air Quality Index = 128
Hazardous Air Pollutant HAP:
Mercury Hg
 Elemental Hg inhaled as a vapor,
absorbed by lungs
 Cause: vaporized mercury
 Sources: coal combustion, accidental
spill, mining (teeth silver fillings)
 Effects: Nervous system (acute, high),
respiratory system (chronic, low),
kidneys, skin, eyes, immune system;
Mutagenic properties
 Symptoms
 Acute: chills, nausea, chest pains/tightness,
cough, gingivitis, general malaise
 Chronic: weakness, fatigue, weight loss,
tremor, behavioral changes
Hazardous Air Pollutant Dioxins
 Generic term for several chemicals that are
highly persistent in the environment
 chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs)
 chlorinated dibenzofurans (CDFs)
 certain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

 Cause: burning hydrocarbons in presence of

chlorine or chlorides

 Sources: waste incinerators

 Notice the Chlorine atoms on the benzene ring
type molecules (probably all these type 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran
compounds are carcinogenic)

 Does using Chlorine to treat drinking water

result in the formation of carcinogenic

Hazardous Air Pollutant: Dioxins

 Varying toxicity
 Problems with high exposures
 Exact effects of low exposures
not known

 Health Effects
 Carcinogenic
Comparative Photos Showing Ukraine’s  Some are “known human
Viktor Yushchenko Immediately Prior carcinogen” (2,3,7,8
To And Immediately Following Dioxin TCDD)
Poisoning  Other dioxins are “reasonably anticipated to be a Human
(Note: this is an extreme case of dioxin Carcinogen”
poisoning)  Reproductive and
developmental effects
 Chloracne
Other Aerosols: Bioaerosols
 Aerosols with organic origin
 Non-viable: pollen, dander, insect
excreta, sea salt
 Viable: microorganisms
 Cause: aerosolization of organic
 Sources:
 Human: sneezing, coughing
 wind, waves, Waste water
treatment plants,cooling towers

 Health Effects: allergies (pollen)

to death (pathogenic organisms)
Mechanical aeration at
 Pathogenic – Minimum Infectious
Waste water treatment plant Dose
Other Aerosols: Bioaerosols
 Allergies
 Pollen, dander, fungi (spores)

 Airborne transmission of
 Bird flu, SARS, Legionnella
 Indoor Air Quality
 Ventilation Systems – moist
ductwork, protection, recycled air
 Office Buildings – Sick Building
 Hospital (nosocomial) Morning Glory Pollen SEM
University of West GA Microscopy Center
 Biological Warfare

 Anthrax, Ebola virus

Other Aerosols: Medicinal Applications
 Purposely applied medicine
 Take advantage of lung’s large surface
area of the thin membrane of alveolar air
sacs through which aerosol particles
(especially liquid solutions) easily pass into
the blood.
 Asthma
 Inhaler
 Diabetes
 Pfizer uses Insulin

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