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Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

and its Application in Bogor’s Landslide Mapping

Wina Fitria Dewi Marieta

Magister Fisika
Landslide can be predicted

Caused : Rainfall Intensity

Bogor : High Rainfall Intensity


Geology Factors and Population

-> Infrastuctures and Fasilities
Indonesia is a multihazard country Fulfillment -> Use of Marginal

2/3 life loss,

Loss of property Mitigation required

Zoning Maps Production Of

Landslide- Prone Regions

Source : BNPB 2012

Wondering, Why use SIG?

Mapping location of the landslide prone ideally prepared

based on field surveys

ineffective – efficient

Parameter of Landslide – prone Modeling of landslide prone locations



Various data at a certain point on

Answer the Questions
earth are connected, combined, and
Related to Location and
analyzed and map out the results.
What is GIS?
How does it work?
“Computer-based systems used to manage and analyze geographic
information” (Aronof, 1989)

SIG are depends on:

1. hardware Computer; Mouse; Digitizer; Printer, Plotter dan Scanner

2. Software Arcview 3.2 (Does not support many file types and low customization);
ArcGIS 9.3 (Update and user friendly); Mapinfo (It anable to analyse the
spatial overlay)
3. Geographic Data

In form of data and spatial Information ; Consists of vector and raster data.
4. Human Source


5. Methods
Depends on the Application
Subsystem of SIG

Scanning (Continued graph -> Discrete graph; raster

1 form)
Data entry Digitalization (Analog graph -> digital graph; vector
Tabulation (Map information or region is entered)
Data Manjemen Data base preparation, data standardization, quality
control, etc.
Manipulation and Provide new possibilities.
Data Analysis Example: Editing for data updating
Spatial interpolation
Overlapping the Modeling map

4 Input : New spatial information

Output Presented in hard copy
Attention to cartography aspect
“landslide is the movement of rock, earth, or debris down a sloped
section of land”

Fr Occured when driving force (Fd) > Retaining force (Fr)

Trigger factors of landslide:

1. Natural Factors
2. Human Factors
1. Earthquakes (volcanic activity, fractures and earth shell
1. Slope cutting and scouring by the water 2. Rainfall (which can lead to flooding and erosion)
channel on the cliff, 3. Previous landslide area
2. Flabby Soil is trigged by changes of wetland 4. Soils are flabby, fine grains and saturated with rain water
structure. 5. Cracks due to natural processes.
3. Cracks caused by engine vibrations, 6. Soil Water content
explosions, and other artificial interference
4. The soil is less dense due to urugan
material, over land function
Parameters that affect the Landslide

Rainfall Intensity Types of Rock Slope

Vulnerability of
Land Cover Types Of Soil Ground Movement
Map Of Map Of Maps Of Map Of Digital Map Of Digital Ground
Map Of Slope Digital Digital Soil Digital Rainfall Land Cover Motion Vulnerability
Geology Types

Clasification Of Clasification Clasification Clasification Of Clasification Of Clasification Of Ground

Slope Of Rock Type Of Soil Types Rainfall Land Cover Motion Vulnerability

High Scoring = high the landslide

Scoring potential occurs

Overlay Using ArcGIS 9.3

Data Analysis Landslide prone maps


Southern climate: type A (very wet)

Western climate: type B (wet)
Temperature: 20-30 degrees
Average temperature: 25 degrees
Rainfall: 2500-5000 mm / year
G gede, G Pangrango, G Halimun, G Salak

Intensity and distribution are influenced by surrounding mountainous factors

Parameter Class Bobot Skor

Rainfall (mm / yr) Area (Ha) % Rainfall (mm/yr) 20%
2000 -< 3000 21573 7 Very Wet (>=4000) 5

3000 -< 4000 110409 37 Wet (3000 -< 4000) 4

>= 4000 167445 56 Medium (2000-<3000) 3

Total (Ha) 299428 Dry (1000-<2000) 2

Very dry (<1000) 1
Sumber : BBSDLP 2009
The map of rainfall intensity in Bogor
Type of Rocks

The properties of rocks are influenced by: structure and texture, mineral
content, combination of base plane, weather conditions and
sedimentation and permeability

Based on the occurrence, it falls into 3 Types:

• Unresolved volcanic rocks

Volcanic rock
• High of landslides sensitivity
• Consists of young volcano rocks, old volcanoes, and intrusive rocks

Sedimentary rocks • The rocks formed from the aquatic environment until the rocks are lifted
into the land
• Medium of landslides sensitivity
• Consist of tertiary and limestone rock
Alluvial rocks • The rock formed from sediment on geodynamic process
• Low of landslides sensitivity
• Consist of surface sedimentary rocks

Type of rock map in Bogor District

Parameter class weight Skor
Sensitivity to landslide 25%
high of landslides sensitivity 5
medium of landslides 3
low of landslides sensitivity 1

Type of rock Area (Ha)

Batuan gamping 7279
Batuan intrusi 8863
Batuan tersier 20462
Endapan permukaan 71858
Gunung api muda 142389
Gunung api tua 48559
Total (Ha) 299428
Sumber : BBSDLP 2009
Type of Soil

Aluvial soil • The soil formed from sedimentation of soil

• low of landslides sensitivity

• The soil formed from the process of vulcanism

Andosol soil • high of landslides sensitivity

Podsolik soil • The soil from many basic materials containing

mineral quartz
• high of landslides sensitivity

Latosol soil • Formed from weathering of sedimentary and

metamorphic rocks
• low of landslides sensitivity
Grumosol soil • Soil formed from a smooth material of clay, when dry it will be
shrunken, and when it wet it will be sticky
• low of landslides sensitivity

Regosol soil • Soil formed from the primer material of volcanic ash sand
• high of landslides sensitivity

Litosol/Laterit soil • Soil formed from igneous rocks from volcanic eruption and hars
sediment which the chemical weathering (with the aid of living
organisms) and their physics (with the aid of sunlight and rain) are
• low of landslides sensitivity

Hidromorf soil • Soil formed from the weathering of acid sediments that are
often inundated byvolcanic acid and sandstone
• high of landslides sensitivity


The map of soil types in Bogor

Parameter class Bobot Skor Type of solid Area (Ha)
Sensitivity of landslide 10%
Aluvial 28423
high of landslides 5
sensitivity Andosol 3259

medium of landslides 3 Assosiasi latosol merah latosol coklat kemerahan 74666

sensitivity Assosiasi andosol regosol 2979
low of landslides 1 Assosiasi latosol coklat latosol kekuningan 9190
Assosiasi latosol coklat latosol kemerahan 22296
Assosiasi latosol coklat regosol 22968
Assosiasi podsilik kuning hidromorf kelabu 1921
Gromosol 15975
Komp latosol merah kekuningan latosol coklat kemerahan dan litososl 45661
Komp latosol merah kekuningan podsolik merah kekuningan 9867
Podsolik merah kekukingan 32289
Podsolik kekuningan 11878
Podsolik merah 9990
Regosol 8065
Sumber : BBSDLP 2009 Total (Ha) 299428

Based on the results of the digital elevation model, the slope of Bogor can be classified into:

Slope Area (Ha) % Parameter Class Weight Score

Slope 20%
0-8 165372 55 Flat land
0-8 1
8-15 45058 15 Declivous land
8-15 2
15-25 43166 14 Sheer land
15-25 3
24-45 42269 14 Steep land
24-45 4
>45 3564 1 Very steep >45 5
Total (Ha) 299428

The more steep the slope the more potential the landslide

The steeper the slope, the pressure from above will be

greater so that it tends to be unstable because it holding
the load above. Sumber : BBSDLP 2009
The map of Land slope in Bogor
Land Cover

Land cover is indirectly related to soilstability, control of

water saturation, as well as the bond strength of soil

Land cover in an area closely related to economic conditions

and the type of people who live in those regions

Parameter Class of Weight Score

Land Cover 10%
Paddy fields 5
Shrubs 4
Hutan dan perkebunan 3
Permukiman 2
Tambak, waduk, perairan 1
Sumber : BBSDLP 2009
Tipe Luas %
Penutupan (Ha)
Hutan 43726 14,6
Kebun 64366 21,5
Ladang/Teg 33797 11,29
Pemukiman 40773 13,62
Rawa 91 0,03
Sawah 61651 20,59
Semak/Belu 52512 17,54
Tambak/Em 21 0,01
Tubuh Air 2489 0,83
Total (Ha) 299428

Sumber : BBSDLP 2009 Map of Land cover in Bogor

Vulnerability of
Ground Motion
Associated with the location of an
area which located in the active
Sumber : BBSDLP 2009 Bobot 15%
geological zone, consequently the
frequency of movement of the Vulnerability zone of ground Area (Ha) % Score
ground is high movement
River 1187 0,4 1
Vulnerability zone of midle ground 118650 39,63 4
Vulnerability zone of low ground 86085 28,75 3
Vulnerability zone of very low ground 59209 19,77 2
Areas outside the active movement
geological zone as Vulnerability zone of high ground 8972 3 5
consequence the frequency of movement
ground movement is rare Outside the zone 25325 8,46
Total (Ha) 299428
The map of Vulnerability of Ground Movement in Bogor
total score = 0,2FCH+0,25FJB+0,2FKL+0,1FPL+0,1FJT+0,15FKT

FCH = rainfall intensity factor

FJB = type of rock factor
FKL = slope factor
FPL = landcover factor
FJT = type of solid factor
FKT = vulnerability of ground motion
Peta Kerawanan Tanah Longsor Kabupaten Bogor
Low vulnerability of landslide medium vulnerability of landslide high vulnerability of landslide

• Low level of vurnability (low • medium level of vurnability • High level of vurnability (high
probability of landslide) (medium probability of landslide) probability of landslide)
• Slope : 0-8% until 8-15% • Slope : 0-8% until 25-45% • Slope : 15-25% until >45%
• 94991Ha (31,7%) • 173309Ha (57,8%) • 31127Ha (10,396%)

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