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Filipino Aims, Aspirations and


 The aims, goals and

aspiration of Filipino in
general converge around the
following value theme arrange
in the order of importance.
1. Social Acceptance
is enjoyed when one is taken
by ones fellows for what he is
or believes he is, and is treated
in accordance with his status. It
is desire to be accepted by the
significant others.
 Smooth Interpersonal Relation
 Pakikisama- is the desire to please and
to avoid hurting others.
 Euphemism- The Substitution of an
inoffensive expression for a word or
phrase which may otherwise offend or
suggest something unpleasant.
Sensitivity to Personal Affront

 sensitive to attacks on their own

self-esteem and cultivate a
sensitivity to the self-esteem of
others as well. Anything that might
hurt another's self-esteem is to be
avoided or else one risks
terminating the relationship.
 Hiya- means more than mere
embarrassment or shame; it
means the uncomfortable feeling
of being found in an unacceptable
position or doing something not
socially acceptable. Hiya makes a
person sensitive to other people’s
Amor Propio - (Self- Esteem)
Utang na Loob – “In Debt of
○Is response to a favor of help
extended to a person that is
impossible to quantify. -Failure
to respond will hurt the person's
feelings and insults.
2. Economic Security
satisfaction of material
things that are needed to
decrease one's material
 Contractual Reciprocity
○ One in which the parties enter into
mutual engagements.
 Utang na loob Reciprocity
○ Every service received, favor
or treatment accomplished,
has something in return
3. Social Mobility
 Involvesthe desire of every
individual to improve either
economically or socially.

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