Learning English Is Having A Fun

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‫ْالسَّ َالمُ َع َل ْي ُك ْم َو َر ْح ََم ُُ هلل ِ َوََ ََ ََتُُ ُه‬


BY :


Personal Identity:

Name : Abdul Kodir Al-Baekani, S.Pd M.Pd.

University : UNINDRA
Age : 31
Marital Status : Married
Hobby : Badminton/Futsal
Cell Phone : 085693713745
Email : akodir.albaekani@staff.unsika.ac.id
Course Description:

Matakuliah Bahasa Inggris bertujuan untuk membantu Mahasiswa

mampu memahami pengetahuan grammar atau structure dan
menerapkannya dalam kalimat-kalimat berbahasa Inggris yang
dilatihkan melalui kemahiran dalam reading comprehension dan writing
guna memahami berbagai referensi berbahasa INggris dalam
menunjang pemahaman pada berbagai keilmuan yang dipelajarai
Purpose of the Course (Learning Goals)
The language course aims to help students to:
1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami Part of Speech
2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami kalimat dan jenis-jenis
3. Mahasiswa mampu Memahami bacaan teks berbahasa
Inggris serta serta memahami struktur atau grammar
Sequence of Topics
1. RPS dan Kontrak Perkuliahan
2. Nouns (thing or person)
3. Pronouns (replaces a noun)
4. Verbs (action or state)
5. Adjective (describe a noun)
6. Adverbs (describe a verb)
7. Prepositions (links a noun to another word)
8. Mid Test
9. Conjunctions/Auxiliary
10. Interjections /Article
11. Simple Sentence and Compound Sentence
12. Complex Sentence and Compound-Complex Sentence
13. Reading Comprehension and Tenses (Descriptive)
14. Reading Comprehension and Tenses (Narrative Text)
15. Reading Comprehension and Tenses (Narrative Text)
16. Final Test
Evaluation (Grading System):

Attendance 15%
Assignment 15%
Mid Test 30%
Final Test 40%
• Kurikulum
• Alat Bantu

Students Lulusan



Written assignment : Grammar and Writing

Audio Assignment : Speaking
English vocabulary learning

Many people think that knowing a lot of words is a key

to fluent speaking. It's true! However, there are many
people who have wide idiolect and problem with fluency.
They try to learn more and more words because they think
vocabulary is their problem. They don't realize the problem
is somewhere else. They always try to use exact
translation of the word they want to use, but it causes that
they often get stuck.
Learn English by practice

Of course the best way of practice are English

conversations with other people. You can find some people
who want to talk to you online on our website. We
recommend to contact with other person using
communicator which provides voice chat (like Skype).
However, in case you don't have possibility to use such, it's
better to practice by standard chatting than not practicing
at all.

So the most important thing you have to remember is:

The more you practice, the more fluent your English

speaking is
Giving a Great Self Introduction Speech

A self introduction speech is often called for

at a first meeting of a group. It could be a
work based seminar, a hobby group, your
new class at the start of the term...The
possibilities are endless.
Let's look at the elements that go together to
make a good self-introductory speech.
1. Stating your name clearly
2. Placing yourself - where you are from, the organization
you belong to, the position you currently hold
3. Background - what can you share that is related to the
group's core purpose for meeting? Is it an event,
experience, a particular skill or educational
4. Interest, passion or goal - what particularly interests
you? What drives you? What is the personal goal you
want to achieve within this group?
5. Sharing personal details - hobbies or pet peeves

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