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dr. Herdiantri Sufriyana
 Protein  peptida  asam amino
 Struktural
 Gen
 Enzim
 Hormon
 Lipid
 Trigliserida
 Kolesterol
 Asam lemak
 Glikogen
 Liporotein
 Karbohidrat  gula
 Oksigen
 Bio-polymers that catalyze chemical reaction
 Breakdown of nutrients to supply energy and
chemical building blocks
 The assembly of those building blocks into
proteins, DNA, membranes, cells, and tissues
 Harnessing of energy to power cell motility,
neural function, and muscle contraction.
 1. Oxidoreductases (catalyze oxidations and
 2. Transferases (catalyze transfer of moieties
such as glycosyl, methyl, or phosphoryl groups)
 3. Hydrolases (catalyze hydrolytic cleavage of
C—C, C—O, C—N, and other bonds)
 4. Lyases catalyze cleavage of C—C, C—O, C—N,
and other bonds by atom elimination, leaving
double bonds
 5. Isomerases (catalyze geometric or structural
changes within a molecule)
 6. Ligases (catalyze the joining together of two
molecules coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP)
 oxidation is defined as the removal of
 reduction as the gain of electrons.
 Oxidation is always accompanied by
reduction of an electron acceptor.

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