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(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol) is the basic communication language
or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used
as a communications protocol in a private
network (either an intranet or an extranet).
When two systems are exchanging data , each
layer communicates with its corresponding
layer in the partner system.
Structure of an Internet
Internet consists of a set of interconnected
networks implementing the TCP/IP protocol.
The basic components of an internet :
TCP/IP Client Server Model
Each participant in the internet is a client.
Each resource on the internet is located on a
server somewhere in the world.
Client Server and the Internet
On the internet / www, the client program that
formulates a query is implemented by a
Servers that respond to web browsers are called
web servers. Both are communicating using
the http protocol.
Intranet/Internet Client/Server
Web server
IP Network Addressing
In order for data to be delivered to the proper
host, each host must have a unique, address.
IP provides an addressing scheme that uses a
32 bit field.
The addresses are translated for human use to
the dotted-decimal format with each 8 bits
being expressed as a decimal and each
decimal followed by a dot.
IP Address Classes
The address has two components:
Network ID- Host ID
Class A address
Class B address
Class C address
Name Translation Process
When an application wants to send some
information it hands the data tcp.
After appending error detection information, TCP
gives the data to IP to send into the network.
IP must have the actual numeric address to put in
the packet.
The TCP/IP architecture provides a process for
discovering the IP address of a domain name .
That process is called domain naming services.
Requests for Comments (RFCs)
Although TCP/IP it was officially implemented
starting in the late 70s, it is a dynamic set of
protocols. It is continuously being updated
and expanded. The update process is called

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